He is also very optimistic about Kaguya in his heart, and he has the capital to pretend!

In fact, many of the people present had already begun to investigate Kaguya's identity.

"You..." Jing 687 Shangmu was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while. He knew Hui Ye's mouth at this moment. Even if there were several people, he would not be Kaguya's opponent. He punched Kaguya's hateful face, and punched the hateful face in front of him, but he also knew that in this casino, there must be rules in the casino.

Soon, a file about Kaguya was handed over to Mu Inoue.

Hezhong District, Luzi Town, Yew Research Institute Kaguya.

The authority in the field of Ibrahimovic's evolution, the man who owns the world's first dragon elf and also mastered the evolution of MEGA.

At the same time, Inoue Mu also understood why the person in front of him would be so desperate and unscrupulous to hate himself. This turned out to be the person (bedi) who caused trouble for him. If it weren't for Kaguya, he would not have There will be such trouble!He had learned enough lessons at home a few days ago.

In order to deal with Hui Ye, he specially came to this casino this time, wanting to use the power of Team Rocket to kill this bastard, but he didn't expect to meet Hui Ye here, and the enemy is narrow!

A person like Maki Inoue would never face up to his own mistakes, he would not do anything wrong in the middle of the night, and he would not be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

"It turns out that it's you, a hillbilly! Don't think that you are very powerful if you have such a little power in the countryside!" Inoue Mu looked at Kaguya with the look of wanting to kill Kaguya.

Hillbilly? !Kaguya was the first time someone called him that in the Pokémon world. After all, he had lived a good life since he was adopted by Dr. Yew. Yew's father was the leading Dr. Pokémon in the Hezhong area. Qian Of course it is indispensable.

However, it seems that there is still regional discrimination in the Pokémon world. For example, the Kanto region, where the headquarters of the alliance is located, often looks down on other regions...

Chapter 1 A handful of billions? ! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

However, it seems that there is still regional discrimination in the Pokémon world. For example, the Kanto region, where the headquarters of the alliance is located, often looks down on other regions...

In fact, in many aspects, other regions are really not bad at all, and even to a great extent, these regions are independent... For example, the Hezhong region is even ahead of Kanto economically (the prototype of Hezhong is New York……)

I don't know where these people's sense of superiority comes from, but Hui Ye has encountered similar discrimination in his previous life.For example, some super cities will think that everyone except them is a hillbilly, and even if they are just ordinary waiters, they have a sense of superiority over billionaires elsewhere!

Kaguya looked at Inoue Mu and squinted: "Hill bumpkin?! Hehe?! So, do you, a rich man, dare to play a few games with me using the rules here! Let me try the rich man's game too!? "

"The rules of the casino?! Hehe, then I'll take on the challenge. You don't even lose your crotch. Of course, if you use the yew woman to play with me for a few days, I can consider letting you go. Horse!" Inoue Mu said contemptuously at this moment.

God of Gamblers? !What a joke, he has been in the casino since he was a child, and he has never seen anyone who dares to call himself a gambling god. If there is one, it must be himself.

"You're courting death!" Hui Ye said coldly, he couldn't bear it anymore, no matter how the other party humiliated him, Hui Ye would choose to be patient first, but if it was about his sister Yew, it would not work.The dragon's inverse scales will kill you if you touch it!

Maki Inoue laughed when he saw Kaguya's appearance. Before, Hui Ye was eloquently talking about jokes, and he thought that Kaguya's eloquence was so good!Now that Kaguya is deflated, he doesn't know how refreshing it is!

"Maki Inoue, do you know what you're talking about!?!" At this time, Xiao Mao naturally also stood up to support Kaguya. The other party not only insulted Kaguya, but also insulted the Hezhong area and Dr. Yew...

"Humph!" Inoue Mu snorted disdainfully. In the past, Xiao Mao and himself were both family sons of the same level. As a result, this guy could be a second-generation ancestor at home, but he had to go out and become a Pokémon trainer. It's a shame, if you want Pokémon to be collected by someone else!

Hasn't he, Maki Inoue, never traveled once? !Your own Pokémon is very powerful!

"How are you going to gamble!" Hui Ye said in a very cold tone. He wanted to teach the other party a lesson. Of course, Hui Ye didn't intend to abide by the rules. Even if he lost, he would say that this is Team Rocket's casino. .

"It's very simple, you were playing the sieve just now, so let's play the dice. Whoever has the lowest score wins, one billion alliance coins, do you dare to come!" Inoue Mu said with a confident smile on his face.He's not really useless, he's really good at casinos!

