"But it doesn't matter."

Lani pushed his glasses and calmly analyzed the situation, "It doesn't matter if it's three floors or four floors. It doesn't matter how many floors you set for BB."

BB lowered his face: "Lani, you really demoralized me by saying something like that."

"Because you can't break through one layer, don't you want to continue to make the morale of the heart wall?"

Lani asked confidently, not thinking that he would have any loopholes.

Only then did BB smile in satisfaction.

This artificial human girl made by the Atlas Institute is, as it should be, very suitable for defense.

Whether it is the appearance or the heart, it is as indestructible as a copper wall and an iron wall.

"So, did you actually use her as a nucleus like me?" Tohsaka Rin asked in a deep voice.

"That's it." BB snapped his fingers, "After all, there are very few masters like you and Lani who are worthy of being used as cores. So you should also feel honored. After all, this also means You are the strongest among female masters."

"Rin, you all know each other, but well, it must be difficult for you to attack Rani with his appearance like this, right? But it doesn't matter, as the one who blocks you and keeps you in captivity, of course I will do my best to watch you escape. Go out, like a little squirrel, and tell you some strategies. Hehehe...then let me introduce it!"

BB, who said such strange words, pinched Lani's face unceremoniously, but Lani didn't respond, just like a doll.

Or rather, artificial humans.

"The next boss of Sakura Labyrinth, the sentimental guard (sentinel), is coming? This time the boss is exotic & academic!

Intellectual white clothes and glasses and forehead reflective.Slippery slender beauty.Yes, she is the pride of the Atlas Institute, the last artificial human on earth!Lani Ⅷ classmate! "

There are many slots in BB's discourse.

So much so that Bai Ye didn't know where to start.

Eyes, reflective, slippery.

Why is it slippery?

Bai Ye immediately looked at Lani expectantly.

"Hey, master, you should treat me like a quiet and gentle girl. Don't turn into a salty uncle at this time." Shirou patted Hakuno's head, and Hakuno covered his head in pain. Seeing that Shirou didn't respond, he lowered his head.

"Also, BB, this labyrinth is Leo's Labyrinth, not Sakura's Labyrinth! Make it clear for me!"

"Eh?" BB puffed up his mouth, "What? The name I originally thought of should be perfect! And I also specially guided Leo to think in this direction. The Sakura Labyrinth is not very good. Think about it, the seniors cling to each other, in order to explore the secrets of the Sakura Labyrinth, the girl's labyrinth. The deep and quiet labyrinth, the labyrinth of unknown depth, is for you to discover, explore, and develop!"

"If it's Leo's Labyrinth, isn't it about exploring the secrets of men! Could it be that Senior Archer actually likes men! Ah—a forbidden fruit!"

Bai Ye's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"What Gao Wenqing said is not a problem, it turns out that Archer you like is actually Shen Er...!"

"You are playing tactics. Chat flow! Don't be provoked by others, master!"

Bai Ye still had doubts in his eyes, but under the threat of BB, he had no choice but to hold back his doubts, and looked at BB and Lani again.

The combination of the two of them, any one of them is taken out, is absolutely very difficult to deal with.

Even the weakest Lani, his performance as a master is much better than his own.

"Tch, it was discovered so quickly. I wanted to separate the two seniors, and then I could take the opportunity to get Senior Archer into my pocket, and then watch Senior Bai Ye trapped here like a bird in a cage." Struggling." BB was still giggling, saying chilling words, "Then, I have to give the seniors a little hint."

Hakuno pricked up his ears.

"What's under the cardigan? Atlas-in doesn't have a concept of shame. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster."

Bai Ye's eyes became hot, and he stared at Rani's clothes suddenly, as if he could turn into Karna, using his own eyes to burn the other's clothes, thus revealing his true face under the sweater.

Lani said nothing, like a dead machine.

"Well, it seems that Rani-san doesn't seem to be speaking. Okay. Since she doesn't want to speak, BB-chan's reminder can only end here. I'm really sorry. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell You guys." BB pointed to Lani.

"Because Hakuno-senpai said some very outrageous things. I have to punish Hakuno-senpai for his words. Hmm, I figured it out. Let's give Hakuno-senpai a simple task. Raid Lani's within a day Three layers of protection. Otherwise..." BB smiled happily, enjoying the increasingly serious expression on Bai Ye's face, and meaningfully prolonging the end of his words.

"It seems that you didn't think about it at all, BB." Laughed bitterly, "I guess you don't have confidence either? I don't think at all that you can survive in the hands of the strategy master Bai Ye and the A+-level servant Archer." One day? Handing in the gun three times a day, you really don’t want her to be seen.”

Lani glanced at BB.

"Uh..." BB was silent for a while, and said confidently, "Then let's speak with the facts. Lani, prove your strength to me. As for the punishment of not being able to break through, I have reservations. "

"BB is right. Facts will prove everything. I can't be breached." Lani's calm expression showed complete confidence, "I won't surrender my gun three times a day like Lin, who is so shameful. "

"Gu—it's three days!" Rin was a little hurt.

Shirou laughed: "Don't worry, you will be worse than Rin. You will be stabbed four times a day, that is, four times a night."

Chapter 44 Not bad, it's next

"It's really a bad speech." BB teased, "But Lani's speech is very reliable. Senior Archer's words should be proved by actions. The rest of the time, I will leave it to Senior Hakuno. After all, you are also There is only one day to conquer it."

Immediately after BB finished speaking, a huge countdown appeared in the dark space.


Then it began to decrease again. The huge number in the sky that day brought great pressure to everyone.Every second that passes, makes people feel that life is passing by quickly.

BB's so-called reserved punishment is mostly a matter of life and death.

There is not much time left for them.

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