Could it be that the memory file they got just now is actually their own original memory?

If so...

"As expected... I want to know that memory is for deeper love and not for laughing at me, right? Hakuno-san, you will love me even more strongly!" Lip spoke incoherently, showing a rare expression to Shirou and Hakuno hostility.

"What do you want to do?" Shirou took out a weapon, "Are you preventing us from recovering our memories? I won't agree to that."

"I just want my favorite Hakuno-san to stay like this. If you want to hinder me, even Hakuno-san will not forgive you and punish you so that you can't go back to the original state again. Hakuno-san's words It should be understandable, right?"

Lip's eyes were full of pleading.But this prayer will not receive any approval.

In order for the person you like to maintain the appearance you like, you have to get rid of the other person.This kind of out-of-the-ordinary kindness can no longer be called kindness.It's just madness to destroy what you love.

"If you can't get it, you will destroy it. Such an approach is completely selfish, like a child who can't get a toy." Shirou mocked Lip.

Lip was staggered back by Shirou's shout.The hostility of Lip, who was refuted head-on, completely disappeared. ——Nevertheless.For some reason, a more bewitching light shone in those eyes.

This is the rhythm of wanting to fight, Bai Ye must be protected!

Narrowing his eyes, Shirou sank his body.

Sure enough, an astonishing speed erupted from Lip's body, and the huge claws completely bypassed Shirou, ready to hit Hakuno.

Shirou backed away slightly.


Can't afford the Holy Sword, show up, Durandar!

Lip's claw collided with the sword.

Speed ​​and strength are very powerful, and even the best servants are hard to resist a frontal attack. Alterego, a monster with multiple A+ rank servants, is absolutely impossible to fight simply by relying on strength and speed.

"Should we start fighting if we can't say it?" Shirou murmured, pushing forward with all his might.

Although Lip has a much stronger power than Shirou, but Shirou's violent force that catches people off guard, Lip can't stop it.

Grabbing Hakuno, Shirou threw her backwards.

At least Bai Ye can't be involved in this battlefield!

"Archer, you are really rough." Sesseiin looked at Shirou with interest.

"It's really rough, but there's nothing you can do about it. Seshoin, please protect yourself." Shirou turned sideways repeatedly, looking for a chance to defeat his opponent.

Lip's big paws swung from both sides of Shirou.The claws were so fierce that they almost hit Shirou.

But it seems that lip is only capable of such rampant attacks?

Shirou bypassed Lip's paw and touched her from behind. Lip seemed caught off guard and turned around in a hurry.

A knife stabbed at Lip, and Lip groaned in pain.

"Please, please don't do this, Mr. Archer..."

"It's late!" When Shirou was about to attack Lip, he suddenly realized, where did that Archer named Robin Hood go?

"Hey, woman, this time, I'm going to succeed." Robin Hood showed a mysterious smile.

He has already appeared in front of the Killing Academy.

At this time, Shashengyuan can't die, she still has value.

Shirou decisively returned to the defense, throwing the sword in his hand.

Robin Hood obviously didn't expect Shirou's reaction speed to be so fast, but the purpose of drawing Shirou's attention was achieved-although he was easily killed by the sword.

Lip recovered, and the huge claw was about to hit Shirou.

Seshoin twisted his orchid fingers, lowered his head slightly, and the holy light shone on Lip.

"Humans have three souls and seven souls. They are ten kinds of divine treasures. If you cannot understand your own Buddha nature, you should see the evil in your body clearly and approach Nirvana. Om Abi Luo Yu Bai Sava."

Lip's claws turned into nothingness, and the blow that should have maimed Shirou, or even killed him, was deflected by the killing institute.

Lip was very surprised, this time it wasn't the hands that turned into nothingness, but - the whole body would turn into nothingness!

"This is... what? Unable to maintain, physical entity?"

"This world is an illusion. Then, it is easy to return you who are only composed of information and have no body. Even so, this is a rare big job. Archer, are you alright?"

Saseiin let out a breath, and said softly to Shirou.

"No, it's okay. What are you? Seshoin, what's going on now?" Shirou couldn't help asking, looking at the more ethereal Lip, who seemed to be disappearing like that?

The powerful alterego seems to have no room to play in front of the Killing Academy?

Also, wouldn't this really violate the jump with BB?

"Ah—!" Lip tried hard to break free from the siege of the spell, but it seemed useless.

"Don't worry, this is not an offensive technique, it's just to disassemble the lip. It's time—"

Killing Yuan opened his mouth muttering.

Buddhist scriptures continued to emerge, surrounding and trapping Lip.

"All colors are sluggish."

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