Leo laughed a few times and started talking about business;

"The debt is canceled anyway, so don't worry about it. We found some problems through data calculations before. In the maze, we detected life information. This life information is emitted by the maze itself, and it can correspond to it. It's Rin Tohsaka. Sakura, I'll leave the rest to you."

Sakura nodded and took out the data.

"After the predecessors conquered the first layer, the life information was weakened by a full quarter, and after the second layer, it was also reduced by a quarter. The remaining third layer seems to be a whole, passive Sonar detection is currently unable to detect traces of the fourth layer, it seems that the signal has been completely bounced."

Leo took Sakura's words: "That is to say, it is very likely that the attack strength of the third floor will be greater, which is roughly equivalent to the sum of the first and second floors. With the current attack methods, I think it may not be possible to attack the third floor." layer. Therefore..."

"What are you going to lend us, at an interest rate of 20%?" Shirou asked warily.

"No, there's no interest rate. And it's not money. I entrusted her to help us with great difficulty." Leo clapped his hands, and a nun walked out from the side, bowing slightly.

"Anyway, she's an old acquaintance, you just take her with you when the time comes. After all, the opponent is also a wall of intention. And we happen to have a psychologist who can overcome the wall of heart."

"Yeah." Killing Academy seemed very happy to help them.

"I'll leave everything to you," Leo said.

The blushing Shashengyuan smiled: "Speaking of which, Archer, if it's you, I don't really mind. If you're struggling, you might as well just tell me."

Shirou was silent for a moment.

It looks like the other party, what do you know?

Chapter 34

The strategy for the third floor will start soon.There is no concept of day and night in the inner side of the moon. The spiritual hackers who come to the mooncell do not need to rest. This may be one of the benefits of coming here. For workaholics, this is definitely the case.

With Seshoin, Shirou was a little vigilant, but seeing Shinji gnashing his teeth, just because Seshoin wanted to follow them, Shirou suddenly felt that it was a good thing that Seshoin followed him.

All good things.

Leo and Sakura continued to do support work in the rear, helping to explore unknown areas.

As soon as Shirou entered the third floor of the domain, he felt that the air seemed to be more dignified, as if it had become more sticky, almost suffocating.

"The scanning of the surrounding area and the detection of the shield have been completed. There are a large number of hostile program responses, and the existence of 2 shields has been confirmed." Through the video, Sakura said, her calm voice made people feel very calm.

And this result seems to be very close to the previous observations.

Rin's personality is divided into four parts. They have already conquered two of these four parts, and the remaining two are gathered on the same floor. Naturally, they have to attack on this floor at the same time.

"Then, what about the singing that was deduced to belong to Lancer?" Leo asked with lingering fear.

"That's also stronger than on the second floor. Although you can still maintain communication with Kishinami-san."

Leo's face turned green.

As the heir of the western European conglomerate, Shirou couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he showed such an expression.

How terrifying is Lancer's singing voice?

"Then please, classmate Ying, help us isolate Lancer's singing, please do so." Gao Wen solemnly asked.


Cautiously exploring forward, Shirou didn't dare to go too fast.At this moment, he had to protect two people who were incapable of fighting, one was Bai Ye, and the other was Shashengyuan.Although Saseiin is the master, her servant Andersen is an author.

The inherent skills of the creature like the author seem to have nothing to do with it other than googoo.

Unless the author's Gu Gu Gu is the legendary creator, just loves to fish.

His thoughts diverged slightly, and Rin's figure came into the eyes of Shirou and others.

But Rin's face turned blue, completely lost the old style, not as heroic as before, with the spirit of not fearing the world.

Rin soon discovered Shirou and the others who were not very concealed, and ran away in a hurry, and there was no lancer around.

"It's Rin's avatar! There is no sign of Lancer detected around." Sakura entered the data, ran the software, and detected the surrounding environment.

That said, an obvious good opportunity!

This is not an ambush!

"Where is the escape!" Shirou yelled, his body was as light as a swallow, and he immediately caught up with Rin who was running away in a hurry.

At this moment, Rin's face was pale, and it was impossible to tell whether she was scared, not feeling well, or both.She was surprised to find that Shirou ran in front of her. She seemed to know that there was no hope of escape, so she gave up on herself, her steps slowed down, and she put her hands behind her back, trying to hide something.

However, the sharp-eyed Shirou immediately noticed that there seemed to be something unknown in Rin's hand, and that thing might be the key to her pale face.

"Have you been overtaken?" Rin took two steps back, her lips parted and closed, frighteningly white.

"Rin, what is that thing in your hand?" Shirou asked.

"This, does this have anything to do with you?" Rin asked back, his legs began to tremble.

No, not to start, but to continue.

She started to tremble a long time ago, just seeing someone coming, she forcibly held it back, but now, her legs couldn't bear it at all.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Shirou didn't even care that Rin was an enemy now, and was about to step forward.

Rin murmured a little deliriously: "Ahaha...it's so cold, my eyes are rolling. But there is no way, this is an order. The order is absolute, and everything is the fault of the order. In short, we must collect. If you don't send it over quickly..."

"What are you talking about? Hey! Rin!"

"More, I need to prepare more blood. Rin, Lancer said that as a master, if you don't do well and obey... why should I do such a painful thing. I have become a queen... but If you resist, you will be chopped off by that long thing! That girl is self-willed and strong, she is also a nobleman, and she has a tail. Once ordered by her, she will-"

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