"Benzi is innocent!" Shen Er's eyes were full of tears, "Weimiya, please!"

This sincere emotion, if Shirou hadn't known that Shinji was doing this for the book, he might have been moved to tears.

"Well, then. Since it's Shinji's request as a friend, I have no choice but to agree." Shirou pretended to agree reluctantly, but secretly smiled inwardly.

Shinji, it's really easy to lie.

"Weimiya, since you don't want the things, leave them to me for safekeeping. Ahem, right?" Shen Er heaved a sigh of relief, showing an expression you all understand.

But Shirou didn't understand.

I don't understand.

He actually didn't have a notebook.

"Well, this is still not enough. Shen Er, for the sake of your health management, I can't give it to you now." Shirou said earnestly, "Take the book of the killing hospital, you, don't even think about taking a vacation."

"Well, I don't want to take a vacation."

Shinji looked at Shirou pitifully.

"Then I can't give it to you. I'll give it to you when I get back to Earth. Anyway, I have a copy of the data."

"Okay." Shen Er reluctantly agreed.

After all, at least I can get the book after I go back, and there is no rush for this kind of thing.

Shirou saw that Shen Er had been appeased, and slipped away after talking casually.He has not forgotten that Bai Ye is still looking at him secretly, the light in his eyes is very hot.

Shirou pretended nothing happened, walked over and hugged Hakuno.

Some things, if not mentioned, will be slowly forgotten.

Of course, Hakuno doesn't seem to want to forget.

"Archer, do you have Miss Seseiin's notebook?"

"No, no!" Shirou categorically denied, and remembering what he said to Shen Er so swearingly just now, Hakuno must have felt that he was lying, so he quickly added, "Actually, I lied to Shen Er about this matter, as for why I lied to him?" , um, you don't have to worry about this, Master."

"Really?" Bai Ye seemed to believe it, but he didn't seem to believe it.

This kind of attitude of not being clear about what to say is completely disbelieving for girls.

Shirou has seen many battles.

"If you don't believe me, search me, I definitely don't have that kind of thing!"

"Okay. Although you can project, Archer, you will never use the projection on this kind of place." Bai Ye said to himself, "And the projection should not be that powerful, right?"

Cold sweat trickled down from Shirou's forehead.

This, he really did it.

He projected the CD that Shen Er gave at that time.

But these words cannot be uttered, and that is one word—death.

"But archer, if you don't have a notebook, how are you going to give it to Shinji?"

"Let's talk about the matter at that time. Even if I am hunted down, I can only use my advantage of running fast in red."

"It sounds really miserable." Bai Ye felt a little sympathetic to Shirou's current situation.


Shirou sighed, but his heart was flattered.

Who is Kiara Sesseiin, Shirou has seen it before on Earth.As a cub of the BEAST generation, after a series of punches, without the help of Wang Hassan, without the heroic spirit's own shot, that guy must have regarded the earth as a jumping egg.

There are many words to describe this woman, but each of them goes in the direction of being fucked and being fucked.

It can be said that when Kiara Seshoin came to this world, every pore exuded the breath of sex.

Therefore, although Shirou doesn't have the book of Seshoin, but when Seshoin shows his true posture, he takes a few photos, and a certain Shinji can drown with the photo of Seshoin.

"But how do I feel that you have so many ideas?"


Leo looked at Shirou and Hakuno with a smile.

This weird smile reveals a bit of calculation.Hidden needles in the cotton, smiling like a tiger.

"Bai Ye, to be honest, I didn't expect you to conquer the maze so quickly. It seems that Archer has recovered a lot of strength. Ah, it would be great if you could slow down the strategy. My [-]-day [-]% plan, but the It can be customized and used again."

"[-]%?" Shirou was stunned, "Master, what did Leo tell us at that time?"

"Twenty percent." Bai Ye replied quickly.

"Well, I lowered the interest rate. I also occasionally find out with conscience!" Leo found that he had slipped his mouth, and quickly added.

However, Julius did not hesitate to expose his statement.

"Isn't the tradition of our Harvey family [-]%? Does Leo, the next head of the family, have a new plan? I understand, and I will clean up the opponents."

The situation suddenly seemed a little awkward.

"Yo, Leo, you were tricking us." Shirou couldn't help laughing.

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