Reading these two words separately, Shirou knew exactly what that meant.But put it all together, and you have no idea what it means.

Artoria, who stays at Emiya's house every day and is no different from the abandoned house except for not playing games, actually goes to work?Is the sun coming out from the south?Has the Earth's rotation changed?

As we all know, after the heroic spirits came to the world, especially after being fleshed, they would find something to do for themselves. Lancer went fishing.Medusa went to work. Caster is in a relationship. Berserker is protecting Illya, and assassin is guarding the mountain gate.And only Artoria is the most special.Because the only thing she found for herself was to eat.


Shirou still couldn't believe it, and asked, "If she goes to work, what is her purpose? Is she short of money?"

"Give me back what's in the treasure first, and then I'll tell you the rest, how about it?" Gilgamesh negotiated a condition with Shirou.

"It's not impossible." Shirou handed the treasures to Shining one by one, and finally left a few pieces of valuable minerals, "Can you leave me some? I really have a little money recently. gone."

Gilgamesh immediately showed an expression that I understood: "Then you can take these first, anyway, I have a lot of treasures. You, whose savings have been eaten up, can only get some money like this, and it's really not good." Easy. Remember to treat me to beef later."

"Okay, okay..." Shirou perfunctory Winky.

But, listening to it, why do you think there is something wrong with this statement?When will his deposit be eaten up?Isn't his deposit just frozen?It was because of this that I had to get some money from Gilgamesh.

Could it be that--

"Artoria emptied my deposit? No, it's impossible!"

"Don't you know?" Gilgamesh was a little surprised, "I thought you knew all about it."

"How did I know?"

No matter how whimsical Shirou is, with all kinds of wonderful operations, he will never understand that his savings will be emptied.Although he is young, he is worth several million yen.As the king of the working world, although the money is a bit more, it can still be done.That is—how did Artoria eat up so much money?

Now Gilgamesh feels sorry for Shirou.

"I didn't expect that you didn't know. After you went to the moon, Artoria was very worried about you. She had nowhere to vent her worries, so she had to eat every day. Because she ate a lot, she ate a lot of buffets, but There are not many buffet restaurants in Fuyuki, so after eating a few, she can only find restaurants.

——The next thing, you will know, she eats up your savings and eats up. "

Shirou was a little confused.

Could it be that his deposit was frozen, not by Kiritsugu, but by Artoria?How can she eat!

It seems that he landed on the moon in about ten days.

"Then why didn't she tell me?"

"He is a generation of kings, the King of Knights, who ate up Britain before, and now they ate up your family. Of course, I am embarrassed to say. And she is also taking remedial measures, such as working part-time, and for example-"

"Let Luvia be your master just to make some money?"

Gilgamesh's eyes silently told Shirou that this is the truth.

Shirou couldn't help but hate himself for being slow.No matter how strange Artoria is, she won't recognize someone else as a master. Even if she recognizes someone else as a master, at least she should find someone she is familiar with, not Luvia who she doesn't know very well.

Finding Luvia as a master can only show one thing, that is, she needs money.

And it's not a general need.

"Go, let's go find her!"

"Are you asking her to pay back the money? She hasn't saved enough money yet, has she?"

Shirou shook his head resolutely: "How could it be possible to ask her to pay back the money. As long as you have enough intentions, money is something outside of you. I don't care about money. Anyway, if you have enough magic power, it will be a big deal to project. If you eat up your deposit, eat it up. Of course it is a choice Forgive her."

At this time, Sakura quietly touched behind Shirou.

The three of Ilya showed three pairs of eyes from the edge of the mahjong table.


"Ahem, I'm just looking for her to bring her home. In this way, they will abolish a strong general, so I can take advantage of the void and win the Holy Grail War."

Shirou quickly added.

"Then let me just believe what Senior said." Sakura nodded.

"Brother, can we go?" Illya looked expectantly, "We also want to see how Saber works!"

Shirou subconsciously wanted to agree to her, but suddenly remembered in the next second that the place where Artoria worked was a bar.

"Children can't go to bars. Drinking alcohol is harmful to health and not conducive to normal body. Ilya, do you want to never grow taller or develop in the future?"

Ilya nodded resolutely: "Of course, this way I can always be my brother's cute little sister."

Shirou is black.Are kids these days so weird?Don't you look forward to becoming an adult?

"Besides, brother, your statement is not valid. According to the law, you are an adult who is over 20 years old and can enter a bar to drink, but you are not 20 years old. This approach is no different from letting us into a bar. So we If you can't go in, brother, you can't go in either." Miyu analyzed rationally and checked Shirou to death.

Shirou, who was in a stalemate, scratched his head in distress. It is not a good thing to have a younger sister with a keen sense of logic.It's not easy to fool around.

"Besides, if something ambiguous happened with my sister in the bar, wouldn't it be more logical?" Little Black pressed his finger against his lips, with a very young but inexplicably charming smell...

"Xiaohei!" Shirou patted Xiaohei's head with his hands, and rubbed it vigorously, "I don't even want to take you to the bar after hearing what you said. Children, please don't think about Seukin's hints."

"However, it's not impossible to take you to the bar. As long as you don't drink and just go to see how Artoria works, um. That's fine too."

Ilya and the others immediately clapped their hands and celebrated as if they had won.

The corner of Shirou's mouth also raised a smile, the sisters are really, really great.

"Then, target, Fuyuki bar!"

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