Kiritsugu must drive him to his train of thought!

Shirou looked at Kiritsugu, with a stern face, he didn't seem to let up, and the gun in his hand shone with a cold metallic gleam under the moonlight.

So - it must be!

Rin shivered, and suddenly felt that if she married Shirou in the future, the family environment would be very severe.

"That boy over there, get out of the way, this matter has nothing to do with you, I just came to take Shirou away. But if you are stubborn, I can only make you faint." Kiritsugu didn't seem to recognize Rin came and persuaded, "But my method will be very rough."

"No! Please, don't take Shirou away!" Rin stood in front of Shirou, and after hearing that he would only be knocked out if he blocked him, he boldly stood up, "He and I really love each other. "

The cigarette in Kiritsugu's mouth fell to the ground.

Maybe it was too surprised, Kiritsugu didn't even step on it, his hands trembling slightly: "Son, you are actually gay?"

Shirou is a bit dumbfounded, but the opportunity created by Rin must be cherished!

"Doctor, hurry up, transfer!"

Shirou and Rin disappeared from the spot immediately, Kiritsugu frowned, feeling that something was wrong.Did you take the opportunity to run away?However, it's really scary that his son is hiding a secret that he hasn't discovered for so long.


Fuyuki City at night finally became a lot quieter after the curtain was drawn.There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, perhaps because the nearest Fuyuki finally stopped gas leakage.

Starry, Gudazi stepped on the land of his hometown with nostalgia, and stood in front of the T-junction.

The left side is downhill, corresponding to the house with Japanese style, and the right side is uphill, which is the villa with western style.Although she has the desire to visit everything, if she can't, she can only choose to visit the places where her mother lived.

"Mr. Shinji, there, there! Can you tell me about it?"

Shen Er folded his arms around his chest and turned his head: "Huh, don't you even know this? An idiot is an idiot. He is very self-aware and knows how to ask a genius. Since you asked sincerely, then I will show mercy Tell you.

It actually existed hundreds of years ago.A family of foreigners came to settle here, and Fuyuki kept the style there when the city was rebuilt, and all of them were made into western-style villas.In fact, my family used to live there, but an antique house is not interesting, modern people just want to keep pace with the times.

But speaking of it, there are actually rumors of ghosts around here, but this is just a joke. "

"Oh——then can you take me to see it?" Gu Dazi asked, but she wanted to see what was going on with this ghost, and if she could tear it up with her hands.

"Hmph, no, but I'm in a good mood today, and I can barely take you to see it." Shen Er walked forward enthusiastically.

The fluffy ears on the Queen of Sheba's head stood up: "Is the master's hometown, really interesting."

"I thought you, Sheba, would be in a hurry to find someone." Da Vinci pushed his glasses.

"Well." Sheba narrowed his eyes and laughed, "It's useless to get angry, if there is a destiny, maybe he will appear in the next second."

Seeing Sheba being so open-minded, Da Vinci felt relieved: "Ha, but this time I know what the master's parents look like, so I can make it, and maybe let the master feel the warmth of home in Chaldea. "

"Even if I don't look like a family, Chaldea can still make me feel the warmth of home." Gu Dazi smiled, and then heard Shen Er's call from tens of meters away.

"You guys, do you want to see it or not?"

"I'm coming!"

After answering, they trotted forward quickly.At this time, Sheba's ears twitched, and she always felt that there was a familiar aura nearby.

Really, so familiar.

"Mr. Shinji, I feel a strange aura around here. Is there really a ghost?" Sheba said pretending to believe it.

Shen Er suddenly panicked, quickly looked left and right.There is no sound in the silent street, and the alley is endlessly dark, as if a ghost will emerge from it in the next second——

A hand reached out and grabbed his collar!


The wailing sound spread throughout the alley, and the surrounding houses suddenly turned on lights, as if they were woken up by the cry.

"Hey, Shinji, it's me." Shirou rolled his eyes at him.


"Saber, Chiko Muramasa."

Sheba pointed to Shirou: "Mr. Saber, there seems to be someone behind you?"

In the shadows, Rin came out: "Miss Gudazi's servant perception ability is really good."

Author's message:

Push books, push books, wife's new book~~~~~~~~~

Book Title: "Lolita Chess Master@Feeding Plan"

"Student Xiuxiu, please sit down!"

"Good, good!"

"Come?~Please read to me ☆『Favorite.Favorite.Master.Sister!'"

——Senior sister (full of scheming) pointed at the writing board gently and kindly.

"Most, like, like, teacher, sister, huh?"

——Xiuxiu worked hard to learn to read.

"Yeah! Xiuxiu, do it again!"

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