Text Chapter [-] Ritian is ready to play? !

Hearing Xiao Huang's words, Hui Ye was stunned for a moment. After this incident, he also felt that his relationship with Xiao Lan was much closer again. He didn't use the exploration technique to check Xiao Lan's favorability to him just now. It's kind of a pity.

"I don't need to think about this for now." Hui Ye shook his head with a smile, but he seemed to be full of emotions when he thought about it. Before, he thought that Xiaolan and Xiaomao were childhood sweethearts, but he didn't expect to have such a relationship!Xiaomao is his good friend, and Kaguya naturally won't knock on a friend's corner.

Polygamy is allowed in this world, but marriage is not allowed between relatives, so it is absolutely impossible for Xiaomao and Xiaolan.

In theory, Kaguya still admires such a windy woman as Xiaolan, but everything still depends on fate.

Not long after leaving the town, Hui Ye and Xiao Huang found a place to rest. There was no way. Hui Ye's phone rang continuously, and people kept coming to thank Hui Ye. After all, Xiao Lan's identities are also different. !

First Kola, then Xiaomao, and then 663 Dr. Oki, but why is this Dr. Oki's eyes so weird!

"Hui Ye!~" Dr. Oki said quietly, his tone was like that of a young daughter-in-law who has been bullied, "I feel sorry for you"!

When Kaguya saw Dr. Damu's appearance, his eyes stinged, but he still said, "Dr. Damu, you said it!" No reason, Dr. Damu usually takes good care of him, but why is this scene so familiar! ?

"Actually, there is nothing to do, just to express my gratitude..." Dr. Damu felt that his heart was so tired, why couldn't he be happy when Hui Ye saved Xiaolan? !Dr. Damu himself can't remember how many times Kaguya has become famous in Kanto. The entire Kanto is now almost where Kaguya has passed. It's uneasy!

"Where?! It's all right, not to mention that Xiaolan is my friend, even if I'm an ordinary person, I'll draw a knife to help!" Kaguya patted her firm chest and assured.As a swordsman, he still has a little "conscience"!

Dr. Oki looked at Kaguya full of resentment (bebf), and this time Kaguya indeed drew his sword to help!He also saw the photos of the two monks.

At that time, Dr. Oki was eating ramen, but after seeing those photos, Dr. Oki vomited instantly. He felt that he would not love (ramen) anymore!This is all Kaguya's fault!

"You should pay attention to yourself, it is said that the Junsha family plans to focus on you!" Dr. Damu said helplessly, it seems that he does not have such treatment!In his capacity, even the Junsha family has to treat each other with courtesy, but to focus on it, there is no such thing. Usually, Dr. Damu is only in the research institute...

"Focus on me?!" Hui Ye was a little nervous. Could it be that the ability he showed during this period made Miss Junsha and the others suspicious? !Are you going to run away? !Then set up another mountain to be the king of the mountain? !

Dr. Damu looked at Hui Ye with a look that I am also very helpless: "Whoever told you to go anywhere will happen, Miss Junsha and the others are all ready, as long as you take action, they will actively cooperate, so as to eliminate pornography. It's right to hit black!"

Dr. Damu's words made Kaguya spit out a mouthful of old blood. What does this mean? !Blame me for doing things! ?But then again, he is really capable of doing things. He touched his chin. Could it be that before he knew it, he had awakened the aura of the protagonist. Usually, only the protagonist has this kind of treatment.

Chapter 1 Is Ritian ready to play? ! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Dr. Damu's words made Kaguya spit out a mouthful of old blood. What does this mean? !Blame me for doing things! ?But then again, he is really capable of doing things. He touched his chin. Could it be that before he knew it, he had awakened the aura of the protagonist. Usually, only the protagonist has this kind of treatment.

However, Hui Ye also thought of another aspect at the moment. Clan like Miss Junsha and Miss Joey, although they are all families, most of the time, they serve the common people. They are simply A breath of fresh air for the big family.

However, other families are not so good. It seems that he is still being targeted. Is Dr. Damu warning himself in a subtle way! ?

Afterwards, Kaguya smiled again, staring at yourself, then staring at yourself!It's hard for him to keep a low profile anyway.

After talking with Dr. Damu, Kaguya received a call from her elder sister, which made Hui Ye suspicious. Although her elder sister called every day, she seldom called at this time. Could it be the matter here, she has already understood! ?

"Hui Ye~" Elder Sister's expression was a bit haggard, but there was a joyful smile on her face.

Hui Ye looked at his elder sister speechlessly: "Did you stay overnight again!?!" Even though my elder sister drank a lot of beast milk and monster meat some time ago, her body was transformed, but it was only so much better than normal people. One point, from time to time, overnight cultivating immortals is still not good for the body.

