"It's really sad." Sasseiin sighed.

Going deep into the maze, a new layer appeared in the maze.

During this time, BB seems to have used a lot of resources to create new labyrinth spaces, and the use of these labyrinth spaces is to delay time.

If there is another person who is good at guerrilla warfare in the maze, they will definitely be dragged for a long time.

As expected, a figure stood before Shirou's eyes.The servant in the green cloak is the servant, archer, and Robin Hood who appeared with BB before!

Robin Hood didn't seem hostile to Hakuno and Shirou at all, and even greeted them.

"Hey, you did a good job, miss! It's really hard work for you not to bow to BB's faultfinding. Hey, you even brought a big-breasted sister."

"You, who believe in acting in secret, will show up, which means that the preparations have been completed." Shirou squinted his eyes and looked at Robin Hood.

A follower like Robin Hood who is not good at frontal combat and is as flexible as a monkey can't even catch Shirou's sword.

But when it comes to the ability to fight guerrilla warfare, Robin Hood is not weak.

"Hey, it's not good to spoiler before I boast. That's why I hate my colleagues." Robin Hood was very distressed about being exposed.

"Who is walking with you? An archer who can't even fight in melee." Shirou rolled his eyes at him, "If you have any tricks, just use them."

"My work is basically done. I'm just here to show my face. The next thing is to see if you can break my trap. Of course, I support you if you want to break my trap." Robin Hood smiled Laughing, his figure disappeared immediately.

No one can be seen, but the magic is still there.Robin Hood is indeed a serious threat.

Guerrilla warfare is a very painful way of fighting for any attacker.If you want to fight someone but don't fight you, if you don't want to fight someone but fight you, if you have the advantage of information, the attacker doesn't have to play at all.

If Shirou remembers well, the archer named Robin Hood seems to have fought against them when he was on the sidelines, and he has an invisibility cloak.

That thing disgusted him.

So in the end, the fantasy Honkai directly blew up the entire battlefield.

Faced with Shirou's violent style of play, Robin Hood had no choice but to admit defeat.

But the current situation absolutely does not allow Shirou to use this kind of move.

Robin Hood doesn't want to work for BB, and they don't necessarily need to fight Robin Hood directly.Or dismantle his trap.

If things like traps can't be dismantled, it's a good way to go around them.

"Master, can you find out the source of magic power? Let's bypass the source of magic power and just walk over there. There shouldn't be anything important here, it's just for delay. Killing Academy, can you keep up?" Shiro asked.

"of course."

Several people kept shuttling through the source of magic power, but the bloated body of the killing courtyard still bumped into something inadvertently.

Appears to be documentation.

It seems to be the invisibility cloak of Robin Hood.

"Such a good treasure is used to hide things, that green archer probably wants to cry." Shirou covered his face.

However, he was hiding everywhere with Wang Hassan's shield, and he didn't seem to have any position to talk about others.

The file appears to be some memory files, but these memory files are compressed and cannot be deciphered individually.

Out of curiosity, Shirou went to test the remaining sources of magic power.

The source of magic power is like gold laid on land that is buried with mines.That memory is gold. Occasionally, there will be something that bothers Shirou so much that he almost puts Seseiin in it.

A little ashamed and walking forward, Shirou decided to continue looking for this thing later.

It's better to kill the lip first.

Not long after they left, the girl's familiar face arrived as expected.

"See you again. Come to see me. I'm so happy... Is this fate?"

Lip looked at Bai Ye, his eyes were full of joy.

Although Lip is not going to attack them, it doesn't mean others won't.

Like Robin Hood.

Behind, a green archer saw that he had been spotted, so he showed his figure and greeted Shirou.

"Hey, you guys, you came really fast."

Chapter 65

"See you again. Come to see me. I'm so happy... Is this fate?"

"No, get out." Shirou resolutely refused.

Lip's words froze: "That, that...! Yes, I'm sorry...!"

"Haha, that's it. Archer, it seems you understand." Robin Hood showed a subtle smile, "This is how this woman should be dealt with."

"Are the two archers so insane? Facing a cute girl, they actually want to act like this. But, can you let me?" Bai Ye volunteered and walked forward.

Her uncle's heart sprouted again,

Lip was a little dazed, and looked left and right: "Mr. Archer, and Mr. Bai Ye, are they all going to bully me? Or, to get the memory on the surface?"

"Memory on the surface?" Bai Ye was a little puzzled.

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