"Bai Ye, you are really bold." Rin said with some resentment, without the usual vigor, "I have to attack three times a day. Although it is easy to say, it is very difficult to do."

Hakuno looked at Shirou, and pulled Shirou's sleeve:

"Archer, you'll help me, won't you?"

Shirou had no choice but to nod: "Of course, who made you my master. Even if you declare war like this, I can only help you fight to the end."

At this time, Shirou felt that his mouth was cheap.

Why did you have to demonstrate so many show operations in the Holy Grail War before.It's all right now, Bai Ye has learned.The result of the study is that BB became angry and gave a countdown.

"But for things like breaking a girl's secret, even if Archer is an A+-level servant, it's useless?" Rin couldn't help but said, looking at the robot Rani who was stunned in the distance, "Maybe you are not as skilled in this aspect as Bai Ye."

"Are you suspicious of me?" Shirou sighed, looking at Rin with pity.

She doesn't seem to know how terrifying the combination of her female appearance and chat flow is.

"Of course." Rin looked at Shirou suspiciously, "I don't believe you are better than Hakuno-san in this regard."

Bai Ye raised his hand: "Then, Archer, facing Lani, what should I say to break through her psychological defense?"

"Putting up the legs." Shirou said very simply and clearly, "Using your salty uncle's words can open a gap in Lani's inner defense."

Bai Ye plucked up his courage and stepped forward.

"Is it true that you're not wearing underwear? Lani!?"

Shirou couldn't help but nodded.

That's right, this is Bai Ye's unique way of disturbing people's minds. It's completely messed up, leaving the opponent helpless to fight back.

"SHUTUP! SHUTUP! Twenty points will be deducted for your heartless speech!"

Bai Ye, who had a gray nose, came back in a daze, with the four characters "I'm so pitiful" written on his face.

"It doesn't work."

Shirou patted Hakuno on the shoulder: "Did you see that? It's a miracle that Lani has a heartbeat, okay. This shows that your words have worked, and you should continue to work hard!"

Shirou gave a thumbs up: "Master, you are the best."

Having received the encouragement, Hakuno looked at Shirou with emotion, and once again mustered up his courage.

Rin didn't understand Shirou's operation at all, and quickly pulled Shirou aside.

"Hey, Archer. What is your purpose in doing this? Do you really think that there will be loopholes if you do this?"

Shirou watched Bai Ye and Lani very leisurely.

"Yes, that's what I think. Although Lani is an artificial human, his brain is a complete computing machine, and he is an indifferent existence. But since he can be made into a guard by BB, it can only show that Lani is not our original human being. The indifferent person in my impression. She has a heart. If you have a heart, you have feelings. If you have feelings, you have emotions. If you have emotions, you have flaws."

Rin couldn't refute Shirou's logical reasoning for a while.

"Then, what are we going to do?" Rin was very anxious, and she realized that there was nothing she could do now.

"Wait." Shirou replied as a matter of course, "Come on, let's see the progress."

Bai Ye stepped forward, wanting to say something.

In this world, violence is eternal, but non-violent actions can also solve most problems.

After all, love and justice can resolve everything.

Lani saw Bai Ye's intentions and replied directly:

"I was entrusted with the guard of this labyrinth. This matter should have been announced publicly. You and I have long been enemies. Didn't you step into the labyrinth after understanding this? Or Say, do you think you can pass by talking?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but nodded.

"Minus points."

"I'm not that idle either. I'm the guard of the labyrinth, and I'm also responsible for cultivating lancers." Lani shrugged, "So, please go back, or stay here. It doesn't matter what you want to do , as long as you don't hinder me."

"Cultivate lancer?"

Bai Ye asked curiously, "Is she your servant?"

"Not exactly. Lancer is my temporary servant to be precise, and the condition of the contract is to make her a top-notch idol. Come on, Lancer, say hello to them."

Lancer was summoned, and laughed arrogantly: "Hmph, now I am not such a weak servant as when Rin contracted. Now my master is Lani who is full of magic power! Little squirrel master, you and All archers who humiliate me will die!"

Rin smiled softly.

"Archer, what if the child is disobedient?"

Immediately, Shirou took out a spear that pierced the death thorn, and replied, "Just give me a good beating."

Lancer immediately admitted his cowardice.

"Ahem, I didn't say anything, please continue." Lancer shrank behind Lani, completely shadowing Shirou.

Facing an archer who can not only shoot from a long range and can shoot A in close combat, but also can't beat it, everyone will have to lose a few hands.

"Scores are deducted. Such an idol is not qualified. Is it a setback just because of this?" Rani took out his notebook and drew a stroke for Lancer.

Lancer lowered his head unwillingly.

"So, Lani, what is your scoring standard? You can't make it up at will, right?" Bai Ye doubted.

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