O month O sunny☆☆☆☆

what happened today.

My brother has green vegetables and didn't eat them.

This is also four stars, so why did the more serious matter just get one star?Could it be that this is it?

O month O sunny ☆☆☆☆☆

what happened today.

My brother sticks out his tongue while eating, I don't like it.

O month O sunny ☆☆☆☆☆

what happened today.

Uncle Kariya vomited while eating, I hope it won't happen again.

Time is a little tight, Shirou felt so.There are many repetitions in the middle content, he directly turned the diary to the back, and the number of stars suddenly increased.

O month O sunny ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

what happened today.

It is unforgivable that my brother did not clean the bathroom.

Next, the contents of the diary are all unforgivable.It's just too scary.

Without even a reason, the number of stars suddenly increased dramatically.

"Anyway, Shinji, your attitude is the culprit."

Taking a deep breath, Shirou was about to sprint a hundred meters.If you don't run, you will die here.

"Weimiya, what do you want to say?"

"You're right, Shinji. Sakura is scary, sorry, I can't help you."

"Damn, what a cunning! Emiya! You must help me!"

Shinji hugged Shirou's thigh and cried bitterly: "You are the only one who can help me."

This... Shen Er, I'm sorry, I can't protect myself, so I secretly came to your house to eat and drink.

"Uh, Mr. Emiya, I seem to have found a diary here." Roman's expression was a little subtle. Shirou took a closer look at the diary in his hand, and the cover was not a villain who looked the same as him. Does it look like it was hanged from a rope?

Shirou quickly picked it up and started to read it.

This time, I didn't turn over the front at all, and looked directly from the middle.

Senior is holding Meiyou in his house again today, doing nothing, staring at the sun in a daze.Unforgivable.

The senior hugged Ilya and basked in the sun in a daze, it was unforgivable.

Senior turned out to be a perverted lolicon, unforgivable.

Senior was messing around with Rin and Saber.Unforgivable!

What follows is basically repetitive.She is gentle on the surface, but does she have such a terrifying side behind her back?Shirou was terrified.

Are they all unforgivable?

"Senior and elder brother peeking at my diary are equally unforgivable."

Unexpectedly, even if Sakura talked to herself on the surface, she would still think that her actions were unforgivable, right?

Shirou raised his head and found Sakura looking at him with a smile on his face.It turns out that when Sakura said that she was unforgivable, she also had a smile on her face?

"Senior and brother, don't you know that men are not allowed to break into a girl's boudoir?" Sakura asked.

Shirou looked at Roman: "Here, Sakura, why don't you talk about Dr. Roman."

Roman was startled, Emiya, why are you dragging me into the water?

"No, because he sure doesn't know."

Roman: ...

So what else can he say?

Shirou didn't know what to say to save himself.

Give me the diary, I'm going to the sea of ​​stars!

He took a deep breath: "Alaya save me!"

Chapter 57 Chigurh: I have...

The surrounding area is pitch-black, with occasional stars shining.

Here is the legend -

Shen Er quickly hugged Shirou, and let out a sharp cry, like a girl: "Weimiya, protect me! Help! This is not the underworld, is it? It's so scary, so dark!"

Shirou turned on the flashlight helplessly, showing Shen Er's bloodless face: "We are in the sea of ​​stars, not the underworld, do you think I might cheat you?"

Shinji nodded silently.

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