Shirou almost threw Hakuno out of his arms in fright.

Shinji is a girl?

"Ahem, don't scare me."

"Yes, did I get it wrong?"

Shirou rolled his eyes at him: "Of course! How could Shinji be a girl?"

Shirou and Shinji met probably when they were in junior high school. At that time, they were bullied by malicious seniors when they moved things, so Shenji said something because he couldn't see it.The words are naturally vulgar, and almost every sentence like calling Shirou an idiot appears.But he kindly helped Shirou.

Later, those seniors seemed to have disappeared from the world, and he never saw them again.

Shirou was still very young back then, so he didn't guess what method Shinji used, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he's still a little terrified.

He knows Shen Er well, he can't go together for five years, he doesn't know Shen Er is a girl, right?

"Then why does he have the cuteness characteristic of girls, that is, cuteness?" Gao Wen asked suspiciously.

Shirou didn't know how to speak for a while, but Bai Ye brutally told the truth.

"A girl's arrogance is called cute, but a boy's arrogance is just not worth it."

"So that's how it is." Gao Wen expressed that he had learned it, "Are all girls cute? What is the cuteness of Lady Bai Ye?"

This time, Shirou was in a difficult situation again.

He has been with Bai Ye for a long time, even if he is cute, he seems to solidify that into his inner attributes, so he really hasn't thought much about what attracts him to Bai Ye.

Besides, the people at home are enough for him to have a headache.It seems that it is not very good to mess with flowers and grass outside.

"Well, even if it doesn't, as long as it's cute, isn't that all right..."

Hakuno stared at Shirou without saying a word.But Shirou couldn't ignore the scorching gaze.It was a gaze that could cook meat, comparable to that of Karna.

Based on Shirou's understanding of her, the eyes seemed to be opened wider than usual.

Are you angry?

"Ahem, there are actually some, for example, for example... Well, at least the sense of existence is very weak! And the three no, the ability to complain is amazing, and you can always choke you speechless with a single sentence. This is all what!"

"Oh, is that so?" Gao Wen nodded, "As expected, I still need to learn some modern knowledge."

Having said that, Shirou suddenly understood why he and Hakuno got along better.

A master with weak presence like Bai Ye is a perfect match with him who possesses an assassin aspect.This child may be able to be an assassin, and he can also hold the three red matching cards and the red treasure.

After walking for a while, they finally reached the negative floor.You only need to walk more than a hundred meters ahead to reach your destination.

"The destination is ahead. Lady Baiye, and Archer, I really admire you for being able to survive for so long in a maze with no sunlight and no one to guide you. If it was me, I might have been driven crazy long ago. And the meaning of existence will be gone.”

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen walked out of the maze and came to the front of the school building, bathing in the sunshine.

The invincible Gao Wen is back!

Shirou took a breath, and couldn't help but groan.

Being able to return to the vicinity of the school building, even if he meets Kotomine Kirei and eats super spicy mapo tofu, he won't be afraid anymore.

It feels good not to be hunted down.

"Lady Baiye, and Archer, please go to the meeting room now, Leo still has something to explain." Gawain showed a sunny smile.

"Okay." Shirou was about to put Hakuno down, but Hakuno looked at Shirou with dissatisfaction, "Okay, okay, let's put you down in the student union room, okay?"

At this time, Shen Er came from the side, and happened to bump into Shirou.

This always reminds Shirou of what Gao Wen said.

"Hey, Shinji." Shirou endured the inexplicable strangeness in his heart, and greeted.

However, Shinji looked at Shirou and Hakuno in shock.

"You actually got involved with Bai Ye?"

Chapter 31 The Secret of the Inner Moon

Get together?

Shirou suddenly realized what - this Shen Er, it seems that it is not Shen Er from this parallel world as he had guessed before, but his bad friend who secretly hacked into the MC?

However, with this explanation, Shen Er's previous behavior might make sense.Gao Wen said before that before Shen Er went to the conference room, he quarreled with Leo about the [-] sm debt, and Leo reluctantly agreed to the condition, and this condition was only the third level of the strategy.

However, Leo is definitely not this kind of conscientious capitalist. It is absolutely black when cut. Such a generous debt relief condition will never be offered.

So, why did Leo do this?

Many possibilities suddenly flashed in Shirou's mind, but it was a different feeling in Gao Wen's eyes.

"Is this catching rape? Am I right? Shen Er is actually a girl!" Gao Wen said in shock, "Although the chest doesn't rise and fall, but, um, Wang's words seem to be the same. It's understandable that the hair belongs to the It's half long or not long... It's not impossible, but it turns out that there is someone you like, and it's an archer."

Shirou saw that Gao Wen's brainstorming was too fast to stop, so he quickly put down Hakuno and interrupted Gao Wen: "Shen Er, let's go and talk first. There are too many people here, so it's hard to talk."

"You dare to find a woman outside, you dare not tell me face to face here!" Shen Er grabbed Shirou's chest, but he was not strong enough to lift it up, so he slapped his hands on Shirou's shoulder in a moment of anger, "You are with Shirou Let me explain clearly! If you don't understand clearly, don't think about it..."

"Cough cough, Hakuno, wait here for a while, I'll go back when I go." Regardless of Shen Er's struggle, Shirou picked up Shen Er like a bag of rice, and ran to the unattended corner of the school building .

Watching them disappear like this, Gao Wen couldn't help saying to Bai Ye: "Lady Bai Ye, although you are very good, house flowers are no match for wild flowers. Wild flowers on the roadside always attract men's attention. Just like Bi Lan That ungrateful Sloat actually gave the king's woman, hey, let's not talk about it. Lady Baiye, anyway, you have to keep an eye on Archer."

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