At this moment, both Lucario and Kirby also suffered a lot of injuries. They looked at each other breathlessly. It was obvious that the two sides had been fighting for a long time.

Kaguya threw an exploration technique on the Kirby beast. After all, it is rare to see a Pokémon in the wild that can match up with his own Lucario, and this Kirby beast looks even better than that. Ordinary kapimon are a little smaller.

Pokémon: Kirby

Height: 1.8 meters

Weight: 380Kg

Gender: Male

Attribute: normal

Chapter 1 Kirby? ! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Attribute: normal

Ability: Immunity

Hidden Ability: Gluttonous

Potential: Uranus

Level: 58

System evaluation: This is a Snorby with a graceful appearance. It is smaller than ordinary Snorbys, but much faster. Unlike ordinary Snorkels, this Snorby is very aggressive. Suitable for cultivation.

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Seeing the situation of Kirbymon, Kaguya's eyes lit up instantly, wild!Talented!Cabbage for training!I was actually met by myself!

His current lineup is missing a meat shield!Although the wonderful frog flower can also be used, how can there be a carby beast? !

He is welcome to this kabbi!Originally, Kaguya complained that there should be a Kirby beast near Rainbow City, but I didn't expect that I would actually encounter it by myself.

Lucario and Kirbymon had clearly seen Kaguya, and turned their eyes.


"Kirby?! (Is this your trainer?!)" Kirby asked Lucario suspiciously.

"Oh~" Lucario nodded, it seemed that he had been fighting for a long time, and even Kaguya came out to look for him.

Kirby patted himself on the body: "Karby Kirby (then this is the end of today's battle, I will continue to sleep!)


The corner of Kaguya's mouth twitched, it seems that this Kirby beast has a good temper, and has formed a certain sympathy with Lucario? !

"Kapimon, how's it going?! How about messing with me?!" Kaguya wouldn't let this kabi beast go, and stepped forward and asked.

"Kirby?! (Fuck?!)" Kirby looked at the human in doubt, it really couldn't understand what the human was saying.

"Well, that is to become my Pokémon, as long as you follow me, I guarantee that you will eat and drink spicy food, and you can find opponents to fight with you when you want to fight! My Pokémon are all very strong! " Kaguya patted Lucario and said.

Kabimon's eyes lit up when he heard the delicious and spicy drink. As a foodie, his favorite thing is to eat!And there's a fight, isn't it cool? !

(PS: Happiness came so suddenly that it was recommended, without the slightest precaution. Well, I will try my best to make more, and I will go to drink wedding wine first).

Text Chapter [-]: Kirby Beast Comes to the Bowl

As a foodie, it likes to eat very much, and Kaguya said that there are other powerful Pokémon in his place, so Kirby has no choice but to be moved.

Seeing the appearance of Kirbymon, Kaguya took out a box of energy cubes eaten by ordinary Pokémon and threw it to Kirbymon: "Try it!" This is what Ibrahimovic had eaten before, but in Ibrahimovic After evolution, no one ate it.

Good things like beast milk and monster meat, Kaguya will definitely not eat it for big foodies like Kabi beast. At most, they adjust the taste occasionally. Don't look at the size of the monster, it has a lot of meat, enough for Kaguya. They have been eating for a long time, but if the Kirby beasts come to eat, it is estimated that it will be enough for the Kirby beasts to eat.

After all, if you don't eat 400 kilograms of food in a day, you won't be full if you don't eat "[-]", and even ordinary Pokmon trainers can't afford to raise a Snorkel.

"Kirby!" Looking at the energy cube that Kaguya took out, the Kirby beast took it, tore off the seal on it, and put all the energy cubes into his big mouth with happiness on his face. The face, it was really delicious.

"Kirby!? (Is there any more!?)" Kirby pointed to the box in his hand and asked, if he hadn't seen where Kaguya put the food, it would have come up and snatch it!

Facing Kabimon's question, Kaguya smiled slightly. He didn't take out the food, but took out a Pokémon ball and said, "How?! Become my Pokémon! As long as you become me The Pokémon, how many energy cubes are there!"

This is not Kaguya's bragging. Although the energy cube is quite expensive for ordinary people, it is actually nothing to him. Apart from the benefits he received from the alliance before, my elder sister still has a lot of money. !As for the little white face, the money is not his own, and it's not that he can't make money, but he is too lazy to make it. This little white face, he does it with peace of mind.

Seeing that Hui Ye took out a Pokémon ball, Kabimon hesitated. After all, it is also the first fat bully in the rainbow, how can it be easily subdued! ?

There used to be a lot of people who wanted to subdue themselves, but they were beaten up by themselves just as soon as they started...

Seeing the hesitant appearance of Kirbymon: "I know you must want to be strong, right?! When I come to me, I can help you become stronger, and Lucario's strength is not the most powerful among my Pokémon. Strong. As long as you become my Pokémon, I can make you stronger!"

"Kirby?! (Are you kidding me?!)" Kirby doesn't believe that Kaguya can quickly increase his strength. Do you really think that a powerful Pokémon is Chinese cabbage? !Kirby can't find any opponents in this area, so it's really difficult to make it believe Kaguya's words.

Kaguya's face showed a smile when she saw Kabimon looking like this. I liked the slap in the face the best. After speaking, it took out three Pokémon balls from its waist: "Old spray, Xiaobu, Wonderful frog flower!"

In an instant, Charizard X, Dragon Fairy, and Brilliant Frog Flower appeared on the scene, surrounding the Kirby. These three Pokémon, together with Lucario and Menus, are Kaguya's current main force Pokémon, this configuration is already very good...

After the three Pokémon came out, they all looked at Kirby with a provocative look, pretending to slap the face, not only people like to do it, Pokmon also like to do it, especially Kaguya's fire-breathing dragon X, it is the most depressing of all Kaguya's Pokémon. It originally leveled up, and it thought that it could pretend to be aggressive and abuse people, but it turned out to be locked up. This is the first time that Pu Ritian Show up outside too!

Chapter 1 Snorby is coming to the bowl -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

After the three Pokémon came out, they all looked at Kirby with a provocative look, pretending to slap the face, not only people like to do it, Pokmon also like to do it, especially Kaguya's fire-breathing dragon X, it is the most depressing of all Kaguya's Pokémon. It originally leveled up, and it thought that it could pretend to be aggressive and abuse people, but it turned out to be locked up. This is the first time that Pu Ritian Show up outside too!

Seeing the three Pokémon that suddenly appeared and Lucario on the side, Snorlax knelt instantly. It could feel that these three Pokémon were very powerful, especially the Charizard X and the Dragon Spirit. Their strength It is very likely that it is above itself, which makes Snorkel feel so tired!

"How?! The longest time they have been my Pokmon is only two months, are you ready!?" Kaguya pointed to his Pokmon and said...

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