Pokémon: Tyrannosaurus

Height: 9M

Weight: 320KG

Gender: Male

Attributes: Water, Flight

Potential: Level [-] God

Level: 76

Systematic evaluation: The tyrannical carp dragon favored by fate, it was ordinary and now has powerful strength, which can be cultivated as the main Pokémon!

Looking at the information about the tyrannical carp dragon, Kaguya was a little dumbfounded. The previous tyrannical carp dragon was only an elite-level talent, but now it has the potential of a third-level god. It is indeed a god-level lottery system. Other people's Pokémon want to have it. The talents of the quasi-celestial kings are very difficult, but with the help of the god-level lottery system, many Pokémon have the qualifications of third-level gods.

Moreover, the tyrannical carp dragon, which was originally a weak chicken, has been upgraded to level 76 all of a sudden. This is really incredible. This is already the level of a champion...

At present, there are four Pokémon at the champion level of Kaguya, which has surpassed almost all heavenly kings, especially the improvement of the Tyrannosaurus, which gives Kaguya a little confidence in challenging Sakagi. With great restraint!

Chapter 235 The Powerful Gyarados-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

At present, there are four Pokémon at the champion level of Kaguya, which has surpassed almost all heavenly kings, especially the improvement of the Tyrannosaurus, which gives Kaguya a little confidence in challenging Sakagi. With great restraint!

"Roar!" The Cypriot Carp Dragon, who felt that he had become stronger than ever, roared excitedly.

Before, it seemed to have no pursuit of strength in Hui Ye's team, and its performance was no different from that of Xianyu. That was because it knew that its talent was not very good, and it was useless even if it worked hard. Now it is I feel that I have become stronger than ever before, and I suddenly changed from a salted fish to a big guy!

How can this not make the tyrannosaurus not excited!

"Okay! You have to perform well in the future!" Kaguya said to the tyrannical carp dragon, but is it a championship level? !So excited to use it! ?There is also a Celebi in my little world!

Hearing Hui Ye's words, the tyrannical carp dragon also stopped roaring very obediently, and looked at Hui Ye eagerly. During this time, it has seen too many things, and Hui Ye has been constantly creating gods. Trace, even after the strength has increased, the tyrannical carp dragon does not dare to be disrespectful to Kaguya!

Seeing the attitude of Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus, Kaguya nodded with satisfaction. This guy did not become blind and arrogant because of the sudden increase in strength.

"What was that just now?!" Xiao Lan looked at Kaguya with some doubts. The change in the tyrannical carp dragon was too great. The previous Kaguya's tyrannical carp dragon was much worse than it is now.

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Hearing Xiaolan's question, the others turned their attention to Kaguya. Only Nazi and Yew had guessed some information, which might be related to the secret.

"It's just a special kind of "water". It has no side effects on Gyarados, but I only have this one!" Hui Ye smiled faintly, and he wanted more of such a useful thing.

The consumables drawn in the past have actually been consumed a lot. For example, the storage capacity of animal milk is only about half, and I don't know when I can draw it again. This is a very useful item.


"That's it!" Xiao Lan's expression was a little sad, she obviously didn't think Kaguya had told the truth, she just didn't want to tell them.

However, she can understand Kaguya's behavior, who doesn't have a few secrets? !And it is right not to tell others such a secret.

Even spreading such a thing would bring disaster to Kaguya!

At this moment, Yew Shan also put his hand on Xiao Lan's shoulder and said with a smile, "It's not as simple as you think, you'll understand later!"

"In the future!?!" Xiao Lan nodded silently, nothing was too hasty, not to mention that she herself is a free and easy person, but she was too straightforward before.

"If only my rattan snake could grow bigger at once!" Mei, who was beside him, couldn't help but sigh, many Pokémon trainers long for their Pokémon to become powerful overnight, but is that possible?

There are laws in nature, unless someone is like Kaguya.

"The growth of Pokémon has its own rules. It is better not to destroy it easily. You have cultivated it very well!" Yew said to Yayi and Touzi again.

She didn't want to say anything more about the fact that the two girls didn't go on a trip directly. In fact, they both had good trainer talents. It would be a pity not to go on a trip, but as a woman, Yew understood how they felt. .

Chapter 236 Someone Follows

"Kaguya, when are you taking them to the wild reserve! By the way, let's see what Pokémon you need!" Yew said to Kaguya at this time.

Now Kaguya's lineup is not very perfect, even if his Pokémon level is not low, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be targeted, Yew naturally has to plan for his little man.

Like other areas, the Hezhong area also has the existence of wild reserves, and even the wild reserves here are more strictly managed.

In the game, you must complete all 297 Pokémon except the four phantom Pokémon in the Hezhong Pokédex after clearing the level before you can get a license from Yew.

At the same time, the 60-level flashing double-axe dragon also appeared here.

The reality is not so strict, but "One Three Zero" must be approved by a few people.

"Well, let's take them there tomorrow, and camp out for a few days by the way!" The wild reserve in the Hezhong area has a large number of powerful wild Pokémon, but it is suitable to visit and check the level by the way.

As for the Double Axe Dragon, it seems that there are also, but Kaguya is not particularly interested. He now has two quasi-gods in his hand, Huck Dragon and Yukira. The attack of the Double Axe Dragon is good, but it is too ugly !

"If you're here, I'll be at ease. Ordinary people are really worried about letting them in!" Yew smiled slightly. There are a lot of powerful Pokémon in the wild reserve, and it would be really troublesome for ordinary people to enter.


Early the next morning, Kaguya and Nazi didn't sleep until noon as before, plus Xiaohuang, Xiaolan, Mei, and Touko, the six of them got on board and headed to Fukiyo Market. If you want to go to the wild reserve, you have to go through Fukiyo City!

Looking at the group of Yingying and Yanyan beside him, Hui Ye sighed silently. Before he knew it, he seemed to provoke too many girls.

Fortunately, polygamy is possible in this world. People like Yew and Nazi don't think too much about their scum behavior, but they think it's a matter of course. It was already cut off!

In the same way, Hui Ye is also glad that he has a god-level lottery system, otherwise his body would really not be able to bear it. In that kind of thing, men are always vulnerable...

At the same time, Hui Ye's behavior of traveling with a group of girls also attracted the attention of many people. Many people cast envious, jealous and hateful eyes on Hui Ye. After all, the appearance of several girls is quite good.

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