It can be said that this is the economic lifeline of the Rockets, an existence that must not be exposed, but for some reason, she always feels that something is going to happen!

"Officer, according to our instrument monitoring his body, there is no reaction! It should be done through gambling. After all, some real gambling masters can also identify the value through their ears. He should be a gambling. Master!" The Rockets below reported to Athena Hui.

"Isn't there cheating!?" Athena whispered a little, as long as there was no cheating, it didn't matter, she didn't care that Hui Ye won a little money, the daily profit of this casino is more than billions, Hui Ye Winning the money at night is really nothing.If possible, Athena doesn't want to cause a conflict with Kaguya here. If this casino is exposed, it will be an irreversible loss for the entire Rockets.

"Then invite him to the VIP room to gamble! After all, it's not good to have so many people following you!" Athena thought for a while and then told the people below, Kaguya's gambling is naturally no problem, But with so many people betting with Kaguya, it would be different.

Didn't you see that the dealer was crying before? !

The little girl has been frightened by the densely packed chips. She also makes hundreds of millions in and out of hands here every day, but she has never lost as much as 267 in one day. The casino will chop herself off, right? !Looking at the mountain of chips she had output in front of her, the little girl felt that her life was hopeless.

Xiaomao also looked at Hui Ye and the money he earned. Originally, he only brought Hui Ye to play, but he didn't expect Hui Ye to play so big. This reminded him of what he said before. Is this guy really a god of gamblers? !

"What else do you want?!" Xiao Mao asked softly.

Kaguya glanced at it: "I told you that I'm a gambling god, now believe me!? As for what I can do?! Brother can only tell you that as long as it's about gambling, I can do anything! It's not me. For whom, compared to gambling, what I want to say is that everyone here is rubbish!"

As Kaguya's map cannon went on, everyone was shocked by him, and some people wanted to refute, but they were betting with Kaguya before, although they were rich people who looked at their faces It is very important, but what if Kaguya is really the king of gambling? !Can I still gamble happily after I offend him! ?

(PS: Usually I don’t like gambling very much. Gambling is immoral, so it’s a bit painful to write, and I’m almost stuck.).

Text Chapter [-]: Constant Talk

There is no doubt that many people present chose to coerce, and Kaguya's strength was recognized by many people just through the few hands just now.

Xiaomao looked stunned beside him, but he didn't care whether Kaguya was really a god of gamblers, but what Kaguya said just now was really cool.

Although all the people in the room are all the rubbish, including him, but Xiao Mao doesn't care at all, he naturally sees that Kaguya is pretending He has never seen it before, and he has never seen such a fresh and refined, different person in the world of Pokémon!

In an instant, Kaguya's image grew taller in Xiao Mao's heart.

"Oh!? It looks like you look down on us!? I thought you would be so powerful! I didn't expect that you just won a small amount of money and started to float. Xiaomao, you are living more and more back, with people like this. Get together! God of Gamblers?! Hehe!" At this time, a sarcastic voice came over.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a slender man in a white suit, white shirt, and white leather shoes walking over. Although he was talking about Kaguya, his mocking eyes were looking at Xiao Mao.

If he didn't speak, he would indeed look like a prince who came out of a fairy tale.

Hui Ye pouted and asked Xiaomao loudly: "Xiao Mao, who is this turtle son?! Wearing such a sassy bag?! Doesn't he know that wearing a white suit is the villain's patent? And so The villain of the movie usually doesn't survive for two episodes, and it's also a special kind of shit, if I have such a son, I will regret not shooting him on the wall!"

The scene fell silent in an instant, and everyone glanced at Kaguya in disbelief, then glanced at the man in the full-body "villain" suit, but didn't laugh out loud.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there are indeed many villains in the TV series wearing white suits!And what's the point of regretting that he didn't shoot him on the wall? !There are still knowledgeable people at the scene, and they also understand what Kaguya means, but the way Kaguya is angry is too novel and weird!

The man glared at Kaguya with a livid face. He wanted to remember this hateful face fiercely in his mind, and then take revenge on him. Xiaomao could be taken seriously by him. After all, Dr. Damu's identity is Lianda President Ma Lanqi wants to give face, but Hui Ye is different. He just regards Hui Ye as a dog-leg next to Xiao Mao, and the level of the two is not the same.

"He is Inoue Mu々ˇ!" Xiaomao snorted coldly with disdain. Since Xiaolan's incident, the two sides have already torn their skins. It was only because of such and such a relationship that the civil war between the families did not completely break out. The strength of the family is really too great, if it affects the whole body, it may be other big families or organizations like the Rockets who will take advantage of it.

Hui Ye stared curiously at Inoue Mu, just when everyone thought he was going to admit his cowardice, Hui Ye suddenly said: "He looks like a dog!"

