Shirou quickly projected a piece of clothing, trying to put it on her body, but it seemed to make Rin sober.She jumped away quickly, even Shirou could read the panic in her eyes.

"Hey, archer, why are you here!?" Rin shook his head, maintaining vigilance.

"Just now, did you take something in your hand? It seems to be a needle. There is still blood in it. What did you do?"

"Yes, I want you to take care of it! It's just alchemy!" Rin quibbled, but her hands tightened even more.

"Where's your lancer?"

"Uh..." Rin bit her lip, unable to answer the question, and immediately ran away.

This time Rin ran faster than Shirou, which made Shirou's eyeballs almost fall out.

what's the situation?

Shirou didn't dare to act rashly, because the direction Rin ran to had a very eerie and terrifying aura.

After reuniting with Hakuno and Seshoin, Shirou started slowly again.

At this time, the signal from Leo had already begun to be blocked, looming.

I found it, Rin and Lancer!But what appeared behind them was a city that was not at the same level as the previous Heart Shield, exuding an impassable atmosphere.

But in comparison, what was even more shocking were the two people in front of the city wall.

Lancer swung his tail, slapped Rin, and cursed at Rin.

And Rin didn't resist like a slave, with his head down, willing to bear the whipping of Lancer.

"Stop!" Bai Ye couldn't stand it any longer, even though Rin was her enemy now, Rin had helped her before.

With Rin like this, she doesn't look like her at all!

Lancer tilted his head, looking disappointed: "Ah, I thought who it was, isn't this a little squirrel and a third-rate servant? Can you stop talking about other people's affairs? Rin is a good boy who will fulfill all my wishes. So ——I too, like this, is fulfilling Rin's wish!"

The tail hit Rin's body with an astonishing sound.

Hakuno gritted his teeth and looked at Shirou.Shirou took out his sword and lowered his body slightly, ready to charge forward.

Seeing Shirou and Hakuno's actions, Lancer smacked his lips: "Ah, don't you understand? You are preventing her from having fun. She did it voluntarily, that is to say, Rin is actually a dick!"

Chapter 35 Suicide, lancer! (fog)

Rin, is it shaking M?

If he hadn't known Rin for a long time on Earth, Shirou would have believed in Lancer's nonsense, and believed that under Rin's hard shell, he actually had a heart that wanted to be dominated.

"Wow! Ha, hoo, hiss!" Rin let out a miserable scream, but there was clearly a sense of joy in the scream, making it impossible to refute Lancer's words just now.

"Okay, obey me, Rin! Let me manage you who is capable! I will be better at treating you coldly than anyone else!" Lancer flicked his tail and slapped Rin's body.

However, Rin didn't move at all.Nor as a master to stop Lancer.It seems that this action is what should be between the master and the slave.

This is abnormal!

Bai Ye accurately judged the result.

Since this is abnormal, it is Rin's inner secret.

She looked at Rin's chest, there was something glowing, like Ultraman's transformation at the end of the three minutes, flashing and flashing.

That thing is the gap between Rin's hearts, the real thing they want to attack!

Lancer stopped, raised a smile, and raised his tail high: "Come on, Rin, let me give you the coldest blow!"

Just then, an arrow hit lancer's tail.

Shirou raised his bow, expressionless.

"Did you see SG? I'll lure Lancer away. Watch me cut off that tail! Master, it's up to you to pick out Rin's secret!"

Putting away his bow, Shirou drew out his swords again.

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes: "Hmph, third-rate servant, and squirrel master, don't think that if I fail once, I will fail the second time."

Shirou smiled contemptuously.

"Do you think you are a saint? Can you only lose once? Oh, no, it has been counted several times."

Elizabeth's speech faltered suddenly, and she became angry from embarrassment. She rushed to Shirou and stabbed the gun.

The force of the gun is very frightening. It used to be Seyit, the castle where Elizabeth lived during her lifetime. The city where hundreds of girls were tortured and killed was now turned into a gun-like treasure!

The weight of the castle will be partly converted into the mass of the gun. In this case, it must weigh at least a few tons.The strong inertia is enough to make all the objects hit howl.

But this gun is simply too weak in front of Shirou.It's not as powerful as when I was only one level left.

After a few stabs, Lancer not only didn't take advantage of it, but was even counterattacked by Shirou with two swords, completely powerless to fight back.

Shirou is very convinced that as long as the opponent does not unfold the treasure, there is no chance!

"What?" Lancer tried his best to block Shirou's double knives, completely disbelieving that he would be restrained like this by Archer in melee combat.

Obviously, she is the lancer!

As the saying goes, one inch is long, one inch is strong, one inch is short, and one inch is dangerous.

As long as you can wield a long weapon proficiently, you can completely suppress the user of a short weapon.The long attack distance completely gives the spearmen flexible attack capabilities.

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