There were no other cars around, and he and Ally were first and second.I have to say that Ai Li is indeed very powerful, but he is not fighting alone.

This victory, after all, still belongs to him.

Rin breathed a sigh of relief and finally sat down on the seat.

The fights and games just now, as well as all kinds of competitions, made her almost go crazy.But fortunately, fortunately, they are still number one now, and Luvia is still behind him.Is it finally stable now?Is it finally stable?

Ai Li's car has slowed down due to the accident just now.Even though Luvia tried her best, she barely caught up, and Gilgamesh died of poisoning, and Gudazi was still repairing the car.

I won, I won, I won this time, and I finally don't have to worry about it.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"Tohsaka, why are you laughing?" Shirou asked puzzled, wiping his sweat.The game with Ai Li just now was really too difficult and dangerous, and he almost lost by a little bit.

Fortunately, the wit took a sip.But why is this laughter so familiar?

"I don't laugh at others, I only laugh at foolishness, Luvia has little wisdom. If I were them, I would definitely ambush here secretly. When you and Allie are fighting, use the instant acceleration, especially Luvia, to cast quickly Coins, to gain a speed lead. Tell me, what will happen in this way?" Rin mocked Luvia.

Misfortune suddenly enveloped Shirou, but before he had time to recall what the phrase meant, he heard a sound like a rocket accelerating.He could even feel the heat of the flames on his cheeks, and Luvia had already run in front of him?

"Oh ho ho ho ho, shiro, although my IQ is not high, it's still better than giving you an idea." Luvia sat in the car and said with a wicked smile, "August's rocket engine is really easy to use Well, Rin, that idiot, you must think you’re sure to win, right? Don’t think you’re the only one.”

Shirou was about to spit out his blood. He had worked so hard with Eri for so long just now, and he was overtaken in a straight line like this?

"Shiro, how are you? Do you want to ride in my car? Believe me, if you ride in my car, you will definitely win the championship with your skills."

This made Shirou couldn't help but move his heart: "Luvia, your rocket car is fine."

"Oh ho ho ho ho, of course it is—"

There was only a loud noise, and the rocket engine suddenly disappeared.The flames engulfed the Lion, and Luvia and Artoria fell to the side of the road, struggling to get up, disheveled.

"Luvia, be careful. Shirou's milk is poisonous!"

Artoria struggled to get up, but finally, she fell down in the dust, too hungry to get up.She really didn't eat enough in the morning, and she fell down on this battlefield, maybe it was because of this?

"Saber, wake up!"

Shirou looked in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but tremble with fear: "It's a good thing I'm smart, otherwise I would have died if I sat on it?"

Rin wiped his sweat, don't you know this is your poisoned milk?

Among the remaining players, only Gilgamesh and Illya are left, and Gudazi is nothing to be afraid of.With such a distance, it is absolutely difficult to overtake on a curve.


Shirou was a little puzzled, Rin was very happy today.Could it be that he was fooled by his drag racing?

"What are you laughing at, Tohsaka?" Shirou was a little ignorant, last time it was Luvia who rushed out suddenly, what about this time?

"I don't laugh at others, I only laugh at Guda, Luvia has little wisdom. If I were them, I would definitely lie in ambush here, and when you and Allie fight, use the instant acceleration, especially Gudazi.

If you think about it, Illya can almost take the lead by relying on Aili to use a Mercedes-Benz as a foreign aid, so Gudazi can also go to your father as a foreign aid.You said, in this way, what will happen? Rin asked.

Shirou suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. The so-called those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Could there be a saying that those who are close to milk are poisonous?Rin won't be infected by the power of poisonous milk, right?

The dazzling light came from the rearview mirror, and Shirou could hardly keep his eyes open.

How can it be?

But this is just a cover, in fact the real attack is rpg!

Shirou turned the steering wheel quickly, and the car slanted left and right.

"Shirou, do you know that you made a serious mistake." Kiritsugu took the rpg and sat in the passenger seat of the car, "It was an empty ammo just now, and the one in my hand is the real one. rpg."

"Father, you, stop, I'm still not your own?"

Kiritsugu smoked a cigarette, and resolutely blew it out: "Son, you are not my own. Have you forgotten?"

Immediately, Shirou heard the rpg's sound.


Chapter 45 The Folding Engine Has Started

The explosion made Shirou feel a little dizzy, but it didn't affect him that much. Rin is a human being, and it's really difficult for her to face the shock and heat wave brought by rpg.

"Tohsaka, Tohsaka?"

Shirou shook her body, and Rin stood up with difficulty: "Weimiya, I'm fine, that is, how is the car?"

Shirou pointed to the burning wreckage nearby, and remained silent.

Seeing this, Rin couldn't help beating his chest and stamping his feet: "What should we do? In this way, the Holy Grail War, wouldn't we be able to win? Not only is it unacceptable for personal victory, but for doctors, if there is no Holy Grail..."

Roman smiled bitterly, probably this is fate.

"Compared to me, Ms. Tohsaka, your injury is more important, I'll help you treat it first." The doctor touched Rin's wound lightly, and the wound recovered as before.

However, even if her wounds were healed as before, they would lose the Holy Grail War.

They came to participate in the Holy Grail War by themselves, instead of hiding everywhere, avoiding Sakura's hatchet, and Illya's multi-element ensemble saturation bombardment, not for anything else, but for the doctor.

Allowing him to come out the way he wants most, like he took out his ring at the end.He wants to make a final decision, as a shot in the arm when he is desperate.

Shirou also hopes so, but, do you really want to give up like this?

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