It can even be said that when saber is facing lancer, it is very difficult to encounter such a long weapon.

In historical wars, spear formations are very common, while sword soldiers are rarely used as infantry, and it is also related to the length of weapons.

"Hmph, as an archer, what are you capable of fighting a lancer in close combat? You still have a sword! If you are capable, you use a bow, uh, no, use a gun to fight me!" Elizabeth was already in a hurry to go to the doctor. It means that it can be inferred that archer's melee is stronger than lancer.

Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Shirou stepped back slightly, giving himself a moment to project.

He was not worried that Elizabeth would attack Bai Ye, because Lancer's movement was completely locked by him.As long as he dares to act rashly, then Shirou will definitely make her heart pierced without being able to defend herself.

"Since you have asked so sincerely, then I have no choice but to show mercy to you. Traceon!"


Cu Chulainn's favorite spear, the red thorn, and the treasure made of sea beast bones appeared in Shirou's hands.

Elizabeth was dumbfounded.

How could she run into cheating contestants?

Stone Hammer!Stone Hammer!report!

Originally, she thought that Shirou was an archer, and he might not be too strong in close combat with a bow, but in close combat, holding a pair of knives completely suppressed herself.At this time, she can still comfort herself that this person only knows how to use a sword, and the projection must be only a sword!

But how come you come up with something like this?

While Elizabeth was in a daze, the projection loading was completed instantly.

Shirou seemed to have seen the valuable experience Wang Jiang had given him, and even shouted to stab people to death with this death thorn gun.

At this moment, Shirou felt a little warm in his heart.

He will definitely not disappoint Wang Jiang's expectations!

"Are you ready, lancer? I followed your request and took out the gun."

Elizabeth looked at the luster of the scarlet killer gun, and knew that this gun was definitely not easy to mess with.And she seems to have seen this gun before, the user is very powerful, and can suppress most of the servants just by relying on combat ability, and once the treasure is used, people will definitely die.

"That, Archer. I have another request." Elizabeth was a little guilty, but seeing that Shirou seemed easy to handle, she said boldly.

"Huh? Say."

"You're holding a gun now, right? Shouldn't you count as an archer?"

"Then tell me, what am I supposed to be?"

Shirou looked at Elizabeth with interest.

He wanted to see what kind of tricks this cruel servant, the legendary Hungarian Bloody Countess Elizabeth, was going to play.

"Of course you are a lancer!"

"so what?"

Seeing that Shirou was following her thoughts, Elizabeth couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, but the expression on her face was very serious.

"As a spearman, holding the spear of death thorn, then my request is, can you use the spear of piercing death thorn on Lancer, and demonstrate the usage of this gun?"

Shirou nodded.


Seeing that her plot was successful, Elizabeth finally showed a wild smile: "Hahaha, Archer, you seem to have been tricked. No, you are not Archer now, but Lancer! Lancer, kill yourself!"

Seeing that Shirou took out the spear of death thorn and rushed forward, Elizabeth's smile froze instantly, and she looked at her chest in disbelief.

That's blood.

Something she is all too familiar with.


Shirou retracted his gun.Blood gurgled down the magic gun.

However, Shirou's hands were not stained with blood at all.This gaebolg absorbed all the blood from the gun body.

"I have seen a lot of requests, but I have never seen such a strange one. I want me to stab you to death with gaebolg. Although you have done a lot of bad things, but you have fulfilled Wang Jiang's wish, Wang Jiang can also smile nine springs Go." Shirou stroked his chin.

Elizabeth fell down unwillingly.

Unexpectedly, he was also a lancer!

Chapter 36 Rin's Heart

With the end of the battle on Shirou's side, Bai Ye also successfully obtained the secret in Rin's heart.

That is - M.

Indeed, something they discovered from the beginning.This secret was not covered up, but turned into a specific personality, completely and nakedly exposed.

I really don't know whether to call it Shirou's luck or Rin's misfortune.

"It turns out that Rin is the type who becomes more expensive the more he is beaten?" Hakuno Kishinami looked at the sg3 in his hand - [Submission Wish], and couldn't help but look at Rin again.

Under Rin's superficial toughness, deep in his heart, there is actually some unknown self hidden, which is completely opposite to the surface.

S on the outside and M on the inside is Rin's true face!

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