stop stop stop!I don't drive this car!This is not a car for kindergarten, this is a car for maternal and child health care!I want to get out of the car, please stop for me.

But Chigurh welded the door shut: "Boy."

It’s over.

It's all over.

"Senior, do you have anything to explain?"

Shirou paused, and explained: "Sakura, listen to me. Chigurh is only fifteen years old, ah no, fifteen days. Think about it, am I such a crazy person? How can I treat a A child who is only fifteen days old, no, a baby? Impossible, right?

Zieg must have been taken by Corles before!She must have secretly learned the science of surfing the Internet.I'll tell El-Melloi II after I go out.Let him arrange for Coles..."

"No, it's not important. According to Mrs. Ally, she seems to have given birth to Illya at the age of one."

Shirou was silent for a while: "Then what can I do? My father is a perverted lolicon, and I can't stop him!"

"Then it means that the Weigong family are all perverted lolicons? Senior, you are, and so is uncle."

"But it's impossible for me to do something like my father's. Don't worry! Really!" Shirou said distressedly, "I promise, make a written proof!"

"But senior, there is only one point of our agreement at the beginning. That is—whether Zieg likes you or not."

Shirou looked at Sakura, and then at Gilgamesh, who was already frantically calling Sakura.


"I've known it for a long time. There's no way Ziggy doesn't like you." Sakura said softly, "After all, senior is so attractive."

Sakura, is this also in your calculation?

Shirou looked at Zig with a dazed expression again.

What else could he say now?If you die today, you will die, and if you plan to do big things, you will die. Waiting for death, is it possible to die?No matter how you say it, you can't die by Sakura's hands.

This is too miserable.

He decided, he wanted to rise up to resist, he wanted to eliminate tyranny, and he wanted to bring peace and hope to himself.

Then he turned around, grabbed Zig and it was a [-]-meter sprint.

It's better to run away.

It is impossible to fight, and it is impossible to fight in this life.I like Sakura the most, but she wants to hold a hatchet, so she can only run around and wait for Sakura to turn black, and then call Zhenxiang.

That is, after the sakura has turned black, can you be gentle with your hands?He is afraid of pain.

Chapter 59 Kidney Overdrawn

"Assassin, why did we run away?" Zigg asked in puzzlement.

Shirou hugged her, panting heavily, looking to see if Sakura caught up behind him.

"Because we are caught up, our lives are in danger. I'll let it go, you still don't die, live well, and witness the beauty of life, understand?"

Shirou looked at her and sighed, "Listen to me, I will give you a shield later, you run outside, desperately, anyway, your current body is made of the third method, you will not be afraid of starvation Just run. On the way, you may encounter many hardships and some setbacks, but slowly, you will feel how good it is to be alive, and feel the color of life..."

Zig shook his head: "If you don't go, I won't go either."

Shirou wanted to scratch his head, but he was still holding Chigurh, so he couldn't.Why is this person so stubborn.Is this also part of good compatibility?

Shirou wanted to say something, but Chigurh blocked Shirou's mouth with the next sentence.

"I like you."

Chigurh stared at Shirou.

Shirou frowned: "Zig, do you really understand what it means to like? And what kind of like is this like? Comrades? Lovers? Friends? Or something, can you tell now? What you like now, It's just the liking that others say, not what you think you like, right?"

Chigurh closed his lips tightly, which made Shirou even wonder if he might speak too seriously.For a baby who is only fifteen days old, well, although he is very mature intellectually, it is absolutely impossible to understand what love is and what liking is, right?Babies can only feel natural closeness to their mothers, and they will never be attracted to the opposite sex...

"I want to be together all the time, and then by watching the sunset, I can travel all over the world and see the red mountains and rivers, until the end of the world."

Shirou almost wanted to spit blood.

How do you feel that Chigurh, a child who is only fifteen days old, speaks words that are more educated than himself.

"Who taught you these words?"

Shirou always felt that those sentences looked like he had heard them before, but why couldn't he remember them?

"In the world, I seem to hear someone recite poetry occasionally, and then I seem to remember a few words... But, assassin, that, caught up."

Chigurh pointed to Shirou's side, Sakura was looking at him with a smile, her hair turned white, her eyes were red, and her body was covered by black strips.

It seems that there is no time to think about it.

"Zig, run!"

Shirou put Zig down, pushed her away, and opened his hands: "Fire me!"

A black strip-shaped object bound Shirou's hands, then his feet, and then all over his body.

This is to play, tentacle play?

"Zig, you have to live well..." Shirou's sadness rose from his heart, and he was about to advise Zig to leave quickly, but he found that Chig wanted to touch the black strip curiously.

"Kids, don't touch that." Sakura stopped Zieg, "That will hurt you."

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