"Anyway, I read the diary, what's the difference?"

Shinji quietly walked into Sakura's room and picked up the diary.Shirou couldn't help but began to watch.It's just that if Sakura gets angry, it's useless if he is there, right?

On the diary, the completely kelp-shaped cover reminded Shirou of Shinji.

O month O sunny day

what happened today.

My brother didn't come home until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night...

Chapter 56 Alaya save me!

O month O day sunny☆

what happened today.

My brother didn't come home until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Next time I'll give him advance notice to come back before cooking is done.

After reading the first article, Shirou blew it up: "You see Sakura is so virtuous. What's the matter with you being an older brother?"

Shinji also looked at it, and was silent for a while.

"Keep watching!"

Shen Er bit the bullet and said: "I just read the first article, who knows what will be next? I promise that the following content will definitely open your eyes."

Roman persuaded: "It's almost enough to read one article? You are committing a crime. Some things of modern people are very good in my opinion, such as the right to privacy, right? You should let it go."

Shirou looked at Roman: "Then you can use your clairvoyance EX to help me see. In this way, can you see without committing a crime?"

Roman decisively chose to shut up.

For this kind of player who likes to sneak around, opportunistically, and poke his clairvoyant blind, he should shut up.

Shirou flipped through a few pages, the content was still the same, they were all trivial matters, but Shirou was always a little uneasy, inexplicably uneasy, as if he felt that Sakura's situation was getting worse and worse.

O month O day sunny☆

what happened today.

My brother left the clothes unwashed.

Next time, write down the use of the washing machine on a note and give it to him.

Putting down the diary, Shirou seemed to be looking at Shirou: "Well, Shinji, don't you even know how to use a washing machine?"

Shen Er blushed, the veins on his face were exposed: "I know it!"

"How do you use it?"

"First of all, first of all..." Shen Er hesitated, talking about him from left to right, "Put the clothes in the washing machine first."

"And then?" Shirou asked.

"Then turn on the button."

"What button?"


Shen Er tentatively asked, but Shirou didn't answer, which always made Shen Er feel that he said something wrong: "That's activation?"

Shirou curled his lips, the two together are right, but what do they mean separately?Could it be that Shen Er really can't?Can't even turn on the washing machine?

Shinji couldn't bear Shirou's scrutiny. He stomped his feet: "Okay, I just don't know how to do it, okay?"

Shirou twitched the corner of his mouth, this is really Shinji, without Sakura, he simply cannot take care of himself.And Kariya is also considered disabled, if Sakura doesn't take care of it, the two of them will just have to eat instant noodles every day, and the house will be dilapidated?

But when Shirou casually flipped through two pages and was about to put it down, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with this diary.

O month O sunny☆☆

what happened today.

My brother didn't eat the omelet rice, and kept talking about common people when he was eating.

O month O sunny☆☆☆

what happened today.

My brother finished the meal at home without calling me, and didn't wait for me, making my stomach growl with hunger.

There are still many contents in the diary, but Shirou knows that if he does not escape, it will be too late.But his hand seemed to be magical, and he couldn't stop it at all.

He clearly knew that if he continued to look at it, it would be a dead end, but why, his hands just didn't obey?

A lot of sweat broke out on Shen Er's face, and he was still chanting: "Weimiya, I just do the housework, please don't watch it, please don't watch it!

O month O sunny☆☆☆☆

what happened today.

Brother eats on time today.By the way, I'm full.

…Wait, why is there four stars for something so insignificant?

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