Believe in your size - do it.

Shirou gritted his teeth, took out the Saint Quartz, and extracted the magic power inside.

For the victory of the Holy Grail War, no matter, Traceon! ——


"Can this thing really drive?" Rin looked at the old car that seemed to be from the 80s, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Not to mention Lancer's gaebolcar, the perfect streamlined shape is completely a vehicle specially used for competitions.Luvia's lion number doesn't seem to be strong, but to Luvia, it is so strong that it bursts.Kryptonite warriors are fearless. Rider's car is simply his own mount, even Gudazi——

No, Gudazi's car is carefully made, it is Leonardo da Vinci, a special racing car made by Da Vinci, known as the almighty man.

After analyzing the wave carefully, Rin always felt that he was cold in this Holy Grail War.

Shirou raised his eyebrows: "Rin, do you know about projection loading?"

"what is that?"

"The so-called projection loading is a technique to perfectly copy the projected treasure and the skills of its original owner to me. What I project is not a simple car, not a simple AE86, but It is with the skills of the car god, Fujiwara Takumi, and his beloved car AE86."

Rin was stunned for a moment.

And this kind of operation?

Shirou smiled.More operations, Rin, you don't know yet.They are not two fighting, but three!

Don't forget, they also have a Magic King.

At worst, give the car an enhanced magic.As long as the power is sufficient, the bricks can go to the sky!

The doctor gave Shirou a thumbs up, implying that he would definitely help, and then got into the car through the door Rin opened.

Shirou also sat in the car, and heard the doctor whisper: "Strengthenon!"

The magic line extends from the seat to the car shell.The engine roared with fury, and the igniter roared wildly.The moment gasoline enters, it is instantly ignited, and what is released is not just 4.6*10 joules per kilogram. At this time, under the birth of magic power, the energy density is suddenly 7 times higher!

The original thin layer of metal watch case did not have any sense of security, but now it makes people feel very frightened, as if other cars will be knocked into the air immediately if they are hit.

Shirou smiled.

Who made him a cheating player?Sorry, realistic game, no stone hammer.I, Shiro, just like to hang out.Hit me if you don't agree.

"Okay, the contestants are already in place, Mr. Yanfeng, it is foreseeable that this will be a big melee, what do you think?"

"The economic situation of the Magic Association and the Church of the Holy Church is very tight. I hope that the scope of damage can be minimized."

"It's finally about to start. I don't know which master and servant will be the winner of this fight? I'll also tell you all masters and servants. This time, as long as the first place is ahead of the last place by a few seconds, how much will it get?" Points. It’s not like you don’t have a chance. Let’s go! 5,4,3,2,1, 86, [-], [-], [-]! Turned green! The cars of all the followers started to start extremely fast. The fastest one is the AE[-] of the Fujimaru group ? No, no—it's Gaebolcar from the lancer team!"

Shirou originally thought that his car was already fast, but Lancer's car can start faster?

how come?impossible!

At that moment, Lancer's Gaebolcar sprinted in a straight line and hit the first corner.

"Lancer died again, it's so inhuman!"

Chapter 38 When I win the Holy Grail War, I will be with the mountain gate!

"Lancer is dead again, it's so inhuman!"

The pointed Gaebolcar has reached the corner the moment it starts, but it has no turning performance at all.Rin had already foreseen this.

"Saber, do you know? The rocket car has no cornering performance at all."

The moment Gaebolcar hit the corner, the body twisted and bent, so that in the end, Lancer couldn't escape.No, he had a chance to escape, but he left the hope of survival to Shen Er.

"Lancer, you can't die!"

Shirou stepped on the brakes, and drove to the extreme right, perfectly sticking to the inner line of the curve, and took the closest route.

After throwing off the car behind him, he couldn't help feeling sorry for Lancer.

But in any case, he didn't have time to sympathize with others.It's good enough to manage himself well, he must rush to the finish line to obtain the Holy Grail.

Ahead is a continuous turn, a hairpin turn, and what needs to be done is - continuous drift.

At this moment, he seemed to hear the footsteps of Fujiwara Bunta, took a glass of water, and put it into the car.

Not a drop can be spilled.

Otherwise, the tofu in the trunk will be broken.

What needs to be done for this is to keep the center of gravity under his control, instead of blindly drifting and sprinting.

Shirou opened his eyes and saw through the key to the hairpin.




Under the clear sky, only afterimages remained of the AE86, and a cluster of blue flames emerged from the jet port. While the flames were still burning in situ, Shirou had already brought the car to the end of the hairpin bend.

His technique is indeed the best among all the drivers here, even if it is a car, it is definitely one of the best!Victory is within reach.

I'm sorry, it's the next win--

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