Sera and Lizlit dared not speak, pretending not to hear.

"Why don't you try it?"


"Mapo tofu will never be eaten!" Rin shook her head desperately, at this moment, she recalled the past when she was still learning Bajiquan with Kotomine Kirei—it was all mapo tofu!

"Well, why don't you eat it? I finally found this Chinese restaurant, which also has delicious Sichuan cuisine." Kotomine Kirei scooped up a spoonful, stuffed it into his mouth, and ate it.

Emiya Kiritsugu on the side showed no sign of weakness, and finished another plate of tofu.

"This thing is tofu." Kiritsugu murmured.

The pearl-like tofu is buried under the slightly reddish spicy oil. With just a light touch from the spoon, the tofu cracks and the spicy oil seeps into the tofu.

In contrast, what exactly is that thing that Allie made!

"Kiritsugu, don't you need to eat in such a hurry?" Shirou scratched his head, "Did you just call me just to come out and eat this thing?"

After finishing the registration with great difficulty, he can finally rest now.But Kiritsugu found him again by phone.An ominous premonition lingered in his heart.But it shouldn't be a big deal, right?

"Of course it's more than that, but let me finish eating first." Kiritsugu took another plate of tofu brought by the boss, but didn't eat it immediately, and glanced at Kotomine Kirei, "Speaking of which, Kotomine Kirei , how are you still alive?"

"Are you surprised? To be honest, I am also surprised to see you here. People like you, if you don't die for justice, will also despair because justice has not been achieved. However, you will give up justice for the sake of your family. .”

"I still can't bear Illya. She's still too young, she was just born during the Holy Grail War." Kiritsugu took out a cigarette from his arms, but remembered that this was a public place, so he put it away again Go back, "What about you, although your essence has not changed, but it seems that the form of expression is different. Or is it that you have not awakened?"

"Human beings in that world are about to perish. Although your son tried his best to continue his life in that world, it was after I discovered that I like mapo tofu for a long time. Take happiness from the pain of others, and It’s not as easy as making mapo tofu, isn’t it?”

"Then I really feel lucky for the people in that world." Kiritsugu wiped his mouth.

This plate of mapo tofu was quickly eaten up again.

In this way, he is also full, and it is time to get down to business.

"Actually, Shirou, I asked you for an important matter. If you do it for me, I will try my best to convince Illya and your little girlfriend."

so good?

Shirou looked at Kiritsugu suspiciously.

There are no pies that fall from the sky in this world, only gendarmes that fall from the sky.

Is there a conspiracy?

"It's like this, Shirou. Eri went home and made a mapo tofu..."

Made by Ai Li, mapo tofu?

Shirou shook his head: "No, no, I can't eat it."

"Son, be obedient." Kiritsugu patted Shirou on the shoulder.

"Sorry, Kiritsugu, I can't do this alone."

Kiritsugu nodded regretfully: "In that case, I understand."

Shirou finally breathed a sigh of relief.Kiritsugu still did not continue on the road of defrauding his son, otherwise...

"Hey, is that Eri? Well, it's me, I'm Kiritsugu. Shirou said that he looks forward to eating the mapo tofu you made when he gets home, and if you want to make more, then I'll hang up first."

Kiritsugu put away his mobile phone: "Son, you can eat it if you don't eat it, and you can eat it if you eat it. You can choose one."

Shirou opened his mouth wide.

Is this still his father?Did he pick it up?

Kiritsugu, I didn't expect you to be such a person, to plot against me!

Chapter 14 Sheba: I Feel Something

Hearing Kiritsugu's words, Shirou sprinted for a thousand meters with Rin.

What about the most basic trust between people?

Kiritsugu, I trusted you so much, and even ate mapo tofu with you, did you sell me back?

Shirou hurriedly ran, trying his best to hide in the alley, but there was a dead end in front of him, there was no way to go, no way to advance, no way to retreat.

He turned around and leaned against the wall, a little scared.

Kiritsugu in front of him took out his gun, and the black muzzle told Shirou the cruel truth.Mutual understanding between people does not exist, and only violence is the only way to solve the problem.

"Even if I die and jump into the river, I will never go home and eat the mapo tofu made by Ai Li!"

Shirou huddled in the corner, he had already taken Rin and ran away with all his might.But Kiritsugu seems to have thoroughly researched any hiding place inside Fuyuki, so that he can't get out of Kiritsugu's control by just running away without special means.

Kiritsugu held a cigarette in his mouth, and the bullet made the sound of being loaded: "Son, just go back and eat obediently. If you don't eat it, Illya has to eat it, and if Illya doesn't eat it, she has to eat it." If I eat it, Sera must eat it, and Liz Lite must eat it. Think about it, can you bear it?"

"It's clear that Eri will only make it for you to eat alone! Illya and I don't like mapo tofu. Kiritsugu, if you don't want to eat it yourself, don't drag me into trouble!"

Kiritsugu was exposed without any embarrassment.

"Are you going to eat or not?"

Shirou shook his head.

Just kidding, how is it possible to eat that thing?Facing Kiritsugu now, so what if there is an origin bullet?He is now approaching the strength of a Servant with a human body, and the mere origin... Well, it still hurts a bit, but going home to eat Eri's food is definitely a dead end.

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