——The senior sister's smile is gradually (pleasantly) happy.

"I like Senior Sister the most!"

——Xiuxiu smiled sweetly like an angel.

"Not only senior sister, master, mother, sister, but also the goddess..."

"... I like Xiuxiu the most~~!"



——Passing her green head, the senior sister silently raised the knife.

Teacher, I won't learn Go anymore, and I won't teach the word Xiuxiu either.

This cute little junior sister needs a good education (training)!

Anyway, it sounds like a waste of cute~~~~

Chapter 15 Die, Shirou!

"So it's Fujimaru-kun?" Gudazi looked at Rin curiously, this person who obviously had a very familiar aura but didn't know him at all.She secretly speculates that this person is actually a brother she has never met, but if there is, there is no reason why she should not know of his existence.

"Nice to meet you, your eyes are as beautiful as my mother's."

Rin suddenly got stuck in his words, facing himself and Shirou's children in a parallel world, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak after being praised: "Yes, is it? Haha, haha—then your mother should Isn't it beautiful?"

Gu Dazi nodded: "Of course."

Shirou almost wanted to cover his face.Rin, you are so eloquent, you can't even speak when you meet Gudazi.

But this is not without benefits, at least after Gudazi and the others are attracted by Rin, the doctor in the distance will definitely not be discovered.

But how come Shen Er is here, and he seems to be very familiar with Gu Dazi - I treat you as a brother, but you want to fuck my daughter?

No, Shinji shouldn't be that kind of person.This technical geek is completely uninterested in women.That is to say——Lancer instigated it?

Wang sauce, that's too much.

"Shinji, are you here to take Gudazi to play? Why are you here? Where's Lancer?"

"It's Saber? Well, it was actually Gudazi's invitation, ah no, she was asking me to take her to visit Fuyuki City. I wanted to refuse, but Lancer agreed for me. There is really no way." Shen Er Shaking his head as if troubled, his mouth seemed to be full of smiles.

The blue spearman also summoned out and smiled slightly: "Oh, it's boys, is it Saber now? Yes, it's my proposal. If a girl wants to hang out at night, of course there should be a boy Helping protect it, aren't you?"

The corner of Shirou's mouth twitched.

The problem is that Gudazi's physical skills, not to mention facing people in the magic world, even compared with Heroic Spirits, are barely able to protect themselves to a certain extent.Can Shen Er, a dead house, really protect others?Who is protecting whom?

But Shinji had a bright smile on his face.It's the look of being happy after being needed.Shirou didn't often see him before, so it seems that he didn't have any ill intentions towards Gudazi.

In this case, he can feel at ease.

"Well, I asked Mr. Shen Er to do this. After all, he is a local." Gu Dazi scratched his cheek, "There is a western-style mansion in front, let's go and have a look?"

Shirou froze.That seems to be the Tohsaka family.

According to Rin, this house in her house is usually unoccupied.Tohsaka Tokiomi also went to London to teach jewel magic, and Aoi also took care of Tokiomi there, so she simply didn't live there when she came back.

Just now when they ran here, they remembered in desperation that there was still a room to live in here, and Kiritsugu would definitely not find out if they came back quietly.

Does this seem to be the rhythm to be intercepted midway?

"Let's forget it." Shirou rejected Gudazi's invitation.If they accept it now, it will be a very troublesome thing for them to return to Tohsaka Mansion later, and what's more, if they are bumped into by Kiritsugu, and their real names are revealed——

"Okay, then let's go and have a look." Rin said at the same time.

Shirou touched his cheek, which still felt a little painful.Do you need to be so excited after seeing your daughter?

Rin also realized that Shirou seemed to be a bit different from his own decision, and quickly said: "Saber, let's go and take a look first."

Shirou asked in a low voice: "What if Kiritsugu appears?"

Facing Shirou's questioning look at Rin, Rin has no intention of wavering at all.

"It will never appear, don't worry. And this is Gudazi! Daughter! Let me see more."

Well, this is another daughter-in-law.

After Emiya Kiritsugu, another daughter-in-law appeared beside him.

But, Tohsaka, aren't you afraid of your identity being exposed?

Shirou wanted to say something else, but Rin said forcefully: "Let's go, I'm still familiar with this place, how about I tell you something?"

Gudazi nodded cheerfully.

Shirou had no choice but to keep up cautiously, for fear that Rin would show his feet, and by the way beware of Kiritsugu who might appear at any time.

Not far away, the house was very quiet. There were no lights in the courtyard, and it was pitch black.The lights on the street are also looming, flickering and flickering.Leaning against the Tosaka house, it was originally the residence of the Matou family, but that residence was even more dead than the Tosaka house, without any light.

Darkness is scary, so humans will associate this word with bad things.Shirou tried hard to find Kiritsugu who might be here.

Is it really not there?

"—The above are the more famous magicians in Fuyuki City. However, Fuyuki is also a remote city, so there are not many magicians. If it weren't for the Holy Grail War, there probably wouldn't be any powerful magicians." Rin introduced Fuyuki City in a straightforward manner.

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