"This is indeed the Sea of ​​Stars, but Mr. Emiya, how did you get in?" Roman asked suspiciously, "I don't understand."

"It's all thanks to Alaya, Alaya came out for a while."

Shirou snapped his fingers, and Alaya looked at Shirou impatiently: "I know, I know, what's the matter?"

"Come here to hide from the limelight." Shirou said confidently, completely without the consciousness that no one had to bow his head under the eaves.

"Okay, okay. Are you being chased by Sakura? What's the situation?" Alaya took the diary in Shirou's hand curiously, and was stunned, "Assassination diary? Hey, what's wrong with Emiya's drawing It is you?"

"Isn't it me?" Shirou sighed.

"Did you provoke her again?" Alaya asked suspiciously, "You shouldn't."

"No, I just peeked at her diary."

That's... Alaya doesn't want to talk anymore.In your eyes, is the matter of breaking into the girl's boudoir just that?

"Let me be healthy... On October [-]th, the first day after senior ran to rescue Mr. Archer, Gilgamesh actually told me that senior met a girl named Ziggy, and Ziggy also liked her. Senior! Unforgivable!"

Shirou was stunned for a moment, is there still a paragraph?

He quickly picked it up and found that it seemed to be in the middle part. Most of the stars in front were between one and three, but since then, there have been more and more stars.

Shen Er also came over, and after a while, his eyes were fixed on Shirou.

"What are you looking at? Although I'm handsome, but Shinji, men are not allowed to be gay, it's not allowed here, don't be gay." Shirou said cheekily.

"Weimiya, it turns out that you are the one who made our family's situation so bad." Shen Er's voice full of resentment sounded, and he rushed over suddenly, as terrifying as a zombie.

Shirou quickly projected a Taoist talisman, stuck it on Shen Er's forehead, and muttered: "The evil spirits are scattered, the evil spirits are scattered."

"Then what are you going to do now?" Alaya sighed, the fact that the woman was in distress was really not what he wanted, but it would be too miserable to be misunderstood like this.

"Hey, Hoshinochi Kai Sakura can't catch up anyway. As for me, I'll talk to Zig about the old days. By the way, ask me if she likes me. I think she probably doesn't like me. Gilgamesh is a mess blow……"

While Shirou was talking, Alaya's expression became more and more wrong.

"Weimiya, when did you gain the ability to poison milk?"

"I've always had it, okay." Shirou rolled her eyes, "But it's gone recently, because I used my grandma to kill myself, and the law of cause and effect conflicts..."

"I think your tainted milk power is back."

Shirou's heart went cold and his head went stiff.

"Long time no see, senior."

What should come, is still here.No, how did Sakura come to such a place?Damn, it must be Gilgamesh!

"Gilgamesh, you plot against me!"

"You are right."

Gilgamesh didn't show the guilt of a calculating person, but instead looked proud, happy that he had succeeded in overshadowing Shirou.This made Shirou grit his teeth a little.It would be nice if Gilgamesh was the pure enemy, and he could use some tricks to trap her.

"Forget it, I won't teach you StarCraft when I go back. I will abuse you for decades."

After Shirou finished speaking, he looked at Sakura again, what he had to face, he still had to face.

"Sakura, listen to my explanation, things are not what you imagined!"

"Oh? What did senior say? I don't think it's different from what I imagined." Sakura smiled, and the smile became more terrifying.

"Uh, what I'm talking about is, um..." Shirou was silent, and he must not start talking here, otherwise the initiative will be lost, and the enemy must be clear and the enemy must be in the dark!

"Then what are you imagining, Sakura?"

"For example, Chigurh likes Senior!" Sakura said firmly.

Gilgamesh, who was watching from the side, wanted to cover his face. This card is so good, it's not played like this.

Shirou smiled slightly.

Just kidding, how could Ziggy like himself?How long ago was she an artificial human?Only half a month?How is it possible to know how to love such a thing?She and herself are just comrades-in-arms, and have nothing to do with love.

Shirou firmly believed in this, which meant that, in fact, Sakura's move was lost.

In that desperate situation, Sakura actually used a crucial move, and Shirou was finally able to recover.

"Then let's verify it?" Shirou asked, "If you don't like it, the debt will be written off? How about it?"

"Okay!" Sakura said decisively, without giving Shirou any time to hesitate.

Gilgamesh jumped anxiously: "Sakura, you can't do this! What if Chigurh really doesn't like it..."

"No, it won't." Sakura firmly said, "I trust senior."

Isn't there a problem with this letter?

"But where's Chigurh?" Sakura asked.

"It's in the sea of ​​stars." Shirou replied, "We can ask now."

Alaya always felt that Shirou was so cold.

Does this person have no AC numbers at all?How many girls do you meet who don't like him?

When Sakura saw Chigurh, her heart was actually a little shaken.So it turns out that senior's hobbies are so peculiar?Originally, she thought that the senior was a lolicon, but she reluctantly endured it.Illya, Miyu and Kuro are really cute.

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