Of course, the content of the introduction is inseparable from Rin's old profession, which is magic.

Shen Er felt a little frustrated, and followed behind Gu Dazi.Even being deprived of the position of commentary, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, so that's the case. This is exactly what Mr. Shen Er said." Gu Dazi noticed that Shen Er was a little depressed, and said quickly.

"Haha, that's it." Shen Er recovered a little spirit.

"But, Fujimaru-kun, how do you know so much about the magician in Fuyuki City? But you didn't mention anything about your family?" Gudazi asked suddenly.

Rin didn't make up his own virtual identity at all, and was in a hurry.

"This, this—"

Shirou raised his eyebrows, he knew that such a mistake would happen.Getting carried away is probably used to describe Rin at this time.

He only had his daughter in his eyes, so of course he couldn't think of anything to weave a lie about.

"Ahem, that's actually the case. My master is from an unknown magic family in Guanbuzi City next door. If we hadn't heard about the Holy Grail War, we wouldn't have come to Fuyuki." Shirou hurriedly told Rin Fill loopholes.

"Well, that's probably the case." Rin nodded quickly, acknowledging what Shirou said.

Gu Dazi nodded very clearly, which made Shirou breathe a sigh of relief again.

But at this moment, there was the sound of a bullet being loaded in the shadows, and there was a faint smell of smoke.

"Finally found you. It's nothing more than mapo tofu." Emiya Kiritsugu stood up from the shadows, "In Fuyuki City, it's impossible for you to escape my pursuit!"

"But if you don't eat it, you'll die, Shirou!"

Author's message:

pushed the book~

Title: "Nuclear Sword Fairy Ilya"

I, a senior traveler

I used to be equipped with a three-dimensional mobile device to cut down giants

I once wielded a great sword to terrorize the abyss

I used to drive Teigu to participate in the revolutionary assassination

Until I tried to cheat the gun of Gungnir in Gensokyo, and was bombarded by magic from Scarlet Moon

Today, I am—Illya, Queen of Arms!

Chapter 16 Ally: The Plan

The husband and wife group wanted to secretly accompany their daughter but was hunted down. Is this a lack of humanity or a loss of morality?Please watch today's Fuyuki...

Shirou didn't know whether he was dead or not, he only knew that Kiritsugu just called out his name!

Shirou suffocated, if Gudazi found out, wouldn't it be——

"Why are you here?" Shirou asked calmly.

Kiritsugu put down his cigarette, and puffed out the smoke ring: "I already knew that you were going in this direction, so I am in ambush here. Do you think I won't be able to find you walking on the street so ostentatiously? Just grab it with your hands."

Heidongdong's muzzle was already aimed at Shirou.

Shirou quietly looked back.Gu Dazi didn't seem to notice the special meaning of the name, which is good news.

He turned around again.

In front of my eyes, the light has disappeared, and there is darkness everywhere.But in the darkness, there is an even darker place, that is the muzzle of the gun, with a completely gloomy atmosphere.

"Saber, can you hear me?" Rin turned her back and grabbed Gudazi's hand.

His teeth seemed to be shaking, and he regretted why he stopped and ran away because of Gudazi before, but now Shen Er and Gudazi were involved.

Shen Er looked at the pistol similar to the one on TV, but with a much larger caliber, and his legs and feet trembled a little.Gudazi has seen many scenes, but this is the first time that the gun is so close to him.

But there's no other way, it's the only way.

"For a while. Hold him."

Shirou took a step forward without answering.

"Tsk, aren't you going to run away?" Kiritsugu narrowed his eyes.

Gu Dazi pulled Rin's sleeve: "Fujimaru-kun, we have a lot of followers here..."

"No. As long as there are people, it is a burden to the followers."

Shirou looked at Kiritsugu and nodded slightly.

"Smart, as long as you run away, then I still have a chance, and it's not impossible to run away at worst."

"Then please..."

Shirou asked very indifferently: "Then, master, it doesn't matter if it's knocked down?"

The wind was a bit noisy, and the tranquility of the night was blown away by the wind. The moon revealed a little outline from the dark clouds, moistening Rin's hair.

Rin smiled, his voice was a little soft, it was a laugh of trust.

"You're welcome, Saber, go as far as you can!"

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