In other words, he was demented.

At this time, Shirou couldn't help looking at Shinji in the surveillance with some sympathy.

"45 degrees in front of the right, 30 meters, um, move to the right. Yes, yes, that's it."

Shen Er cautiously turned his body sideways, passing by the detection range of the hostile program, forming a perfect tangent line.

"Next, get down and crawl forward."

Shirou leisurely looked at Shen Er who was moving like a worm on the ground, and almost smiled crookedly.

Shen Er, who is a master of the game, doesn't even have the basic common sense of a player at this moment.

The mobs in the game all have a detection range, and enemies outside the detection range will not attack at all.

As long as someone with a little bit of intelligence, under Shirou's command, they will definitely not be injured...


There was a hog-killing scream from the monitor, and a hostile program chased after Shen Er!

"Help, help, Emiya! Hurry up, hurry up, come save me...!"

Shen Er was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, shrinking back.

"Wait for me to download, exit, exit, oh, the exit button!"

Shinji immediately flew out of the maze and returned to the courtyard of the school building.

"I'm saved..." Shen Er lay on the ground, heaved a sigh of relief, and then realized his distressed image, "Weimiya, this, this time doesn't count, it's just a small mistake on my part!"

Shirou refrained from laughing, not wanting to hurt his self-confidence.

But to be honest, when he was directing Shinji just now, he still felt like he was playing Super Mario 3D.This is the level of Mario, it is really miserable.

After a while, Shen Er stood at the entrance of the maze ready to go again.

Shirou quietly added 1 to the number of coins on Shinji's head, but he would add 1 again soon.

Shirou, who was full of malice, thought, how many coins will Shinji need until he breaks into the third floor?

"Shinji's second strategy, ready, go!"

Picking up the Coke and melon seeds, Shirou watched Shinji's wonderful operation.

What was discovered before entering the maze on the second floor, and then ran to the second floor quickly, and was chased and beaten by the hostile program on the second floor as soon as it entered the second floor, and was forced to play GG and restart the game, or Halfway there, I found myself surrounded by hostile programs.

Shirou laughed until his stomach ached.

"Weimiya, wait for me." Shinji looked angrily at Shirou who wanted to smile but was trying to hold back a smile, "This time the enemy is still a bit strong. It's not shameful to be discovered! If you have the ability, try it." try?"

"It's not that I haven't tried it. At that time, I led Bai Ye into the maze perfectly."

"Is that what you call sneaking in? It's clearly Wushuang."

"Aren't infiltrating and unparalleled synonymous?" Shirou replied confidently.

"Okay, Emiya, you are ruthless."

Shen Er was humiliated and shed tears of disappointment.Who let oneself cook.The Lingzi world doesn't believe in tears.

The plan to sneak into the maze for the n+1th time has begun.

If it is to return to the earth and play Mario, Shen Er would have to spend hundreds of coins.

"Shen Er, do you want to know a simple infiltration method to deal with these hostile programs?" Shirou couldn't bear Shen Er's funny look, so he decided to disclose and point information.

"What, what?"

"That's right, the detection range of the hostile program is only 20 meters. You just need to walk around. And the law of action is a square counterclockwise, and the side length of the square is ten meters."

Shen Er's face turned green.

"Weimiya, you plot against me!"

Shirou finally couldn't help it anymore, and laughed so Jill was happy: "You can't blame me if you didn't find out, I always thought you found out."

Shinji looked like he was about to cry.

"Okay, okay, I will support you well." Shirou smiled, and suddenly heard a knock on the door behind him.

He turned off the monitoring display with a guilty conscience, and said to Shen Er: "Shen Er, I have something to do, if you have something to do here, please shout loudly, if it is a small matter, you should bear with it first."

After opening the door, Hakuno looked at Shirou nervously.

"Archer, is there no one in there?"

Chapter 58 The Disappeared Shinji

Hakuno poked his head towards Shirou, as if he was here to catch a traitor?

is this necessary?Lilith can't rush in from the maze along the network cable and abduct him, right?

Bai Ye took a look inside, and there was indeed nothing, only some basic equipment.People don't exist.

"Is there really no one?"

"This, master, are servants not human?"

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