
Nonsense, of course choose Wushuang.As a disciple of Wang Hassan, his only decision is to assassinate (Wu Shuang).As long as everyone who found him is killed, his infiltration will be perfect!

"However, Shinji, I remember that Sakura usually cooks? Why do you still bring two lunch boxes? Or do you cook one meal every other day? Let me talk to Sakura and ask her to cook every day."


Shen Er struggled, with resentment in his eyes.You have tied me up, how can I talk to you?

Shirou immediately pulled out what was stuffed in his mouth, wanting to hear what Shinji wanted to say.

"No, don't. I don't want to eat her food!"

"Hafnium?" Shirou looked confused, "Why? What's wrong?"

"It's not because of you, Emiya!" Shen Er became even more resentful when he talked about this matter, "From a year ago, I remember that Sakura ran to you every day, and then Sakura, who was originally clumsy, learned to cook and learned how to cook. Mopping and sweeping. From then on, my nightmare began."

When Shirou heard that Sakura knew how to do so many things, he couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up.But what the hell is a nightmare?

Isn't it great to have a younger sister who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen?Shirou touched his chin, maybe he can train Illya to go in this direction in the future?

But it doesn't seem right.Illya is in charge of being cute.Xiao Hei is from Yin, it seems that Mei You has been well trained in this direction.The food has become more and more delicious recently, not only that, but the house is also very clean. When he came back, he was going to clean up, but he was so busy that he panicked.

Shirou can even feel how sad Sera, who cooks every day, has nothing to do under his diligent cooking.

Speaking of it, it seems that his two disciples are now almost surpassing him in cooking.As a master, he really can't justify it.

"Why is this a nightmare? Isn't her food delicious?" Shirou held some hope in his heart.

"No, it's not." Shen Er shook his head, "It's really delicious."

"What's the matter?"

"Every time Uncle Kariya and I eat together, Sakura will stare at us, super nervous! As long as there is a little salad left, she will have a look of being unable to bear it. If she doesn't help clean up after the meal, she will keep thinking about it. What a childish temper!" Shen Er complained.

"But it sounds like Mr. Shinji is more like a child." Roman interjected, "I think cleaning up after dinner is also necessary."

"That's right, it's all Shinji's fault." Shirou nodded without a doubt.

Shen Er sneered: "Weimiya, it's because you don't know, if you know, you will understand why I brought a box lunch for Uncle Kariya."

"Uncle Kariya, it's not like you don't know how to taste Sakura's food, right?" Shirou rubbed his chin, probably not.

"Hafnium? Then why don't you come and see it?" Shen Er was so angry that he almost laughed.

"What, how?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

"Go to Sakura's room and read her diary."

Shirou stuffed the cotton ball back into Shinji's mouth without saying a word.

As an older brother to read my younger sister's diary, just thinking about it makes me irritated, ah, shameless.This fully proved Shen Er's shameless face, and it also showed that Shen Er was simply a desperate person.

How dare he even read Sakura's diary?

If they were caught, wouldn't they be played hundreds of times by Sakura with the black shadow tentacles?

"I'm going to tie you up to Sakura, so I don't mind such a big brother. Take it and throw it into the Weiyuan River. Shen Er, you were a decent person before your death." Shirou said, "So——"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--" Shinji struggled, and the cotton ball came loose from his mouth, "Weimiya, you can't do this! Uncle Kariya and I are on the verge of collapse! If you can help Sakura, please help Let's go!"

Shinji was put down by Shirou, and the tears on his face seemed to show that he was not lying.The struggling body seemed to be about to pounce like a zombie.

"I know. But if Sakura's diary is just for you to eat well, you can apologize to Sakura, okay?" Shirou said, "I definitely don't want to read Sakura's diary."

"I know, I know. I promise you." Shen Er struggled, "Here, can you untie the rope for me first?"

Walking into Matou's house, Shirou raised his shield and pretended he didn't exist.

He remembered that when he came to eat last time, Sakura didn't make Shinji and Kariya so nervous.So why has there been such a huge change in such a short period of time?

Or, in fact, that is a concealment?

I saw Shen Er put the boxed lunch on the table and typed hard, probably from 6:12 in the morning to [-]:[-], Kariya thanked Shen Er: "Shen Er, thank you. Fortunately, Sakura is not cooking today, otherwise My coding work has to stop."

"It's okay, Uncle Kariya. I have to go inside and continue typing the code."

The uncle and nephew smiled tacitly, but Shirou could feel the bitterness inside.

It was the fear of being dominated by Sakura.

Could it be that the devil hidden in Sakura's heart is really so terrifying?

"Mr. Emiya, I don't think it's okay to peek at girls' diaries like this?" Roman asked quietly.

"I think so too, so after Shen Er reads it, I want him to admit his mistake."

But didn't you follow along?Roman complained silently in his heart, but after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.Speaking now, maybe the backhand will be sold by Shirou, just like Shinji.

Although Matou's house is an apartment, it is a duplex.There is one layer below and another layer above.

After Shinji finished giving the boxed lunch, he walked up to the second floor, and Shirou quietly followed from behind.

The door was opened by Shinji with a creaking sound.It even smells like magic.

"A few days ago, some barriers appeared in Sakura's room. It is said that the rider taught her magic. As long as the door is opened, Sakura will know that someone has invaded. But if the accomplice is Emiya, she will not be too tough. "Shen Er seemed to have succeeded in a trick, and said briskly.

"I didn't expect, Shinji, you plotted against me." Shirou said in pain, "I didn't invade! I just followed you!"

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