"I mean other people. I thought you were hiding in the room because there were people there." Bai Ye didn't know whether it was disappointment or what, but he was relieved.

"Then, master, what do you want from me?"

"Archer, do you know where Shinji went?"

Shen Er, Shen Er is in the labyrinth, and he is working hard, just like Mario.

Playing a cat-and-mouse game with those hostile programs, but there are thousands of cats and only one mouse, that is Shinji.

Poor Shinji is probably crying out loud without his help by now?

"do not know."

"Uh... I thought Shen Er could help Rin and the others find out the meaning of a set of data." Bai Ye lowered his head, "Just now Leo and the others were thinking of a way to attack Lilith, so they just Let’s look up Lilith’s information first, and almost got hacked by Lilith because of it. Fortunately, we have more precautionary preparations this time, otherwise, Sakura will be in danger!”

"Oh? What's going on?" Shirou asked quickly.

Shirou is still very concerned about Sakura's matter, even if he is really not the same person as the one on Earth.

That's Sakura too.

Bai Ye explained, but it was actually a bit dangerous.

In fact, just now when Rin and the others connected to Lilith's data when they were looking for information, Lilith followed their search route and invaded in reverse, and Sakura, who was the center of the search, almost fell for it.

One of the few achievements was to obtain a set of data, which was picked up from Lilith.But it's very neat, it doesn't look like a set of data at all.

"Master, could you please give me the data?" Shirou asked.

He might be able to find meaning in the data.

When the data is simply listed, it is a meaningless string of characters or numbers unless semantics are added.And if these semantics cannot be given even if they can't crack them, there are only two possibilities.

One is that it has no meaning in itself, and the other may be that it has meaning and Rin and the others can't believe that's what it means.

Hakuno nodded and handed the data to Shirou.

A string of 9s appeared in front of Shirou's eyes.


Among these strings of numbers, only the middle item has fewer digits, and the others are all above 9999.

Even the Noble Phantasm has reached 7 digits.

"Does this really have meaning? It's all 9..." Shirou felt like he saw a ghost, but he denied his opinion at this point, "No, it's all 9, so regular, but it's very meaningful. This data is awesome Do they have any possible surmises?"

"No, no." Bai Ye shook his head.

Shirou pondered for a while, then called his panel.

Seeing this data, I already have something in my heart.The reason why Rin is unwilling to believe this data, and wants to show it to Shinji for analysis, is probably——

The level is 60, the HP is about 9000, the ATK is 10000, and the defense is 2000.Next is Muscle Strength 300,...

After corresponding each other one by one, Shirou became more and more panicked.

He found that in this data list, it was able to correspond to the data with all 999 written on it.

That also means that Lilith's level is 999, HP, ATK, etc., all of these data!

It is really difficult to completely match my guess.

Seeing Shirou's face getting more and more ugly, Bai Ye couldn't help asking: "Archer, what's wrong? Can't figure it out?"

Shirou smiled wryly and shook his head: "No, it's not. It's just that I was even more desperate when I figured it out. For example, the Elizabeth we faced before was 100 or 999 levels higher than me. Its own characteristics are much stronger than hers, and I can only protect myself. And Lilith, the level is higher than me, no, no, it is not a question of whether it is high or not, but because the full level is only 99999, she unexpectedly Level [-]. The rest, blood volume, attack power, are all above [-]..."

While talking, Shirou became weak.

What kind of pervert is this.

Stop fighting and go home to farm.

One knife 999, are you Zha Zhahui?

"Master, Rin and the others don't want to tell you the answer, probably because they are afraid of hurting your self-confidence. But if you give me the data, it's useless for them to hide it like this." Shirou was a little helpless, and even felt that he was a bit talkative. "I am sorry."

"Archer, you don't need to apologize. Even if you say so, I am confident that I can defeat Lilith."

Bai Ye's expression didn't change much, it was still that dead fish face.

Mood swings, very normal, a horizontal line.

Without ups and downs, writing a novel must be the most boring kind.

"Because Archer you are the strongest."

Shirou couldn't help being amused by Hakuno's serious look, but he smiled and remained silent for a while, even feeling a little moved.

Even if the enemy is so powerful, Bai Ye still believes that he can defeat the opponent?This kind of complete trust in the Servant is really unexpected.

"Okay, miss, then I can only do everything I can to offer you the victory. Let me first think of a perfect strategy to break Lilith's immortality."

Shirou's smile also infected Hakuno.

Bai Ye showed a gentle smile: "Well, then please."

After Hakuno left, Shirou gathered his thoughts for a while, thinking about how to catch Lilith's flaws, and kill her with one blow.The data just now showed that Lilith did not take advantage of the bugs in the system, and simply relying on the means of repairing system bugs would not be able to bring Lilith's level back to the normal level.

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