Shirou came to a conclusion in his mind.This is an existence as evil as Sakura's incarnation as Kuro Sakura, and he doesn't care about the life and death of others.

But at this time, more importantly, the Robin Hood who was easily defeated by him was resurrected.

Lancer also came back to life in the same way before. He was obviously killed by the spear piercing the death thorn, but he still exists. Could it be because of BB's operation?

"Haha. Senior is very distressed. The distressed senior is also very cute." BB stretched out his finger to his face, and smiled wickedly, "But don't worry, BB will still reveal the answer. Because, I have the authority, as long as I take out the previous backup data, I can be resurrected! Is it amazing?"

Shirou was silent for a while.

He kind of wanted to run away.

The enemy this time is a bit formidable.Basically the GM.

Players have to deal with the GM, which is an impossible task.

Still have to hurry up.

"Huh? Senior doesn't seem to think it's very powerful? It's very distressing... But don't worry, if you have any troubles, you can leave it to BB! Of course, there is a price to pay."

"That is to say, it can be understood that you can realize my wish?"

"Of course it's possible." Seeing that Shirou took the tick, BB giggled.

This seems to think that Shirou is settled.

The other party will definitely propose an escape plan, and then let him choose whether to save Rin or Bai Ye.

The seniors will reveal the extension of their troubles.

For him, he must say that I want them all, right?But this is not allowed.Absolutely, not allowed!

Shirou blushed a little and scratched his head.

"Here, BB, can you show me that?"

"That?" BB tilted his head.

"That's it. Aren't you Sakura's clone? Then, can you show me Magical Girl Sakura?"

Chapter 42 BB's Line of Defense

Seeing that BB seemed to be stunned, Shirou hurriedly added: "Magical girl BB is also fine. Of course, this is what I want to wear!"

Shirou pointed to his projected clothes.

In fact, he has been looking forward to the fact that Sakura is wearing the costume of a magical girl for a long time, but if Sakura knows the dirty thoughts in his heart, it is inevitable that he will turn black.

Fortunately, the country on the other side has relatively good skills in splicing severed limbs. It was cut into several sections, so maybe it can still be saved.

Just a few dozen paragraphs.

"Senior, so, are you this kind of person?"

BB was very surprised.

She looked at the clothes in Shirou's hands curiously: "Do you actually like this kind of clothes? A magical girl with a plump figure, senior is really creative. That's not impossible."

Shirou excitedly handed women's clothes to BB.

At this moment, he felt a scorching light on his back.

He couldn't help turning his head, and saw Bai Ye, who was carrying Rin, with resentful eyes.

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

Eyes can convey a lot of information.

For example, Bai Ye's eyes now contain endless and complicated meanings: Archer, you told me to run away with Rin and don't look back just to flirt with another woman. That woman's name is BB and she likes to be a magical girl. Shameless magic aunt wants Replacing the immature figure of an elementary school student with a plump figure, is it true that Archer betrayed the master because he felt comfortable being called a senior?

"Ahem. Just kidding." Shirou coughed, "Actually, what I said just now was all to delay time. Now that the purpose of delaying time has been achieved, then goodbye, BB."

As soon as the words fell, Shirou turned and ran.

I saw that Bai Ye didn't leave, but stood where he was.

"Where to go, kill her!"

Shirou slammed on the brakes and opened his mouth wide.


"Fuck her to death! Defeat BB! Then return to the surface of the moon, this is my order as the master!" Bai Ye was very determined.

"Well, Hakuno-senpai seems to use a lot more courage than Archer-senpai. Archer-senpai should learn from Hakuno-senpai. Then I was swallowed by BB, hmph~~" BB seems to have thought of the script, cunningly Laughed.

Shirou whispered in his ear and asked, "Hey, master, are you right? She's an authority dog ​​and can't beat her."

"What about the authority dog? Archer, you can beat her!" Hakuno trusted Shirou, and patted Shirou on the shoulder.

Shirou opened his mouth, then closed it again.

My master believed in me so much, and I was a little moved for no reason.

But master, can you see the occasion?

This, this is the rhythm of death if you don't run anymore!

Rin who was carried on Bai Ye's shoulder coughed.

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