"Pfft!" Hearing Hui Ye's words, everyone could no longer hold back the laughter in their hearts. The Inoue Mu family was powerful and powerful, but the people here might not be afraid of them, they just didn't want to find them before. What a disaster!

After all, they came to a place like a casino to find happiness, not trouble.

"Haha, you look like a dog, haha, what you said couldn't be more appropriate!" Xiao Mao laughed and his stomach was about to hurt, not to mention that he was not very happy with Inoue Mu, and some time ago, it was even worse. When it comes to Xiaolan's matter, he naturally knows that Hui Ye is still helping Xiaolan vent his anger. As Xiaolan's cousin, Xiaomao naturally has to go down the drain.

Chapter 1 Gossiping -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Haha, you look like a dog, haha, what you said couldn't be more appropriate!" Xiao Mao laughed and his stomach was about to hurt, not to mention that he was not very happy with Inoue Mu, and some time ago, it was even worse. When it comes to Xiaolan's matter, he naturally knows that Hui Ye is still helping Xiaolan vent his anger. As Xiaolan's cousin, Xiaomao naturally has to go down the drain.

"You!" If eyes could kill, Kaguya might have been pierced by Wan Jian at this moment.Maki Inoue took a deep breath. Others didn't know where this place was, but he knew. Team Rocket was able to open such a large casino in Rainbow City and not be discovered for so long. This also has a great relationship with the Inoue family. relation.

It can't be exposed here, and he walked up with a gloomy face: "Do you know who I am!? Some people are not something you can offend casually!"

The threat in these words is full of threats. He can't do it here, but after Kaguya leaves here, Inoue Mu will never let Kaguya go, even if he doesn't rely on his family's power, isn't there still Team Rocket? !Their Inoue family has a good partnership with the No. [-] terrorist organization in the Chengdu area of ​​Kanto.

Xiao Mao frowned when he heard Mu Inoue's threatening words, and was about to step forward. After all, Kaguya was his friend, how could he be stopped by Kaguya after being threatened.

Kaguya stepped forward and narrowed his eyes slightly. If it was before, he would not have deliberately sought trouble with Inoue Mu, but the other party actually sent him to the door to find him dead, then he would not let him go!Kaguya really doesn't like being threatened!

".~Who are you?! It's none of my business what's going on at home. I don't care who the other person is. No matter how awesome he is, he's not as awesome as me!" Hui Yetou Yi Ang said directly and confidently.

Horse eggs!He wanted to act like this for a long time, and now he finally had such an opportunity, how could he let it go? !

What's the difference between people who don't pretend and salted fish? !

During this period of time, he has been roaming the Internet, and he has also collected a lot of questions about the Inoue family. He also found that as long as he doesn't kill himself and goes to the Rockets' intranet to do things, the entire Pokémon world doesn't have it. A man can be his own adversary.

(Zhao Mo Zhao)

Kaguya gradually had a guess in her heart, and she seemed to be a little bit crazy some time ago!I had just hacked into Team Rocket's intranet, and Mewtwo had made some progress. It was very likely that Mewtwo was the one who hacked into my computer that day.

This sounds like nonsense, but it is really possible that the divine beast is much more powerful than he imagined!

Kaguya even dared to fight Chao Meng, and now she is alive and well, still afraid of a stupid human? !If Chao Meng knew that he would definitely slap him to death, he would make it embarrassing.

Listening to Kaguya's rants coming out one after another, everyone was completely shocked!Holy shit!Who is this special? !

(PS: The neighbor's yard is being renovated, and it keeps making loud noises, which makes me almost schizophrenic. Yesterday, I got a few subwoofers to fight them hard in the middle of the night...).

Text Chapter [-] A handful of billions? !

Everyone at this moment was shocked by Hui Ye's endless rants. If Hui Ye is the god of gambling, many people will definitely not believe it, but if many people say that Hui Ye is the king of coercion at this moment, then Many people will admit this, it seems that no one pretends to be able to compare Kaguya.

Even if his words were rude and they were despised again, most people couldn't bear Kaguya's anger, and even had the urge to sit down and listen to Kaguya's bragging.

At the scene, only Xiao Mao felt that what Kaguya said seemed really reasonable. Now Kaguya is probably the most talented Pokémon trainer. Once Kaguya's Pokémon level is raised, he is very likely. To be a king or champion in a region, don't be a champion of kings that is worthless, just like Du that guy, he can even become a champion of the Chengdu region after he can become a king. This is also related to the huge resource tilt of the Yulong family.

And Kaguya doesn't seem to have this trouble. He cultivates Pokémon very fast, and Xiao Mao can't even imagine the level of the Pokémon of Kaguya when the two meet next time.

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