"What? I have a granddaughter? Shirou, you still killed people, and they were all born?"

Kiritsugu immediately took out the gun from his pocket and pointed it at Shirou's forehead.

"Calm down, Kiritsugu! Listen to me, she's already 18!"

"This makes me so calm, the children are all 18 years old—well, Shirou, you are only sixteen this year, right?" Kiritsugu looked a little strange, "How can there be an eighteen-year-old child?"

"Because Gudazi turned eighteen at the end of 2017. Is it my child in a parallel world, or was born earlier than me in this world. Sakura only heard about her. I hunted everywhere."

Kiritsugu finally understood what was going on with them.

Although traveling through time and space is a fantasy for ordinary people, such big men like Gem Weng in the Clock Hand Tower can still travel through it with ease.Besides, that child seems to have an organization to help her carry out the spiritual transfer, which is more reasonable.

"We are going to participate in the Holy Grail War that is being held now, and we can't be discovered, so I want to come back and wear some special clothes." Shirou sighed, "It's probably like this."

"There is still the Holy Grail War now? Wasn't it chopped up by Saber with Excalibur?" Kiritsugu was a little puzzled, "Oh, by the way, Illya is the third magician, it's not impossible for her to want to make the Holy Grail Method……"

Suddenly, Kiritsugu's cell phone rang, and Kiritsugu answered the call.

Shirou suddenly felt bad, who could this phone call be?Could it be Illya who called and asked Kiritsugu to look for him?

"Kiritsugu, have you gone home?"

Shirou was a little suffocated by the voice, it turned out to be——

"Well, Illya, I'm home."

"Hey, that's good. By the way, Kiritsugu, can you help me find my brother! Sister Sakura and we are working hard to find him! Now he and Rin have run away! Rin dares to snatch a man, but dare not come out!"

Shirou didn't dare to look directly at Kiritsugu, blood started to pool on his legs, he had to run away quickly.

"Then Dad, I'll help you find them now, don't worry, it will be soon." Kiritsugu showed a soft smile, and hung up the phone.

Shirou sighed, this is not home either.Can't go back!

Kiritsugu had already straightened his clothes and stood up.

"Shirou, I advise you to catch him without a fight. And Rin-san, you too. If one of you is my son and the other is Tokiomi's child, you should surrender."

"Surrender is impossible, even in this life. Kiritsugu, goodbye!" Shirou hugged Rin, opened the window and jumped outside.

The ground is a lawn, and Sera is watering the flowers, when Shirou jumps down and jumps.

Looking around, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.The lawn gave some buffer, and, fortunately, there was no one here who could stop him.

"Don't run!"

Kiritsugu also jumped down suddenly, and ran after Shirou.

"Shirou, don't run, hurry up, stop, I promise I won't shoot!"

"I won't stand! Unless Kiritsugu you make a written proof—ah bah, it's useless to make a written proof, unless Kiritsugu throws away the gun!"

Kiritsugu immediately threw the gun away.

Shirou paused for a moment.

Kiritsugu took out another 98k: "Let's grab it!"

"Kiritsugu, you plot against me!"

"Sorry, son!"

It just so happened that this was already near the bushes where he had fought before.If it was Roman, he should be able to see him.

"Roman save me!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Kiritsugu aimed his gun at Shirou who was twenty or thirty meters away: "No one can save you, so Shirou, you surrender!"

At this moment, a figure rushed from in front of Shirou, and Roman finally stood in front of Shirou and Rin with the shield on his head.

Roman is really reliable in this regard.

"Mr. Emiya, have you found the clothes you mentioned?"

"Damn ass," Shirou leaned against the wall, wiping his cold sweat, "I found a ball. I ran into Kiritsugu just after I got back, and Kiritsugu looked like he was going to collapse me. Stupid. Looks like plan A has failed."

"Weimiya, your plan of dressing up as a woman is unreliable, okay?" Rin rolled his eyes at Shirou, "Even if you wear a woman's dress, don't you think others won't be able to see that you are Wei Gong? Gudazi is exactly the same, right? It will definitely be exposed."

"It doesn't matter if we are exposed, we just have an identity." Shirou explained, but it is a fact that the women's clothes will be the same as Gu Dazi, the faces are almost exactly the same, and the women's clothes are basically the same except for the hairstyle and height.

What can we do then?

Shirou aimed at Rin and Roman.

Roman is now banned, and he failed in his attempt to dress up as a woman, so the only hope, the light of the whole village, is Rin?

Suddenly, Rin's short hair and heroic appearance appeared in front of his eyes.

If I put on some more clothes...

When Shirou slapped his thigh, why didn't he think of it?

"Rin, although I can't dress up as a woman, you can dress up as a man!"

Chapter 9 Referee, Kotomine Kirei!

"What about the Holy Grail War without fighting?"

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