But please tell her, why does senior still like such a huge dragon?

And if you want to do it, Sakura visually inspected it. How can it be said that it is a toothpick stirring the big tank?

The giant dragon sleeping in the darkness seemed to feel something, opened its huge eyes, looked at Shirou in front of him with vertical pupils, and tears seemed to fall from the sockets of his eyes.

But immediately, the dragon turned into a human form.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

Shirou touched the dragon's head: "Don't sleep, get up!"

"Are you finally awake?" Shirou scratched his head, still a little nervous.

He always had a premonition that Chigurh would say something strange to himself later.

Like—I'm in love with you or something?

Don't, don't you? !

Take another day off. . .

Calvin, I’m so stuck == I didn’t think too much about writing love when I was fa before, I’m almost out of luck now, I always feel that no matter how I write it, it’s not right, I’ll go back and change it. . . . .If you really can't make it tomorrow, you can take it as my new setting and overwrite the old setting [cover your face]

sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

Chapter 58 Chigurh: I like you!

"It's been a long time, but you won't forget me, right?" Shirou was a little nervous. Although it's not unusual for Chigurh to forget himself, as her former servant, it's still a bit uncomfortable to be forgotten of.

Ziggy opened his eyes wide and shook his head.

Shirou's heart relaxes and then tightens.


The surrounding flowers seem to be in full bloom, and the sky is very blue. In this sea of ​​stars, it has become like this. Does it mean that Zieg was actually used the third method by the Great Holy Grail when he was fighting Amakusa?

But in other words, it's a good thing.Ziggy can change into a human form instead of maintaining the current appearance of Favna. She can live a more open life, instead of having to go to the Sea of ​​Stars after only living for fifteen days as before.

Good and happy days are waiting for Chigurh—although Shirou may not have such days waiting for him.

"How did you come here?" Zieg asked suspiciously, "Am I really not dreaming?"

Shirou was a little hesitant, he couldn't say that he was killed by Sakura Hatchet, that's why he hid in the sea of ​​stars and finally met you, right?After thinking about it, Shirou decided to change his reason.

"After all, it's been almost a few hundred years, and human technology has reappeared the age of the gods. I came here to find you when the inside and outside reunited. After so long, you will forget that I am normal..." Shirou scratched He scratched his head and made up a reason, but he always felt as if he had forgotten something. What exactly was it?

Oh, by the way, until now, it seems that Chigurh doesn't even know what his name is.

"Then let me introduce myself again. I haven't told you my real name. I always call myself Hassan, but that's not my real name. My name is Shirou Emiya. Long time no see."

Zig's clear yellow eyes opened wider, and the vertical pupils became softer.Her wings trembled slightly, her mouth was about to open and close, but it seemed that she hadn't spoken for too long and there was no sound, so she finally closed her mouth.

The prostrate body finally stood up, and the wind sent by the spread wings made waves in this sea of ​​flowers, and the flowers fluttered gently.

The golden light enveloped her body, and slowly, the scales on her body faded away, the vertical pupils turned back into human eyes, and the huge wings were slowly retracted until they disappeared. In the end, the body finally It turned back into a human form.

Just like what I saw before, Ziggy's appearance has hardly changed, except that his hair has grown a lot, reaching his waist, which can be said to be very beautiful.

But, it seems, no clothes?

Shirou forced himself to pretend that he didn't see anything, so he projected a piece of clothing on her body, but the backside was really hot, maybe Sakura had been staring at him for a long time?

It's terrifying.

Be patient, as long as Chigurh denies his feelings for him, then he can be liberated again and feel the beauty of life.

Ruby-like eyes stared at Shirou, and Shirou couldn't help but tilt his head at that stare.Those hands are really pale, almost bloodless, just like Illya.

Could it be said that the partners of justice will eventually fight side by side with artificial humans?

Shirou stretched out his hand without further hesitation, and looked at Zieg: "So, I have come here as promised. Come on, let's go see the outside world."

Chigurh was a little flustered, and carefully touched Shirou's palm with his hand, and then placed it on his hand.

She didn't say anything, she blushed and felt the warmth of her fingertips.

"Ah, ah—" Chigurh cleared his throat.It's been too long since she spoke, and she really can't speak.

"But, before that, Assassin, I have something to tell you."

Zig couldn't help lowering his head again.

Shirou felt the light on his back getting hotter. Is this a laser drill?


Keep calm, you have to keep calm, if you don't keep calm and Sakura finds out you're messed up, it's all over.Sakura will definitely think that she likes Chigurh.If Chigurh is induced again, he will say something like I like you.

Then he can lie down.

"I like you."

Shirou was silent for a while, and tentatively asked, "Zig, what kind of liking do you mean?"

Zieg was stunned for a while, and thought for a while: "I want to, live..."

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