Although it is not beautiful enough to shock the world, it is not bad.He is not tall, not short, not fat, not thin, and even has a little cute hair.

Moreover, it seems to be a bit like Emiya?Anyway, it's cute!

"To be precise, it is your child in the parallel world. So Gudazi cannot be considered your child logically, but from the perspective of genes and blood, it is indeed your child." Roman corrected.

Rin lost interest in saying this.

The corner of Shirou's mouth twitched: "Doctor, if you don't ky, we can help you. If you are so ky, not only will I be hunted down by Sakura everywhere, but you will also..."

"I was wrong! Mr. Emiya, and Miss Rin! For your daughter, please help me!"

Shirou suddenly showed a childish expression.Although even if he wants to help, it seems that there is no way to help Roman.

Now that he is being chased everywhere, it's good enough not to run around with a shield on his back, but to participate in this Holy Grail 'war', it's simply that he doesn't think he has lived enough.

Unless, say, he was able to change his face and pretend to be someone else.

Shirou slapped his thigh.

I'm really stupid, why didn't I think of this way?But after thinking about it carefully, he discovered that this was actually a good decision.

At that time, pretend to be a master and find a servant to form a team and participate in the Holy Grail War.

"Weimiya, what do you seem to have in mind?" Rin looked at Shirou with a surprised and happy face in doubt.

"Please, Mr. Wei Gong. I just heard from Gu Dazi that you are very thoughtful." Roman put his hands together and lowered his head slightly.

"I see, just leave it to me. But I have to go home first. Rin, you take the shield first, and Dr. Roman is here. I'm going to get something, you stay here, don't move around."

Shirou was about to leave when Rin pulled him back.

"Wait, wait, Emiya! What if you are discovered? Your magic power is not enough for you to project the shield again, right?" Rin looked at Shirou, as if asking if you could do it ?

Men can't say no.

"Don't worry, I'll just go and come back, it's very close." Shirou patted his sleeves, "Wait for me."

Then Shirou was pulled back again.

"Tohsaka, what are you doing?"

"Then Emiya, you have to make it clear what you are going to get? We must communicate with each other in an open and transparent manner, otherwise no one knows what who is thinking, how can we cooperate with each other?"

Shirou hesitated for a while, then whispered, "I'm just going to get some clothes."

"Is this necessary?" Rin questioned, "Could it be possible to reverse the situation with a piece of clothing?"

Shirou gritted his teeth, ready to fight.

"Tohsaka, do you know? What is the greatest, most permanent, and most universal art in the East?"

"I do not know."

"Oh, that's right, a man pretends to be a woman!"

Chapter 7 Like Illya, Schrödinger?

"Man, pretending to be a woman?"

Rin expressed serious doubts about whether this would be successful: "Could it be that in this case, we can participate in the Holy Grail War? Don't forget, we have no servants, and now we don't have the Holy Grail or Illya's help, and we can't summon them." From those who come.

Although Roman said that he was very strong when he transformed into Solomon or Gaetia, but he can't stand up, right?He can only be a helper behind the scenes. "

"Tohsaka, your worry is justified. But if you provide the magic power, wouldn't I be able to use it as a half-servant? Besides, if I wear women's clothing, they will definitely not recognize me!"

As the saying goes, two rabbits walk side by side, and An Neng can tell whether I am male or female.

As long as he wears women's clothes, no one will doubt him.Even if it's chest, he still has it, albeit it's pectoral muscles.

"Well——I'll just trust you once. Don't fool me, Emiya." Rin hugged her chest and shook her head in trouble.

"Don't worry, Mr. Emiya. Even if your women's clothing is not successful, I will use magic to help you become very successful." Roman said quickly.At least he couldn't show anything when Shirou helped him.

"Then I'm counting on you. Roman, just in case, just take this shield and stand where you are. I'll come back to you later. Rin, let's go."

"Back to your house?" Rin hesitated, "If Illya and the others bump into this..."

"Tohsaka, you are too young at this point. I am a professional assassin, and I am very confident in avoiding other people's detection. They are in my house now, and they are definitely not in another house. So, we are now You can walk home swaggeringly."

Rin Tohsaka looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"You said the same thing last time. A professional assassin dared to make a judgment, but Sakura and the others turned back."

"Haven't we been discovered?" Shirou said with a shy face, "What does this mean? It can only mean that our concealment is successful, even if they stand in front of us, they will not be able to find us!"

"It seems to make sense."

Shirou finally breathed a sigh of relief.After being told that by Rin just now, he still felt a little fuzzy in his heart.But his reasoning is undoubtedly flawless and perfect.

So, how can the perfect detour be discovered?They didn't look out.

"Let's go, let's go to the Einzbern house!"


Emiya Kiritsugu collapsed on the sofa, comfortably picked up the cigarette in his trouser pocket, and lit one.

I had been on a business trip for a long time before, and the work in the Middle East was finally over. The chief gave me a little reward, which seemed to be a tourist voucher for the Maldives.

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