"Sorry, the curve here is mine!"

The Lion slowed down abruptly. Under this continuous curve, it advanced and retreated. It was a dilemma, and there was no way to retreat!

Shirou won!

But that's to be expected. Although the speed of the Lion was suffocating, it still had to give in when facing the curve.

The king of curves belonged to his Akina Rider, and he, the Akina Rider, was the child of Fuyuki Akina Rider, so it was more stable to say that!

Although Takumi couldn't beat his father, he was more than enough to abuse a chicken.Just like Shirou now.

Speaking of Fuyuki Rider, that's another story.Shirou's thoughts drifted away.

Once upon a time, there was a Fuyuki car god here, she swept everything, she had outstanding driving skills, she drove a Mercedes-Benz, she was - Iris Fell, countless drivers were here with hatred, in this area In the extremely complex and difficult terrain, he played GG without even walking half of the distance.It can be said that this is Aili's autumn famous mountain, and this is the world of their Wei Gong family!

"Ah, ah, ah, I seem to feel that someone is calling me."

The silver Mercedes suddenly rushed out from one side, so fast that even Shirou didn't realize it in the rearview mirror, but could it be that car? ——

Ai Li is driving the car, and there is even Ilya in the seat?


Didn't Elijah just get out?Now back again? Level 12 magic wave, Illya is back?

"Hey, Mom, you are not allowed to participate in the competition if you are not a Servant or a Master?" Shirou said frantically, he is still qualified to say this, even if the doctor exposed it, it would be Rin's The Servant became, such a plan is simply perfect, and he still has King Hassan's shield.

"Oh? Is that so? Then, mom, I am a servant now. Servant, caster, Irisviel." Allie acted cute and raised a V shape.

"You follower, don't you have skills at all?" Shirou questioned, he didn't allow his plan to deviate.If something goes wrong, the doctor can't go back to Chaldea with peace of mind. If the doctor can't go back to Chaldea with peace of mind, it means that the recompilation of human reason may fail, and the failure of recompilation of human reason means the end of pan-human history, the end of pan-human history , then it's all over!

All that said, he got the Grail just to save the world, nothing more.


"Where isn't it?" Allie was a little furious, "Obviously there is! For example, I can connect to Fuyuki's leylines. I am a natural baby. At least I can still heal!"

You're right, I can't argue with that yet.

Shirou couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and in the next second, he was almost stuck in the position by Ellie and overtook the car.

How can it be?

Could this be the real Qiu Mingshan Rider?So scary!

Gathering the power of Fujiwara Takumi and even Fujiwara Bunta, they are almost irresistible in front of Irisviel?

"Shirou, do you know why you were overtaken by me?"

Shirou's eyes blurred, and the Mercedes turned out to be like a ghost, leaving only phantoms around him.The real Mercedes-Benz is actually in front of him?

Was he hallucinating from playing too much StarCraft yesterday?

It's time to uninstall StarCraft, and when he becomes Han Zong's player again, his eyes may be about to fail.

"Because, Shirou, you are my son!"

Shirou doesn't want to complain anymore, can this reason be more ridiculous?


Studies have become more and more heavy recently == all classes, and the mid-term exam is coming soon, and there are rare batches, plus big homework.God knows why if we are not code farmers, we still need to learn databases, and we can only stay up late to code. . .I can't hold on anymore, I'll take a rest today. . .Sorry. . . . . .

Chapter 44 Kiritsugu: Eat me an RPG!

"Shirou, goodbye!" Illya, who was sitting in the passenger seat, giggled and waved her hands, leaving behind Shirou who wiped his eyes again and again.

Are his eyes really right?

That car really teleported suddenly, and teleported again suddenly.Could it be that it turned out that Ai Li was also a cheating player, and she still used teleportation?

Shirou thought carefully about how much he paid for the one he bought. The price of the 86 is probably within hundreds of thousands of yen. Even with the replacement engine, it seems that it is not as high as an ordinary Mercedes-Benz.

But this Mercedes, the roaring fury, the graceful curves, and the open-handed players.It seems that the ones you buy are not as expensive as others, so it seems normal that you can't run away from Ellie?

The scariest thing in this world is not that other people are richer than you, nor more expensive than you, let alone better than you, but that they have all these things, and they even bought cheats that are more expensive than you...

"My life is over!"

Shirou sighed.

But suddenly, there seemed to be some problems with the Mercedes-Benz ahead, and Alice had to brake!

good chance!


86 immediately drew a perfect arc and overtook Ai Li in a corner.In the next S-shaped curve, Shirou almost crossed the car body, occupying all parts of the lane, and locked Ari's overtaking route.

But even so, Ai Li still bit Shirou's rear firmly, and Mercedes was also eyeing, wanting to prove that it was much stronger than the 86.

But Shirou won't give her this chance.

Even with some insidious means, he has to win this time.So say - "Doctor, grant me strength. Power up my engine!"

Shirou's 86 was bathed in the sun, and suddenly it was shining brightly. A pair of wings seemed to appear on the white roof, and the wings flapped, speeding up the speed by two full grades!

This also means that in terms of speed, the 86 is on par with Mercedes-Benz.

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