"Hiss!" Even though everyone present was a top rich man, they gasped when they heard Mu Mu's bet. They had seen a big bet, but they had never seen such a big bet, one billion, Even though many of the people present were worth more than this figure, no one would directly bet a billion! .

Text Chapter [-]: There is only one God of Gamblers in this world

"Okay! I promise!" Kaguya agreed regardless of Xiaomao's actions.A billion? !It seems to be a lot less than what I imagined. Which movie of the God of Gamblers watched in the previous life was less than a few billion? !Moreover, the purchasing power of the two parties is not at the same level. The purchasing power of the Pokémon world currency is not much different from that of the Japanese yen. One billion is actually not that much.

However, at the same time, he manipulated his watch twice. Two days ago, after knowing about Inoue Mu, he collected information about Inoue Mu on the Internet. What was Kaguya thinking about? When I used it, I didn't expect it to come so quickly, and those black materials were quickly revealed along the program that Hui Ye had set before.

Inoue Mu looked at Kaguya disdainfully: "Do you have so much money!?!"

Kaguya's mouth twitched, so much money? !It seems that there is really no one, but my elder sister has it, but now I call her and tell her that she is short of money in the casino. I guess my elder sister will be very disappointed with herself, right? !

"Does Huiye have confidence?! He is not good in other aspects, and his gambling skills are indeed very strong." Xiaomao asked Huiye in confusion. He himself wanted to stop Huiye from committing suicide. Inoue Mu's gambling skills Xiaomao still agrees, but the current Kaguya has given Xiaomao an unfathomable appearance.

"Of course, I'm the God of Gamblers!" After speaking, Kaguya poked her head into the ear of the beautiful waitress beside her, smelled her fragrance slightly and said, "I'll pass you a song, wait for me to open the bet later." Time to play this music!"

The waiter frowned slightly, then nodded and agreed. As a rich person, he has privileges, and ordering songs is nothing at all!

Xiaomao's mouth twitched wildly on the side. Before Hui Ye came to the casino, he even recorded a song specifically for the purpose of using it now.

"Of course I am rich, and I have a lot of good things on me. I believe that the people behind this casino should believe in my ability, right?!" Hui Yeyi pointed at the camera on the side and said. .

Xiaomao naturally heard something in Hui Ye's words: "Hua Ye, do you know who is behind the scenes?!"

The background of this casino in Rainbow City has always been a mystery. At first, they thought it was the property of the Inoue family, but they only knew that the Inoue family was only a cooperative relationship here, and Kaguya knew something like this.

"Yeah, it's someone you didn't expect!" Hui Ye said meaningfully.

Athena in the private room has been paying attention to the things here. She felt a sigh in her heart. The thing she didn't want to encounter the last thing happened. She knew that Kaguya was not pretending to be mysterious, but really knew it.

Athena really couldn't figure out how Kaguya, a person from another region, could investigate these things, but now she had to prove to Kaguya that Kaguya was indeed worth a billion dollars, and if Kaguya was willing to sell the mature mega If the technology is handed over, even if it is [-] billion, the Rockets will definitely not agree!Spending so much money is worse than directly kidnapping tickets!

Casino officials quickly recognized Kaguya's economic ability. They said that once Kaguya lost, they would be willing to pay for the technology in Kaguya's hands, which made Mu Inoue snorted coldly.

Before a few people came to a table, almost all the gamblers in the casino gathered around.

"Then let's get started! Whoever has the lower number wins!" Inoue Mu looked at Kaguya disdainfully. He was definitely trying to kill the other party. Soon the fancy show began to operate!

Kaguya glanced at him indifferently, picked up the box, flicked her wrist, and let go, standing there quietly, without the slightest movement after that.

Seeing Kaguya like this, the look of disdain on Mu Inoue's face became even stronger. In his opinion, Kaguya was just a sloppy layman, and he was just pretending to die before!

This also disappointed those who were optimistic about Hui Ye before. As for Xiao Mao, he is ready to pay for Hui Ye. He will never bring Hui Ye to such a place again in the future. Your sister, just bet ten. [-] million.

"Crack!" Inoue Mu finally stopped the slapstick manipulation in his hand, slapped the dice box on the gaming table, and said coldly to Kaguya: "You're dead!" Then everyone was curious. Under his eyes, Inoue Mu opened his dice box.

One one one!

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