In this materialistic world, only the brothers on Huangquan Road can warm people's hearts.

"Mr. Emiya, although Fuyuki is big, there is no room for us." Roman sighed, a little sad.

"Don't you have clairvoyance? Why didn't you find out that you would be evaded by the hatchet?" Shirou raised his eyebrows, "I'll forget it. Getting hit by the hatchet is inevitable. With Sakura and Iri Yazai, Rinzai, and Saber, ah, are all hatchet reserve teams. And you are different, obviously there are only two, and Da Vinci doesn’t know if it’s male or female..."

"My clairvoyance——" Roman looked at Shirou hesitantly, "you are blinding my clairvoyance because of you."


"That's right. Didn't Gilgamesh also say that when she looks at you, she always feels that her clairvoyance is blind. Although I don't know why, I can be sure that someone may be helping you secretly " Roman speculated, "My clairvoyance is bestowed on me by the Lord. If it can be concealed, even if it is not as powerful, it can only be done by an existence of similar personality."

Shirou thought for a while, who is so boring and gave him such ability.And it seems that this ability is enough for him to avoid the damage of the black mud?

But now is not the time to discuss this.

The lives of the two of them are still in danger, and the hatchet will soon be on their necks.

"But, Mr. Emiya, I think your situation is still different from mine. I think if you choose Ms. Sakura, all problems can be easily solved, right?"

Shirou shook his head, the situation was definitely not what Roman imagined.

This is entirely due to Roman's lack of experience in this area.Although being the king of Israel has endless wisdom, wisdom does not mean that it is useful when using a hatchet.

But Shirou is different. He has played many survival games under the threat of a hatchet.

"No. In the face of the Shura field, the choice should not be made directly. Otherwise, the death will be even worse." Shirou said, "Like Rin, Saber, and Illya. If someone wants to fuck me, I will do it directly in my class. Draw some kind of magic circle under the table, and I can be driven to death. Saber pulls out the excalibur, and I can't deal with it. If it is Illya... let alone how strong Illya is, Kiritsugu If you shut me down, you won’t be able to pass.”

After hearing this, Roman felt a little sympathetic to Shirou: "It's really sad for you. But if this is the case, how do you have to choose between them?"

"Children only make choices." Shirou looked at Roman, then at the pursuers who ignored them because of the shield, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"What about adults?"

"I want it all!"

Shirou patted Roman's shoulder earnestly.

"That's not very good. Shouldn't modern people be monogamous?" Roman asked with some doubts, which made Shirou a little embarrassed.

But after Roman asked, Shirou always felt that something was wrong.

After thinking carefully for a while, Shirou realized that Roman didn't seem to be qualified to say such things at all.Roman was a harem king when he was King Solomon himself.Not only has three thousand beauties in the harem, but also the romantic love of the Queen of Sheba. In addition, there are a total of seventy-two demon pillars waiting for him at home.

And after Roman obtained a human body, the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars even searched for a husband from a thousand miles away... Wait!Doesn't this mean that Roman is really a sinful man, because he couldn't bear the oppression of the harem, he fled the palace, which led to the burning of human rights?

Shirou's eyes softened.

"Roman, do you think you are worthy of Barbatos?"


Roman was a little confused.How does this talk about being sorry for Barbatos?

"Forget it, pretend I didn't say it." Shirou waved his hand.

Now that the hatchet group has gone away from them, since that's the case, they have a chance to leave.

Crossing the road, it seems that the opposite side is not far from Sakura's home.At this moment, Sakura must have thought that she would flee to her home with Roman, or seek refuge with Kotomine Kirei, or find a place to hide quietly.

But Shirou is not an ordinary person, he just doesn't follow the routine in his moves.

Stunt - change home.

The so-called change of house means that Sakura runs to her own house, then he runs to Sakura's house. In such a swap, Sakura can't find herself.

Shirou believed that he had won the skill of a certain house-changing master in this move.

Unexpectedly, attack unprepared.Hiding in a place that no one else can guess, and this place is in Sakura's house, it is definitely dark under the lights.

This is not just a general house change, this is a change of art, a change of style.This house changer is one hundred years ahead of the world! (fog)

This can be said to be very well planned.

Crossing the road quietly, with a shield on his head, Shirou didn't have any fear at all.I have the shield in my hand.If I remember correctly, Sakura's house should be in a residential area in Xindu after the Matou house was sold, probably on the twentieth floor.

Shirou's memory is pretty good, the access control system ignored it, jumped over the wall and jumped in.The first peripheral access control was solved. Facing the second access control, Shirou also easily used the hacking technique taught by Shinji before (projected Shinji's notebook), and easily cracked it.

The last hurdle is the door.It's just that it's easy and simple. You only need to analyze the lock of the door, and then project the key, and everything will be solved.

What a perfect dive.

If this is the case, the teacher should admit that he is a qualified disciple, right?

Shirou boldly removed the shield and prepared to enter Matou's house.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Shirou, who had no time to project, was a little nervous.Is Sakura back?

I saw Shen Er holding two lunch boxes with a smile on his face.

However, as soon as Shen Er saw Shirou, his smile gradually disappeared: "Emiya, why are you here?"

Chapter 55 Peeking at Sakura's Diary

Escape, or Wushuang, that is the question.

Is it a decision, to be an assassin for a lifetime, or a coward for a second?

Shirou covered Shinji's mouth without hesitation, and tied his hands behind his back.

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