"Kaguya, your fire-breathing dragon can be used!" Dr. Yew said happily to Kaguya.

"Ah!?" The old spray can be used? !Kaguya was a little stunned, and then showed an excited look: "Mega evolution has progressed?!"

Kaguya didn't hide the fire-breathing dragon from her elder sister, after all, this is her elder sister!

Recently, the old spray has hardly appeared on the stage. Originally, Kaguya planned to use the fire-breathing dragon as his hole card, but it is a bit uncomfortable not to pretend!His strength is gradually enough, the only thing missing is a divine beast... Well, Kaguya's brain is a bit stuck.

"Well, not long ago, Dr. Bratano in the Carlos area successfully made a Lucario undergo a million evolutions. Your Charizard can be used, but it will take a while to update its data. Just leave it to me!" Dr. Yew slightly explained to Kaguya.

Kaguya understood what Elder Sister meant. This might sound simple, but it was extremely difficult and troublesome to operate, and she didn't know how much work Elder Sister had to do.

"But the old dragon is a permanent MEGA evolution!" Kaguya was a little helpless, after all, the super evolution is temporary, but the fire-breathing dragon is permanent.On the contrary, Miaowahua can often perform fairy mode, no one can doubt this.

It's strange to say that Miaowahua can perform fairy mode by herself, but she can't teach other Pokémon, otherwise Kaguya won't need to collect super evolution stones in the future! .

Text Chapter [-] Kirby? !

Dr. Yew coquettishly glanced at the little man in her family, didn't she know this question? !Does Kaguya regard her as the kind of woman with big breasts and no brains? !Know that your talent is recognized all over the world!This has a lot of credit for Hui Ye, but if she really has no means at all, how can she be the elf doctor in the region? !

"That's why you just need to give me the information about the fire-breathing dragon regularly, and tell the public that your fire-breathing dragon accidentally ate an unknown stone." Dr. Yew explained with a smile.

Hearing Yew Shan's words, Kaguya rolled his eyes speechlessly, and God ate an unknown stone, he felt that he was going to cheat again this time.

The last time the evolution of the dragon elf has been announced, and I don't know how many people are trying to evolve a dragon elf. After all, Xiaobu's performance during this period of time is really outstanding, and some people even say that the dragon elf is the Ibrahimovic's strongest evolution.There must be a lot of people trying to evolve dragon spirits.

Now ordinary people haven't even seen the MEGA evolution yet, but Kaguya produced a permanent MEGA evolution fire-breathing dragon, I don't know how many people will be hurt!Then a large group of people went home to find super evolution stones for their Pokémon to eat? !This picture is so beautiful that Kaguya can't even imagine.

However, Kaguya also understood what Dr. Yew meant, no one would embarrass him at the official level, at least his elder sister helped him eliminate it on the surface, but would there be those evil organizations secretly? It's unknown if you are looking for trouble for yourself, but Kaguya likes these people the most to help him level up.

After chatting with my dear elder sister for a few more words, Hui Ye hung up the phone and asked the hard-working Xiao Huang, "Is there anything you can eat?!"

That's right, when the two of them go out on a trip, they started out with Kaguya cooking, but now they've become Xiao Huang.Why Hui Ye likes to go out with Xiao Huang, is it because Xiao Loli is obedient? !Don't look at her as just a loli, she can do a lot of things, and she has a strong learning ability. Today's cooking skills are pretty good.

Xiao Huang frowned: "Lucario hasn't come back yet! I don't know where he went!"

Listening to Xiao Huang's words, Kaguya also understood that it's not that the rice can't be eaten yet, and it's estimated that it hasn't started cooking yet!With Lucario's strength, Kaguya doesn't worry about it going wrong, and he can roughly sense its existence, but what is it running for? !You must know that Lucario is usually very reliable!

"I'll look for it!" Hui Ye touched Xiao Huang's hair that felt more comfortable than a pet and said.

"En!" Xiao Huang squinted her eyes, she didn't know why she felt so comfortable every time she was touched by Kaguya like this.

Kaguya quickly walked in the direction of Lucario. Along the way, he saw many traces of battle. These traces were all new, and Kaguya's expression suddenly became awe-inspiring. Lucario was here. Fighting Pokémon? !Who is it? !

Those people came here so quickly? !

Thinking of this, Hui Ye's heart was filled with killing intent. Since the other party dared to come, he could be the other party, but before that, he had to get a Pokémon that could be used to torture confessions.

But soon, Kaguya realized that he was thinking too much. Lucario was indeed fighting at the moment, but the opponent of the battle was not the trainer's Pokémon, but a fat Kirby beast like a meatball.

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