"Don't remember?" Gu Dazi nodded, and made a judgment instantly, "I see, it seems to be similar to the effect of erasing information. Is it to avoid me? But it doesn't matter, since he wants the Holy Grail If so, please let us participate in the Holy Grail War together! We will definitely obtain the Holy Grail."

Sakura frowned in embarrassment: "But we are not planning to fight the Holy Grail War. The Holy Grail is only created as a reward for El-Melloi II. It is for money."

Under the hands of the Demon God King, the Holy Grail, which is enough to burn one-seventh of a human being, is usually made by storing sixty years of magic power, but it is said that one can be taken out at will.

Gudazi was a little silent.

What is the purpose of grabbing so many Holy Grails so hard? Is it for eating noodles?

"The Holy Grail War can be created without the Holy Grail War. If you don't want to fight, you don't have to fight." Da Vinci showed a mysterious smile.

"Like Nero Festival?" Gu Dazi asked.

"As expected of Master, this proposal is good." Da Vinci snapped his fingers.

"What do you mean?" El-Melloi II suddenly lost his mind.

"For example, find fair referees, use various small games to increase points, and finally the group with the highest points can win the Holy Grail or something?"

This proposal seems good.

El Mello II thought so.

At least compared to fighting directly with that person before, there is still a certain hope of victory.

"I think it's good. Since this is the case, let's discuss how to proceed with this game."

Roman watched Gudazi leave from the grass nervously, and finally felt relieved.

Just now he used his own magic to cause the same effect as assassin's ability information erasure of some weak people who can only assassinate, otherwise he would be out of help.

It would be bad if Gudazi found out now.

Although it would be extremely troublesome to snatch the Holy Grail, and it was not easy for him to come forward directly, he was not discovered anyway.

In any case, he still had to escape first, quietly, and hide his figure, in order to find a way to get the Holy Grail.

Just as he stood up and wanted to sneak away, a fierce red light came from behind him.


"Do you think you can hide it from everyone like this?"

Shirou showed a cruel smile: "I'll tell Gudazi later that you're here!"

Roman's face turned green: "Mr. Emiya, you can't do this!"

Chapter 6 I, Shirou, Women's Dress!

Shirou put his arms around his chest and looked at Roman who was sitting on the ground with a weak face in front of him.

Roman just begged Shirou hard, begging him not to tell Gudazi the fact that he is here.

Shirou was very puzzled.

"I think, Doctor Roman, you should explain it to me. Didn't you say that you want to go back to Chaldea and cross the world line to get the Holy Grail? Why are you hiding now when you see Gudazi? Could it be that , In fact, you are not Solomon, but Getia?"

Shirou questioned.

But if he has any malice towards Gu Dazi, or towards himself, there is no need to provide himself with a way to restore that world to normal.

"Well, originally Solomon was considered dead. It's just that the human body left by the Holy Grail's wish was combined with a part of Getia. You are right to say that I am Gaetia..." Shirou said Under the eyes full of unkindness, Roman whispered more and more.

He knew that was not what Shirou wanted to know.

This is all correct and useless nonsense.What Shirou cares about is whether he will pose a threat to Gudazi, and whether the abnormal behavior just now means anything.

Speaking of which, he is really a good father. Although he is from a different world line, he still loves his daughter so much.Just like Gudazi said, daughter control.

"This, this..." Roman poked his fingers at each other, procrastinating with a sad face.

But in the end he gave up resistance.

Be frank and lenient and resist strict.There's no point in hiding this from Shirou.

"Well, Mr. Emiya. After all, everyone has a time to show their handsome side in front of the person they want to protect. When I was in Chaldea, I continued to look like the useless king before. If I didn't appear at the last moment, everyone wouldn't have any impression of me, right?"

As Roman talked, he couldn't help smiling, and scratched his cheek: "Haha, so, if I appear on the stage again, of course I have to be handsome and only appear when Gudazi is facing the most dangerous difficulties, and give the enemy the heaviest It is only through the blow that Gudazi can be tricked into throwing a lot of Saint Quartz in the recommended summons."


"Ahem, that's what makes Gudazi really happy. As for what I said just now, please pretend I didn't say it. Anyway, don't look at me like this, I still hope that I can become a pillar for others, so that others can take the rest Give it all to me."

Roman sighed.

While sighing, Shirou felt a little moved, as expected of the man who appeared at the end and killed the biggest boss—that is the doctor, can you let others leave the rest to you, so you don't blow yourself up?

Rin on the side shook her head. She didn't really want to help Roman, or even if she wanted to, she couldn't help: "Weimiya, don't even try to help others. We can't protect ourselves. Woolen cloth."

It's cruel, but it's reality.

Being hunted down by Sakura and other people from all walks of life, and then going to participate in the Holy Grail War and exposing his position, wouldn't this be suicide?

"But if I don't help, I can't bear it. Finally, Gu Dazi finally found Roman who thought he had disappeared, and then Roman appeared on the stage in a state of embarrassment. Like this, there is always a feeling of reading novels just for the sake of the three-body man Fighting with the people on Earth until the sun exploded, and then the Trisolarans suddenly came out and acted cute." Shirou said sincerely, "Besides, Gudazi is our daughter!"

How does Rin feel, this seems to make sense, the key is the last round - Gudazi is their daughter!This war for Shirou is her victory!

That Gudazi was her own daughter, which moved her a little.

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