"No, don't, lie, don't look...! This is not me—it's not me! Ah, but, it seems to be a little bit comfortable—ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

Rin's performance also completely confirms that deep in her heart, she does have certain hidden attributes that are hard to tell, but she enjoys very much.

Shirou and Bai Ye were very surprised, and the surprised eyes made Rin's body seem to be cut, and the cutting eyes brought endless pain, and this pain made her fall into new pain.

These two pains are added together...

"Ah... ahaha I saw it, I was seen, my secret. Yes, I want to be dominated by someone. I have been trying to keep my spirits up, hold my chest up, live handsomely, etc. I am already tired. In the bottom of my heart I have always hoped to be able to relax. I have always been looking forward to the position of being managed, every day without freedom, and being ordered by someone!"

Rin spoke crazy words and gave up on herself. Her body had begun to become transparent, and her voice gradually became thinner.

That is the body has lost its secret support, and it is completely unable to support it.

The original Rin would not express it at all, and the secret deep in his heart was completely revealed from Rin's end.

Everyone has yin and yang, exterior and interior.This is probably where she is.

"Hehe, ahaha... ah, finally relaxed. Thank you, Bai Ye. ——As a reward, I will kill you. Kill. Kill. I will definitely kill you. No more sympathy and release. If you can break my heart, please come and see it. At that time, I will definitely repay you a thousand times, you bastard!"

Rin said hysterically.This domineering yet delicate appearance finally looks like the original Rin.

After the threatening words were finished, her body became completely transparent, as if it had merged with the city wall behind her, and entered the relief of the city wall.

"It's really scary. People like Rin have such mentality." Shirou couldn't help sighing, "So, can it be said that people who are gentle on the outside actually have S-like tendencies in their hearts?"

"Huh? Archer, what were you talking about just now?" Bai Ye asked curiously.

"This..." Shirou subconsciously recalled the gentle purple-haired girl.

Is her heart actually the opposite of her appearance?

Immediately, the image of Sakura came from the conference room, startling Shirou.

Sakura quickly informed Bai Ye of the news about the city wall: "The reaction... disappeared! Classmate Rin disappeared after entering the city wall!"

Fortunately, he didn't notice his own words.Shirou thought, pretending he hadn't said anything, and listened to Sakura's words.

"Is that so?" Leo seemed to have considered the situation, looking through the image at Kiara Seshoin.

Originally following Shirou and Hakuno, Seshoin, who was very quiet, smiled sweetly.

"Well, everything will be left to me and Bai Ye. This time, it is a technique that cannot be secreted, so..."

Bai Ye nodded.

It is already a great help that the Sashoin can give the five-stop mind concept, and Bai Ye naturally won't ask for more.

"But don't worry, you have the three secrets of Rin-san, it won't be so difficult to break through Rin's inner defense. It's thanks to someone." Sesseiin glanced at Shirou.

Shirou looked away.

Obviously, the Kiara of Sesseiin in this world had never contacted him before he came to Mooncell, but every time he spoke, he would always get involved.Although there were no thorns in his words, and even some hints of X, Shirou still felt very distressed.

Could it be that this is a woman's intuition?

Or is there a mutual attraction between Emiya and Saseiin?

Hakuno looked vigilantly at Shirou and then at Seshouin.

Even though she already knew which attributes would be more suitable for Zhong Shirou's liking, however, the temptation that this woman exudes is something that no man can refuse!

Must block!

Even if this woman will help them, she still has to prevent this woman from attacking Archer!

Quietly standing between the two, Bai Ye felt relieved, and asked, "Then the question is, what should I do to break this city of heart?"

"First of all, you need to go in, and I will turn you into a more slender suspected spirit son, so as to enter the depths of Rin-san. After that, you have to convince the Lord of the Heart, that is, Rin-san, otherwise, you will not be able to come out. And once you enter, all information outside will be cut off. You can’t come back with your own consciousness alone. Have you made up your mind?”

Saseiin caressed his nun's attire.The words are very gentle, but the waves hidden under the words are turbulent.

That's consciousness that can't come back and is trapped inside.

It's no different than death.

Bai Ye didn't care, and even asked very vigilantly:

"No problem... But, what about Archer? Doesn't he need to turn into a pseudo-spirit?"

"Of course, Mr. Archer will have some processing, but the servant is originally a thing that matches the master's spiritual ladder. If the master Hakuno's suspected spiritual ladder changes, the servant's spiritual status will also automatically change. .”

Hearing this, Bai Ye was relieved.

Archer will not stay here, and will not come into contact with this dangerous woman.

"Student Sakura, please support me. Calm down, just like I taught you." Seeing that Bai Ye was ready, Saseiin said to Sakura.

Sakura was a little nervous, but tried her best to restrain herself.

"Yes, yes. I will work hard! Even if I use all my computer power, I will show you the transformation error within 10^-35!"

"It's really reliable. Please give me more advice. Bai Ye, please close your eyes and relax your body. Entrust your consciousness to me. Then—reverse the ten grounds and transcribe the Buddha nature. Dharma cloud, good thinking, immobility, Traveling far, present, hard to win, flame, clear land, defilement, joy—"


Hakuno felt his consciousness go blank.Kiara's voice flowed into his ears.With gentle and relaxed thinking, a second becomes a thousand seconds, and a thousand seconds becomes a day.The feeling sinks within itself without boundaries.

Finally, the consciousness left Kishinami Hakuno's body, and fell into the heart of others, which was originally untouchable——

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