Arturia took the plate from Gilgamesh and walked up to Shirou: "Where do you want to sit? This is a good seat, right here?"

"(⊙o⊙)...It's all up to you." Shirou immediately sat down and scooped up the rice, and Artoria stood beside him.

"how is the taste?"

"very good."

Shirou ate quietly, and within a short while, the meal was finished.Soon, Shirou turned around, which made Arturia a little nervous.

"Saber, when will you go home? Can you do it today? I haven't cooked for you for so long, I'm not used to it."

Arturia's back was straight, and she was afraid that she would be asked why there was no money in the account. She hadn't saved enough money yet.Although the commission given by Luvia is high, her consumption is not low.

If it wasn't for eating too much, she wouldn't have worked part-time for such a job, and even served as a mercenary for Luvia.

"Today, maybe not, tomorrow. Luvia hired me, and I can't leak the news to you, even if there is any possibility, so I have to live at Luvia's house. Sorry."

Shirou smiled: "Then I have to prepare dinner for tomorrow night. Is there anything you want to eat? How about rib steak? And soup, what do you want to drink?"

Arturia blushed and lowered her head:

"I like to eat whatever you do."

"Then it's decided. You must remember to go home tomorrow."

Iskandar next to him couldn't help touching his chin, and also heaved a sigh of relief: "Is this just one thing? Although he is the legendary knight king, sometimes he has no choice but to face a boy." .”

"Rider, will you die if you don't say a few words?" El-Melloi II tugged at Rider's sleeve, seeing that Artoria didn't respond, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shirou, where's the steak I bought?" Gilgamesh looked at Shirou resentfully.

"No, it doesn't exist."


Shirou gave her a meaningful look: "Then you can take me for exaggeration."


"Da Vinci, do you hear me clearly?" Gu Dazi poked Da Vinci and Sheba who were looking at the crystal ball.

"Listen clearly. Mr. Saber's real name is Shirou. If you guessed correctly, master, then the full name is Shirou Emiya."

"Sure enough." Gu Dazi touched his chin.

Chapter 37 Lancer died again, it's so inhumane!

The third day of the Holy Grail War, the final day.

There is only one game today - the Holy Grail Grand Prix.

"Our competition has reached the final round. After yesterday's fierce confrontation, the Fujimaru group ranked first with 24 points. The second group is the rider group with 16 points." Sakura explained, "It can be seen that, The difference between the other groups and the Fujimaru group is a bit large, but it doesn’t matter, the points on the final day will be very rich, and any player will still have a chance to win the Holy Grail. Next, I will invite Father Kotomine to explain the Holy Grail Grand Prix to us. "

"I'm the commentator Kotomine Kirei."

"And this time we invited Mr. Fujimura, who is known as the Tiger of Fuyuki, to give us a live broadcast. It can be said that the lineup is very luxurious."

Fujimura Taiga adjusted the microphone and grasped the situation in an instant: "That's right, let us explain the situation of the contestants next."

Caster and Soichiro team, vehicle - Honeymoon.

Lancer and Shen Er team, vehicle - Gaebolcar.

Shen Er looked at the car, and couldn't help touching it: "This car is a bit handsome."

"Boys, are you very discerning?" Lancer couldn't help showing a smug smile.

Next is the rider and El-Melloi II groups——

ox cart.

Cough cough, Shenwei Wheel, that is, two cows pulling a broken cart.El-Melloi II is naturally a little dissatisfied, but it doesn't matter if he has his own command.

"As a rider, of course you have to use your favorite seat to win for us." Rider touched his chin, very satisfied with the result of the lottery, "Come on, let's win the game."

The rest of the team is the Luvia and Saber team, the Lion.

Luvia carefully looked at the coin on the Lion, and couldn't help raising her hand in doubt: "What is this thing for?"

"The Lion needs coins to start, so I'm sorry, please pay."

Luvia frowned: "Is it a coin? You really underestimated me."

A large bag of coins was immediately taken out of August's hand: "Miss, I have prepared victory for you."

Gudazi rides in the best car that can exist in this world built by Da Vinci.This made her nostalgic for the days in the round table field.

"But this time we won't overturn, will we?"

Da Vinci raised his eyebrows confidently: "Of course, it will never turn over."

In the end, it is the grand finale, the combination of Shirou and Rin.

Shirou held the lottery in his hand, with Traceon written on the front.

What does it mean?What does this mean?

"Senior, I believe that if I project myself, I can project the best car. Believe in you!" Sakura gave a thumbs up.

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