After all, the chief also knew that he was not short of money, and heard that their family had less time to reunite, so he gave a family travel voucher.

Shirou and Illya are about to go on vacation, and it would be a good choice to take them on a trip...

"Kiritsugu, Kiritsugu! I want to cook today!" Ai Li looked at Sera picking up the pan with great interest, "Just let me cook the dishes for tonight! Okay? Just cook the mochi you like. Po tofu!"

Kiritsugu looked at the expression on Sera's face about to cry, and sighed silently in his heart.

"Okay, okay. Today I will eat the mapo tofu made by Ai Li, and I will leave the rest to Sera?"

Sera also nodded quickly: "Yes, ma'am, leave the rest to me."

Ai Li was a little disappointed, but she was very happy to be able to make mapo tofu for Kiritsugu, and she didn't expect too much: "Well, I'll go buy tofu first, hehe, the mapo tofu for Kiritsugu must be I'll pick it."

Kiritsugu had no choice but to say yes, and looked at each other with Sera until Alli went out, and Serra ran to water the flowers with a sad face.

They seem to be in danger today.

Eri's cooking level, just, not much to say...

Mapo tofu, he still hopes to eat Shirou's own hand-made tofu, that tofu is even more authentic than restaurant ones.But it's better to say that Fuyuki's Chinese restaurant is completely the Chinese cuisine understood by the Japanese, and it doesn't look authentic at all.

Although Shirou's cuisine doesn't know why, it is very authentic, and it tastes the same as the food I ate when I went to Huaxia.

Kiritsugu suddenly heard footsteps, slowly coming from outside to inside.

If it wasn't for a master who is good at assassination like him, he would definitely not be able to find the person who sneaked into the Einzbern house.

Quietly taking out a 30mm thick rifle from his pocket, Kiritsugu put out the cigarette to prevent himself from being discovered due to the smell of smoke.

Close, very close indeed.

If there is malicious intent, he can pin him to the ground as soon as someone comes out.

I saw red hair protruding from the wall, the man was startled when he saw Kiritsugu, he shrank back, there was a girl behind him! ?

"Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut off?"

Shirou stuttered.

"Shirou? Why is there a girl behind you? Why are you touching it quietly, like a thief?"

Kiritsugu frowned.

Could it be that the girl's family has grown up and got it, so she was chased and killed by the girl's family?

Shirou scratched his cheek: "Well, it's actually like this. Sakura misunderstood my relationship with Tohsaka, so I went home and hid."

Kiritsugu immediately felt relieved.

As long as it doesn't kill people, it's easy to say.

Moreover, it is not normal for a young man to be in vain if he is not flirtatious, and it shows that he has a charismatic personality.He still had some relationship with Maiya back then, but it's broken now.

He immediately showed an expression of "I understand", and smiled at Shirou, understanding.

"Ahem, although I'm not stopping you, as long as you grow up, you'll be fine, but don't do too much. Tell me, are there any girls who are ambiguous with you?" Kiritsugu sat back on the sofa, laughing smiled.

"Yes, Sakura, this, Tohsaka, and Luvia, it should be counted." Shirou didn't add Chigurh and Hakuno against his will.Anyway, if he's not here, he can't travel through time and space and beat him up, right?

"Where's Illya?" Kiritsugu asked suddenly.

"Of course not." Shirou shook his head hastily.

"You don't even like your sister!?"

Shirou was stunned, he couldn't say that he was a perverted loli girl, Illya is so awesome, Illya is so cute, my Illya can't be this cute, right?

But Kiritsugu is so serious here, as if not liking his sister is a matter of the sky falling down.

Shirou just nodded.

"What? Shirou, you even like your sister!"

Shirou: "..."

So, Kiritsugu, what exactly do you want.Is it the superposition of likes and dislikes, commonly known as Schrödinger's likes?

Chapter 8 Women's Clothing Failed, But Rin Can Men's Clothes!

"Then, Kiritsugu, do you want me to like Illya, or not?" Shirou suddenly felt that the world was really full of malice towards him, it was just targeting him.

Perfectly dodged Illya's route and took a detour to go home, but was still caught by Kiritsugu who seemed to have just returned home. Could it be God's will?

He was immediately desperate. Could it be that he really couldn't use the eyes of a professional assassin to judge the problem?

"Well. Of course you have to like it, but you can't make that kind of like it, it's the brother's liking for your younger sister." Kiritsugu blew a smoke ring.

"But, Kiritsugu, the liking I said is this kind of liking. What did you misunderstand?"

"Okay." Kiritsugu scratched his head in embarrassment, "Since it's just this kind of liking, that's fine. I heard you just now, it seems that among the girls who have a relationship with you, there is a surnamed Tohsaka, right?"

Rin stood up and said, "Hi Uncle, I'm Rin Tosaka. But I have nothing to do with Emiya-san. Sakura misunderstood."

"Oh? This has nothing to do with me, I don't interfere in your private affairs. It's just Shirou, you go home like this, I don't think it will help solve the matter, and let's bring the girl home in broad daylight. How about it, Shirou, tell me about the matter in detail, and I can help you figure out a solution?"

What a dear father!Shirou was a little moved—although there seemed to be something wrong.But he couldn't tell, at least not about Roman.

"It's actually like this, Tohsaka and I have a child named Gudako..." Kiritsugu interrupted them just as Shirou said the words.

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