Shirou glanced at Gilgamesh, pretending not to notice the smile on her lips.

He believed that Gilgamesh must have noticed the look in his eyes just now, which was full of curiosity.She will never miss this opportunity to catch herself.

"Then why don't you come to fight today and beat me? Could it be that you are afraid that your treasure house will not be copied by me, so you will lose first?"

"How, how is it possible? I am an expert in the game world. Cricket mahjong."

"Then do you dare to have a game with me?" Shirou evoked a mysterious smile and made a wave of excitement.

About ten minutes later, Gilgamesh fired three shots in a row, and he was almost dying.

"Saber, I can't do it anymore, please, let me go."

"Hey hey, I caught you so hard, but you still want to run away? Shining, let me show you my true strength—the big windmill!"

With trembling hands, Gilgamesh pushed out the last remaining chip beside him.The chips represent the treasure in her treasury, and this is her last treasure!

I'm so stupid, really, knowing that Shirou's mahjong skills are so superb, why did I agree to play cards with him?Really, it was Shirou.

In desperation, Shirou's voice came from next to his ear: "Hey, I've said it all, you can't beat me. Call me good brother, and I'll give it back to you."

It's so humiliating, but if you don't shout, you can't get back the things in the treasure.As a king, she kept her word.

"Hmph, you can take what this king rewarded you."

Shirou looked at Shining with some pity.Tsundere, it's a disease.

"Then, great Shem, O King of Heroes, I will return to you all the wealth you have bestowed on me. I only want a little of it."

Gilgamesh immediately became more vigilant.

Just now she wanted her to humiliate her brother, but now she is so righteous that she doesn't want her wealth?There must be tricks.


Shirou looked at Gilgamesh, still a little surprised.How could she be so strong?Don't even want to do this directly?Do you have to work hard to create your own wealth?

Now that she has learned the most glorious and great spirit of labor, Shirou can only respect rather than obey.

"Then please give me the king's treasury."

Gilgamesh looked at Shirou in embarrassment, and then at the endless treasures in his treasury.

Really, I can't bear it!

"Will you give it or not? You won't be a heroic king, but now you're shrinking back?" Shirou raised his eyebrows.

Gilgamesh felt ashamed.How could he have a brain twitch to play such a game of luck with Shirou, which is definitely impossible to win.Even if she plays some other games, she still has confidence.

Forget it, or just give——

"Call me good brother, and I don't want it. What do you think?"

The courage that had just been built up was wiped out immediately, and her calm face, which seemed to have no interest in the treasure house, made her feel less humiliated again.

How about calling out?

No, the majestic hero king, how can you call him a good brother?


"Good brother!"

Shirou nodded happily.It seems that Winky is not so arrogant that it can't be cured.


"Ah—I'm going to kill you!" Gilgamesh rushed to Shirou angrily, but before he got angry, he was stopped by Shirou who was holding a few treasures in the treasure house.

"I haven't returned it to you yet, so what's the hurry." Shirou looked at no one around, and asked in a low voice, "Xin, do you know where Arturia just ran to? Why is she in such a hurry?"

"Why should I tell you?" Gilgamesh choked, only to find that the treasury was still in Shirou's hands.

She froze instantly.

"Tell me, tell me, nothing will happen."

"Okay, okay." Gilgamesh wanted to laugh again when he said this.

"Artoria, she went to work in a bar."

Author's message:

it's time to push the book

The title of the book is "Illya is Awesome", which is my pen name! (pride)

The introduction is as follows:

I'm nailed in the coffin

dead, also in the tomb, cry out with this decayed vocal cord:

Elijah is really amazing!

Chapter 33 Target, Fuyuki Bar!

work to earn a living?Artoria?

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