"Hey, Bai Ye, can you put me down first? Besides, Bai Ye, you don't understand the situation at all! You can't go head-to-head with your opponent. BB is a monster, a monster that eats all 128 servants!"


"Have you forgotten? During the preliminary round, those black shadows swallowed up the servants, decomposed and absorbed them, and formed a huge structure. That is BB! In a word, Archer's opinion is correct, run as fast as you can! "

When Bai Ye first met BB, he always felt that the other party's voice was very familiar.

But she never remembered what was going on.

It turned out to be—

"During the qualifiers, that voice?"

"Exactly. Senior Bai Ye, did you just remember now? I'm so sad. Cry and cry." BB smiled and pretended to wipe away his tears.

Really, so fake.

Totally unabashed.

"Crying so much, it really seems to be the case." Rin complained.

"Rin is right. BB, you're not crying at all, are you?"

BB immediately put down his hand and showed a sly smile again.

"No way, it's so funny, I want to cry from laughing."


BB's voice became very cold, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"Senior? It's rare to spare your life, why did you come out on purpose? It would be nice to live a life of love and comedy easily and comfortably in that place where the spoiled and obedient children are. Hehe. But you came out, which means that the punishment is not enough. Is it enough, senior?"

Chilled back.

The space around him began to distort.

That's fear, that's BB's oppression.

Just a slight annoyance distorted the space here.

Definitely not a level opponent.

must escape.

"Master, let's run quickly. This is not a place to stay for a long time." Shirou persuaded again.

BB doesn't seem to have any intention of killing them.

The words reveal that as long as she does not leave the inner side of the moon, she will not hurt Bai Ye.

"Yes. It seems that Senior Archer has understood. As long as you don't leave, I won't do anything to you. Although Senior Hakuno is the master who can almost win the Holy Grail in the Holy Grail War on the front side, don't be too confident. .”

"Sounds beautiful." Bai Ye said.

Shirou's heart sank.

He seems to have seen this routine before, and he seems to have used it before.

Rin was overjoyed, grabbed Bai Ye's hand, and wanted to run back.

But even though Rin's arms were very strong, he didn't pull Hakuno at all.

"But I refuse."

BB was about to jump up as if his tail had been stepped on.

"Senior Bai Ye, you, what are you talking about?"

"I refuse. Although you are very strong, you can't directly attack me right now?" Bai Ye stabbed his knife calmly, analyzing the situation, "Otherwise you don't need to summon Archer to deal with us. There is no need to use Rin to make a wall of heart, something thankless like a wall of heart—as long as you can directly attack us. Such a powerful ability is completely enough to stop us."

BB was silent for a while.She never expected that Bai Ye would have such a sharp attack, which made her unable to refute.

"As expected of a senior." BB admitted Bai Ye's statement, "What you said is generally good. But, there is one thing wrong. The wall of the heart is very strong. That is the new technique (program) that BB-chan is proud of. Combining girls into the core of the labyrinth, a cross-age firewall! The hearts of girls are very complicated and bizarre. There is no stronger defense wall than this. The disadvantage is that the scope and quantity are limited. In short, although the number is small, but The quality of defense is very high."

"So this is why Rin handed in his gun four times in two days?" Shirou said instantly.

Rin suffered tens of thousands of injuries again, and was deducted to 1 blood.She clutched her small breasts and gritted her teeth.

"Archer will never let you go when I go back!"

BB was also a little embarrassed, and his face was a little gloomy.

For her, such provocations were intolerable.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then show me one more time. I don't believe that you can break through her defenses this time. Come out, Lani! Tell them that a girl's secret is unbreakable."

Chapter 43


Bai Ye looked suspiciously at the girl who came, with a blank expression on his face, it was indeed the reassuring girl in his impression.

It's just that it's not in one's own camp now, but in the enemy's camp.

A girl with brown skin and purple hair came not far away.

BB said with evil humor: "Whether it is human or AI, there is no difference as a material. Rather, please feel honored to be treated equally. In fact, it is also a very good defense wall, right? Girls' hearts are very complicated and bizarre. Is there a stronger defense wall than this? The disadvantage is that the scope and quantity are limited. A girl's heart can be changed to 3 layers, which is already the limit."

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