Lani's eyes lit up.

"Bai Ye, since you have questioned, I have no choice but to answer. I will prove you wrong with facts. The scoring criteria are very simple, that is——

1. Don't take unnecessary actions.

2. You must always be perfect.

3. There must not be any mistakes.

4. Can carry out ambiguous actions.

5. It is okay to have occasional failures.

6. There can be a mistake or two.

7. Prefer herbivorous to carnivorous.

8. Prefer cool colors to warm colors.

9. The woman with glasses is supreme. "

"Satisfying the above conditions is perfect!"

Shirou pricked up his ears and made up his mind.

Although some of the words in it are contradictory, but, after all, he seems to be basically satisfied.Except that the glasses girl refused.

He stood up boldly.

"Yes, it's down."

Chapter 45 Are You Wearing Underwear?

Bai Ye is a very herbivorous creature. Generally speaking, he is very gentle and has facial paralysis.Apart from being very sharp, he seems to have no attack power.

But that only seems to be the case.

"Yes, it's down."

Shirou stood up under the belief that as long as he disturbed the opponent's emotions, he would win.

As a person who can always get things done, and who is always in the right place, he can almost meet Lani's mate selection criteria.

"You?" Lani looked at Shirou up and down, "You, um... During the inspection, standard 1 is met, and standard 2... seems to be all satisfied. So, if it is the act of reproduction, you can get the best offspring. "

Shirou was stunned.

"Here, isn't the progress a little faster?"

"No." Lani pushed his glasses, "Efficiency is the highest priority. So the conclusion is that it is most appropriate to do it locally."

Shirou suddenly became messy, scratching his hair, trying to stop Rani with words.

"Wait. Can Heroic Spirits make people pregnant? Also, on the mooncell, can people get pregnant?"

"It doesn't seem to be possible." Lani was silent for a while, then replied, "But it may be possible."

Bai Ye: "..."

Hakuno has recently noticed that Archer is getting skinnier.It's outrageous, molesting others is his nature, so forget it, and now he really has the idea of ​​having sex with others.

"Archer, in the name of the Command Seal, I order you..."

Hakuno looked at Shirou with piercing eyes.

Shirou suddenly fainted.

When we were talking, we even forgot that there was Bai Ye beside us, and we were still discussing such restricted content.

If there are no words to change Lani's mind, then he will probably have to accept the Command Seal——

Committed suicide.

It's not a good thing to be the first class other than lancer to commit suicide.

"Ahem, I mean I refuse. I don't like glasses girl! What I said just now was just to break through your inner defense!"

Bai Ye couldn't help tugging at La Shilang's sleeve: "Don't you like it?"


"Glasses, don't you like it?"

The corner of Shirou's mouth twitched slightly: "I like it. Isn't it okay to like it?"

Only then did Hakuno nodded in satisfaction, and adjusted Shirou's glasses by the way.

"That really disappoints you. I have no secrets in my heart. Even if I kill me, the shield will not open. In other words, you have nothing to do now, so you have to tease with words? Although Rin Tosaka blew himself up, But I am different from her. I am an artificial human. I am a manufactured life. I have never been equipped with a secret that will make my heart ashamed." Lani pushed his glasses, "Stop unnecessary struggle , Obediently admit defeat, maybe BB will let you go."

The more people say that, the more ghosts they have in their hearts.

There are not a few androids that Shirou has come into contact with.

Whether it's Illya or Ziggy.They may not have any thoughts at the beginning, but in the final analysis they are all human beings.As long as you have experience and know something, you will become more and more like a normal person.

Lani is a cyborg, so it is basically certain that it also conforms to this law.

"That's not right. It's because he has a heart that he was chosen by BB as a guard. This artificial human has a heart. As long as it is a living thing, no matter how incomprehensible and incomprehensible it is, it must have a soul."

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