And El-Melloi II only needs to make a self-mo thirteen.The difficulty of this thirteen unit is naturally extremely huge, but as long as there are enough times, it is not that he has no chance.

In the first round, Shirou Hu.

In the second round, Shiro Hu.

In the third round, Shirou was still Hu!

But Hu De is not big, there is still a certain chance.

In the fourth round, El-Melloi II turned over the cards, and in an instant, the blood in his brain boiled.

White in the southeast and northwest, [-] tubes, [-], the fly in the ointment is that there are no [-], not a single piece.

He winked at Arturia and Da Vinci, and they immediately understood.

Fully cooperate with El-Melloi II to draw cards!

Under the siege and interception of the previous rounds, Shirou didn't get a single card, which was completely aimed at death.

After these few rounds, El-Melloi II also successfully got the last two-piece suit, which is [-] pieces!

Hu thirteen cards, as long as you draw one more of these thirteen cards, victory is possible.

Being able to get to this point is entirely dependent on Da Vinci, Artoria, and the efforts of countless people.

He's not fighting alone, not alone!

Da Vinci touched again, creating a card chance.

Weber looked at the cards resolutely, ready to touch up and down with one hand.

El-Melloi II took a deep breath.

Comrades at the mahjong table, audience present.Listen to me, the last twilight is dimmed, mahjong is burning, the gunpowder is gone, we are the only ones left in the galaxy, even if our lives end today, we will fight to the end!Kill Wei Gong!

Shirou glanced at him: "Your card is good, this is to draw thirteen, isn't it?"

El-Melloi II looked at Shirou in horror.I looked at the cards in my hand again...

How could it be, it was [-]! ?

"Thirty thousand..."

Artoria looked at the cards in her hand in embarrassment.She has no more cards to touch.

Da Vinci also tried his best to help El-Melloi II, but now, he is also powerless.

"You actually poisoned the milk..." El-Melloi II pointed to Shirou, and some white liquid came out of his mouth.

"Well, self-touch. Nonsense!"

Chapter 32 Arturia works in a bar?

El-Melloi II, Caster, Artoria, and Da Vinci sat on the steps blankly, all sighing heavily.

After six rounds of mahjong, the fifth round of [-] Yao was overturned.

In the last lap after that, everyone joined forces, and they... lost even worse.

Why, why are so many of them united and still unable to defeat Shirou.And it was even more than a hundred points ahead.

"Don't lament like that. It is because the enemy is strong that conquest is necessary, isn't it?" The Conqueror touched his chin and laughed loudly, "I didn't expect that kid Saber to have some strength."

Artoria couldn't help but black line.This is not a little bit of strength, it's like hitting the iron plate, okay?

How did the King of Conquerors lead so many troops to conquer land after land with such a detached character?Darius III, can't you be a little bit stronger?

The game that lasted for a day has exhausted Artoria physically and mentally. Even if she was so tired, she only got a few points, which is only two to three million yuan, which is not enough to pay off the debt.

However, tomorrow is the final day, and everything can be decided tomorrow.She had already received gossip from Sakura—tomorrow's game, the points would be terrifyingly high.

This meant only one thing to her—the money would be terribly much too.

"I go first."

"King of Knights, are you going to run first? Don't you want to prepare for tomorrow's game?" Iskandar asked, "Drinking some wine is fine."

Arturia shook her head.

She has no interest in this, she still has to go to work today, if she doesn't work, she will have no money, if there is no money, then...

She looked at Shirou, feeling a little guilty, and left quickly.

"It's really strange. Although the King of Knights didn't like me very much before, he doesn't have any interest in drinking, does he?" Iskandar rubbed his chin.

When Shirou heard that, the corner of his mouth twitched.It turns out that when you discussed countermeasures, you just went to drink?

"Hey, Saber over there, how about it, do you want to join our camp, and then, conquer the world together?"


"Rejected so quickly."

Ignoring Iskandar, Shirou wondered where Arturia was going.It seems that Luvia has also gone home, but she is not with the master who has now concluded a contract...

It's weird.

Just when Shirou was puzzled, Gilgamesh approached with a mysterious face, the smile on his mouth could no longer be hidden, as if deliberately hiding some secret, but he wanted to tell Shirou: "Saber, what is your date today?" You can’t play cards well, and you’ve lost so much before.”

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