Shirou glanced at Gilgamesh who was riding a motorcycle—the breasts seemed to be a bit big.In other words, this Gilgamesh is the one who took the growth potion, so he became 2 again?

"Don't you like big breasts? Why don't you take a rejuvenating medicine?"

Gilgamesh couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed: "What can I do for this king? I can't ride a motorcycle because I'm small. What can I do? I'm also desperate!"

"Then you just don't participate." Shirou drifted, wary of Gilgamesh's possible overtaking.

But Gilgamesh's speed increased inexplicably. It was obviously a motorcycle, how could it be so fast?The oldest motorcycle of mankind is not so fast, is it?

At this time, the player who was forced to be forced was finally sanctioned by the player who was forced to force RMB.

Shirou took a deep breath.No, how can the fake be killed by the real one?His fake is now going to be the real thing.

"Gilgamesh, after you win the Holy Grail War, what do you think?" Shirou asked persuasively.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, saber, did you admit defeat so quickly? Very good, this king recognizes people like you who are willing to admit the gap—"

"What do you want to do after you win?"

Gilgamesh frowned in displeasure: "I can do whatever I want, it's none of your business."

Shiro: ...

It seems that mang is a dog.Facing Gilgamesh, who has no intelligence, he seems to use this trick to no avail.

"However, if you are willing to do something, this king is willing to let you observe the Holy Grail." Gilgamesh said conceitedly.

"Then, what do you want?" Shirou decided to have a chat first.Such things as persuasion and persuasion must be discussed before they can be dealt with, and then they will secretly dog ​​others.That's the secret to chat streaming.

"Teach, teach me how to play Interstellar!"

Shirou froze.What's so difficult about it?Play P to play Z, play Z to play T, play T to play P, isn't this the standard solution of this game?

But if he only needed to teach her StarCraft, he would be able to secure the Holy Grail—this business, he did it.

"and also."

"What else?" Shirou understands that Gilgamesh is an insatiable guy, there must be something small, as long as he asks not to go too far, he holds his nose and bears it, "What else do you want?"

"Of course it's you. After the competition is over, marry me!"

Shirou stroked his chin.As if he hadn't been tempted, Gilgamesh said the crucial words.

The situation is indeed stable.

Chapter 43 Akina's Rider God Eri!

After setting the flag, Gilgamesh found that his motorcycle seemed to be unable to start.what's the situation?

"Don't you realize? The power of Flag is infinite." Shirou gripped the steering wheel tightly, "Just like death, you will also be powerless in the face of Flag. It's like King Hassan has been connected with death. As the twentieth-generation Hassan, I have also become one with poisonous milk!"

Gilgamesh's motorcycle, at this moment, white liquid continuously overflowed from the gaps in the body.

"My body is already dripping with milk. Shirou, are you human?"

"Hmph, Gilgamesh, don't you know? There is a limit to human ability. I have learned one thing from my short life. The more I use poisonous milk skillfully, the more I understand poisonous milk. Mighty. You are dripping with milk!" Shirou rode away, leaving behind Gilgamesh, who was dripping with milk.

Gilgamesh gritted his teeth.

"Shirou Emiya, don't think you've won!"

But the oldest motorcycle in the world doesn't seem to be useful.At this moment, other motorcycles can still be repaired, but because this one is too old, although many devices have been installed, it took her a lot of effort.If you want to repair it now, it will definitely be too late.

Then you can only take out the car.

Gilgamesh looked at the classic car in front of him, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.Can this thing really work?Even if it can be driven, how can it run at a speed of 86?

Although she has already proved her strength, but at this moment, what she is facing is a god, a god, a collection of car gods whose skills overlook everyone.

Shirou, you are not fighting alone!

But neither is she.


Gilgamesh was very humiliated and called her out.This is already no way.Although she is a fake, she is still a useful fake.

Useful, right now!

"Use displacement magic to throw my car before the finish line."

Anjelica was a little embarrassed and took out the game rules manual, which clearly stated that others were not allowed to participate in the game, and that direct interference in the game would result in a loss.

Gilgamesh put his arms around his chest, carefully thinking about the countermeasures.

"But if you're just helping to install things as a technician, isn't it different? It's like a formula car, and there are a lot of support staff."

"What are you going to do?"

"Have you heard of the curvature engine?"


Half of the race has passed, and Shirou still occupies a leading position.Followed by Arturia.On this 1km-long track, the Lion relied on the power of krypton gold to abruptly reduce the gap between them to less than ten meters.

Shirou believes that if the track is longer, the lion, which is not very big, will be able to find the gap in the lane and overtake in one fell swoop.

However, the design of this Fuyuki mountain road is definitely not for them to drive in a straight line.The eighteenth bend of the mountain road here is a good time for drifting!

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