Shen Er raised his hand helplessly: "Okay, let's just pretend that I came in when I was on the side of the moon. So, Emiya, do you want to say anything else?"

"It seems that you still remember everything on the surface of the moon? All those who have entered the surface of the moon, whether they are people or servants, have forgotten everything. Shen Er, you may become a key breakthrough now, I Hope you can tell me what you know."

Shirou said very sincerely.

"I can't tell." Shen Er shook his head, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but, in fact, you asked me to do my best to hide it after entering the inner side of the moon. Even if you find out , and I must keep silent as much as possible, and at most tell you that I did come in from the surface of the moon. No, but don’t think that you have such a big face to make me make this sacrifice! I’m just looking at Sakura’s face Just do something like this.”

"Is it so mysterious?" Shirou reluctantly believed Shinji's words, "That means, you can't do anything now?"

"That's not true." Shinji looked at Shirou pretending to be mysterious, "Let me pretend to join BB, and then..."

"Don't even think about it."

"Hey, Emiya, why are you like this! Don't you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Understand what? Understand that you are going to die?"

Shen Er was so angry that he didn't hit a single point, why is this person so straightforward.Although it is to die, it is not necessarily, it will die, right?

He blushed: "Of course I understand that I have my own intentions! I know a lot of things, so I am sure I can deal with Lilith. Emiya, the way you were distressed just now shows that you have nothing to do Have you dealt with that guy? Hmph, that's inevitable, because that guy is invincible, a full level of 999. You can't hurt her, not because of anything else, but because you can't break the defense at all!"

Level 999?

Shirou once thought that Lilith might be very powerful, but isn't this level a bit too much?

"Then what can I do? You can't clear her level, can you?" Shirou shook his head disbelievingly.

"Trust me! I have a solution anyway. Besides, I'm a super powerful hacker, and I hacked the mooncell. At worst, I'll use my hacking skills to escape. It's a no-brainer."

"Then you hacked the Holy Grail of the Moon for me."

Shinji turned his head in embarrassment.

However, Shinji's proposal is really exciting.

This confident look, as if he has a plan in his chest, and there is definitely a way to win.

Or, let Shinji try?

If he was watching from the side, Shen Er's safety should be guaranteed, plus Shen Er's miraculous skills...

Maybe it will work?

"Shen Er, since you are so confident, I will give you a chance. However, if there is any danger, you must withdraw for me, understand?" Shirou solemnly ordered.

"You agree? Okay, okay." Shinji replied perfunctorily to the second half of Shirou's sentence, completely immersed in the joy of being able to run to be a 25-boy backstabbing the enemy.

"Then Wei Gong, I'll go first." Shen Er got carried away and walked outside, almost hit the wall, very embarrassed, but continued walking without knowing it.

So, I hit a wall...

"Wait, Shinji, if I remember well, the one called Lilith, and BB, it seems that you are a virus or something... have you run away? Ignore me at all."

Chapter 57 Shen Er, sneaking in

In front of Shinji was the first floor of the labyrinth, and hostile programs were wandering in it, as if anyone who entered would be caught.

"Wei, Wei Gong, can this work?" Shen Er looked at these hostile programs that were almost level 10 to 20, his legs trembled in fright, his hands were a little cold, and blood flowed to his feet.

Even if he has dozens of levels as the master, he still can't beat the hostile program.

As for running, I can't run.

"Shen Er, why don't you come back." Shirou persuaded, "Really, I don't think you are suitable for this job."

After Shirou persuaded him, Shinji calmed down.

"No, I must go!"

Shirou, who was connected to Shinji with a monitor, couldn't help covering his face.

He is so stupid, he knows that Shen Er will definitely rush into the maze to make trouble after he said so, he should use some other strategies.But what you say now will be self-defeating.

If you want to persuade him to quit, you can only mention it after Shen Er enters the maze and is frightened.

Shen Er stopped the trembling of his legs, but instead the tremor went up his body, like a jelly:

"Anyway, Emiya, you have to tell me how to avoid the attacks of these hostile programs. Didn't you say that you have been an assassin before? This kind of thing should be very simple, right?"

Shirou thought about it carefully.

How did I infiltrate myself as an assassin?

It seems that killing the enemy is regarded as sneaking in.After all, there is no enemy that he needs to be cautious about lurking and assassinating now.As for the enemies who need to be assassinated, even assassination seems useless.

For example, Lilith, who has invincibility.

Even a backstab doesn't hurt.The purpose of a backstab is to kill with one hit.But how can you play if you can't kill the enemy with the strongest attack?

But anyway, Shirou was also an assassin, even if he had never seen a pig running, he had eaten pork.In diving, she is still more skilled than Shen Er.

All the data around Shinji was entered on the display panel in front of Shirou.

Hostile programs are just ordinary programs after all.What a program is is a kind of finiteness, something that follows a certain logic.The hostile program is an ordinary program, and the AI ​​is only an advanced program.Advanced programs occupy extremely high computing power, while hostile programs occupy relatively small computing power.There is no difference in essence between the two, but the distribution of computing power is almost 8 orders of magnitude different.

Such things, in the eyes of humans, are actually mentally retarded.

Although Shen Er couldn't defeat the mentally handicapped, it was still no problem to dodge.It's just that for people who are so nervous that they are almost trembling, it is really difficult to think calmly.

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