The prompt sound of the system also rang in Kaguya's mind at the right time.

Hearing the system's notification sound, Hui Ye was not too surprised. The rewards of the system have always been weird, but they are also very regular. After almost contacting the beast, he can also get the chance to draw a lottery.

Only if you have a second-level divine beast, you can have a high-level lottery, so when will there be a god-level lottery and a holy-level lottery? !Shouldn't it be to catch an alpaca? ?This is really difficult!

"Celebi, hello!" Hui Ye stretched out his "sinful" claws at Celebi with a smile on his face, and he naturally had to provide for such a divine beast.

Celebi's combat ability may not be good, but it is stronger than ordinary Pokémon, not to mention its priesthood relationship, grass-type Pokémon after Kaguya can grow faster, which seems to be the most important.

As for the question of why Celebi was born with level 677, Kaguya automatically filtered it, is this a level [-] god, okay? !If there is no special place and no force, if it is like an ordinary Pokmon born from level [-], [-] will be weird!

Celebi was born with level [-], and Kaguya felt that Mewtwo might have at least level [-]! ?

"Bi!" Celebi may have sensed Kaguya's breath, or maybe he knew that Kaguya is the master of this small world, and that he is the god of the forest in this world. The intimacy between the two parties has been Full value!

It joyfully stretched out its hand, and after a brief handshake, it flapped its little wings and flew to Kaguya's shoulders, with a pair of forgiving calves swaying non-stop, while rubbing it intimately. Kaguya's cheeks.

Seeing Celebi like this, Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Celebi was just having fun, and didn't have the lofty attitude of some divine beasts, otherwise it would be really difficult!

Looking at Mewtwo's Pokémon eggs on the side, Kaguya couldn't help worrying about Nazi. Among all the mythical beasts, Mewtwo seems to be one of the best, especially the Rockets' Mewtwo. , I want to do things with all my heart, so what about this super dream? !Has Nazi trained you? ?

At the same time, Kaguya gave instructions to the system to draw a lottery in her mind.

"Ding, conduct a high-level lottery and get a copy of the Ruthless Emperor's bath water!"

Looking at the items obtained by the lottery, Hui Ye was completely messed up. What the hell is the Ruthless Emperor's bath water? !Who is the Ruthless Emperor, Hui Ye knows, and he is a guy who can easily kill alpacas. The key is very beautiful. Now that her bath water is placed in front of her, Hui Ye really doesn't know what to do for a while. manage!

This is a premium lottery!Want this thing for a bird? !Completely wasted opportunity!

The system is really awesome, even the Empress's bath water can be obtained, but why is it not fat? !

Speaking of bath water, Kaguya recalled that there seemed to be a star who played very well and had a bad character in a previous life (wearing a gas mask throughout Huaxia) and seemed to have called on the Internet to drink a female star's bath water.

In desperation, Hui Ye still threw an exploration technique on the bath water of the Ruthless Empress.

Chapter 234 Empress's...-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

In desperation, Hui Ye still threw an exploration technique on the bath water of the Ruthless Empress.

Item: Bathwater of the Ruthless Empress

Systematic evaluation: The bath water condensed by Wannian Xianlu contains countless spiritual energy. The host can improve the host's root bone and physique when taking it, and the Pokémon can enhance the potential when taking it.

When Huiye saw the system's evaluation, his expression froze. The shame level of this thing was indeed beyond the charts, but the effect seemed to be against the sky!He himself wouldn't drink this kind of thing, even if it was the bath water of a super beautiful woman, he wouldn't drink it either! (beed) He has his own bottom line!

But this can improve the roots of Pokémon, which is really important. He still has a few Pokémon in his hand that have withdrawn from his main team because of insufficient talent, and it is time for them to come back!

The first to bear the brunt is the tyrannical carp dragon. This guy is a Pokémon who followed him early, and he is also the mascot of Kaguya. However, during this period of time, his strength has not improved much, which has reduced his chances of appearing a lot. Not a mascot.

Immediately, Kaguya returned her consciousness to the outside, came to the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and took out a large bucket of bath water under its doubtful gaze.

As soon as the bath water appeared, it attracted the attention of all Pokémon. The elves were extremely sensitive, and they could sense the enormous energy contained in the water.

The Tyrannosaurus Dragon, who was close at hand, stared at the water in front of him with wide eyes. Its intuition told it that this water was very important!You can bring great benefits to yourself!

"It's yours!" Hui Ye said with a smile to Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, this guy is his mascot and veteran after all, and he really wants to give it something good!

When Tyrannosaurus heard Kaguya's words, he swallowed the whole bucket of bath water and the tub excitedly. Unfortunately, the material of the tub seemed to be very special. Tyrannosaurus didn't bite it and spit it out. .

Afterwards, the tyrannical carp dragon felt a force washing its blood and strengthening its body. It felt very uncomfortable and painful, but it had to persevere.

"What happened to the Tyrannosaurus?!" Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene. They all knew that this was the effect of the water that Kaguya had just given the Tyrannosaurus, but it didn't seem to be in a good condition. what! !

"It's alright, it's just a process of improving strength!" Hui Ye smiled and shook his head. After so many experiences, he knew that this was only good for the Tyrannosaurus Dragon.

Otherwise he wouldn't mess with his Pokémon either.

"Is it similar to the fire-breathing dragon?!" Yew looked at the tyrannical dragon curiously, as if she wanted to observe the changes in the middle. She is the woman of Kaguya, and she is also an elf doctor, curious about these unknown things .

"It's a bit similar, but it should be similar to the Frog Flower!" Kaguya said with a slight frown. He constantly observed the situation of the tyrannical carp dragon through the exploration technique. The potential and level of this guy are constantly rising. What he cares about is the bathtub that was spit out by the tyrannical carp dragon? !

It seems that it is not an ordinary thing, buy one get one free? ! .

Chapter 235 The Powerful Gyaradosaurus

Kaguya threw an exploration technique at the yu bucket, or is this really a treasure? !

Item: Yu Barrel of Ruthless Emperor

System evaluation: Made of ancient sacred wood, taking a bath in this bucket can be of great benefit to the user's body. If it is worn by a grass-type Pokémon, it can enhance the power of ~grass-type skills.

Hui Ye couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the news. It sounds very powerful to increase the power of grass-type skills, but is it possible to let Miaowahua carry a yu bucket on his back to fight? !How embarrassing that looks-! ?

Kaguya put away this thing silently, preparing to enjoy it in the future.

However, having said that, his god-level lottery system seems to be much more awesome than he imagined. Before, being able to get two god beasts and getting the bath water of the Ruthless Great Emperor are two concepts, even if it is The alpaca would probably shiver in front of the Ruthless Empress.

Now, the system has robbed the little beast milk and pumped the Empress's bath water, this is going to go against the sky!

Will these two bosses travel through the world to find themselves in the future! ?Then pump yourself up! ?Maybe it's good to have a bite then!But it's worth enjoying!

"Roar~" The blood training made the Gyarados scream in pain, and the huge body of the Gyarados kept rolling in the lake, splashing countless water splashes.

Countless Pokémon looked at the tyrannical dragon with envy. They also wanted such an opportunity, but they would not be awkward with Kaguya. After all, this thing belonged to Kaguya, and they also believed that Kaguya would have it in the future. Good things will not forget them either, and the previous talent of Tyrannosaurus is really too bad...

Even the three big bosses, Dragon Spirit, Charizard X, and Miao Frog Flower turned their gazes over at this moment, and the aura of the Gyarados really improved a lot.

Finally, the pain of the tyrannical carp dragon is over, and at this moment it feels that there is an infinite power in its body and it has no comparison before.

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