Whether it is the clerk or all the customers, they kneel on one knee at this time.

"We will follow you to the death!"

"It's so cute! Ms. Saber is really amazing!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Iskandar already wanted to run away.The current Artoria situation is not quite right.

"And you, the King of Conquerors. You only ate so much food. The soldiers who follow you often don't have enough to eat, right? Don't you think about it after wasting so much food?"

"Gu—" It was the first time Iskandar saw such a strong Arturia.When he was at the Three Kings Banquet before, when Artoria talked about the kingly way and didn't talk much, he thought she was too weak to be a king, but now it seems that this leadership is almost beyond his reach Living.

"I didn't expect to be so strong after giving up against the sky and changing my fate?" Iskandar wanted to ease the atmosphere, but his words were like a fire igniting a powder keg, causing Altria to fry.

"I think back then, if it wasn't for the two of you breaking into private houses and making me cautious in protecting Ai Li, I would have taught you a lesson long ago. As a king, let the people serve you, and the other is to leave it alone after the conquest. Is such a king also a qualified king?

Even so, I also know that I am also an incompetent king.No matter how hard you try, the king is far away from the people, and the king can't really penetrate the hearts of the people. No matter how hard you try to deal with the official documents, you can only get one sentence in the end-the king doesn't understand the hearts of the people.After so much thinking, I finally understand why - because the king, a feudal product, has limits. "

"What do you want to say, Artoria?"

"Iskandar, I am no longer king!"

Chapter 36

"Cough, cough, Miss Saber, you are just tired now. Hurry up, go home, another Mr. Saber is still waiting for you." El-Melloi II quickly smoothed things over.

Artoria snorted coldly: "Are you tired of such a trivial matter? You can't say it even if you are killed. Maid, you won't be tired!"

"It's not different from what you said, is it?"

El-Melloi II couldn't help complaining.

"No, I'm just hungry. From now on, I need to rest. Only those who can rest know how to work. As for the waiters—Gilgamesh, and rider, you two, come and experience the present Feel like a waiter!"

Rider and Gilgamesh looked at each other.

them?Be a waiter?

Gilgamesh hesitated a bit.

"This counts—"

"Forget it? Impossible! Immediately, now. A king who has never worked hard cannot understand the people at the bottom. Only after working can he understand how boring the king's existence is. You have only two choices now. Be a waiter, Or go to a labor camp! But I think it’s more appropriate for you to go to a labor camp.”

Artoria threatened.

"No, let's be a waiter." Gilgamesh weakly raised his hand.

Rider also immediately agreed.

El-Melloi II pointed to himself: "Then, what about me?"

"Hmph, even though you are a generation of lords and possessed Zhuge Kongming, both of you are destined to die from overwork. At this moment, you should enjoy yourself and enjoy the services these two lords have brought to you. Don't worry about money. Gilgamesh has already paid for you!"

Artoria patted the table, frowning coldly: "Give me a delicious work meal, you, you, and you, serve!"

"Yes Yes!"

Gilgamesh immediately picked up the food from the clerk and brought it to Arturia.

Two plates of seafood fried rice were brought to the table. While El-Melloi II was still looking at the fried rice, he was a little dazed, and even a little moved, Artoria had almost finished the first plate of seafood fried rice.

"Like, how? A guest?" Gilgamesh asked cautiously.

Putting the last spoonful into her mouth, Artoria commented without hesitation: "Delicious. Another bowl, to add rice to this disheveled military officer. Also, bring me the pot!"

Gilgamesh made a mess, although his speed had reached the extreme, but many times he couldn't even control the balance of holding things.

"It's too good. Is this your attitude as a clerk? Put your hands up, don't relax, bow, won't you? Is this how you face your customers?"

"Rider, why do you only serve such a small amount of food for the military division? Military division, you are eating."

Under pressure, El-Melloi II began stuffing mouthfuls into his stomach.But the dishes in front of him were almost piled up into a hill.There's no room left in his stomach!

"Gilgamesh, have another bowl. Military commander, you look too poor and weak, so give me another bowl too!"

El-Melloi II clutched his stomach and lay down on the table, trying to hold back his desire to vomit.

Dying, this is probably really going to die!

Gilgamesh also felt that Mars was about to become in front of him.The Martian, Shirou, come save me!

At this moment, the wind chime rang softly, which meant that someone had entered the store.

Arturia finally slowed down when she ate, and saw Shirou walking in with her sister.

"One, two, three, three servings of pasta, and another fried rice. No more wine, can I have some milk?"

The chopsticks stayed in the rice, Artoria's face turned red, and the dull hair protruded from the top of her head again.

"Shi, Shirou, why are you here?"

Shirou looked at Iskandar and Gilgamesh, who had become waiters, and couldn't help but wonder.If this doesn't happen again, I feel that Gilgamesh may die from overwork.

Not because of handling government affairs, but because of serving dishes.This makes people feel worse than in Uruk.

Fortunately, he just saw the situation inside with a crystal ball outside.

"Ahem, I heard that you seem to be working in a bar, so I came to see you. Speaking of which, I haven't eaten the food you serve yet."

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