After a few people got off the train, Nazi said to Kaguya, "Someone is following us behind!"

"Ah?!" Na Zi's words made Yayi and Touzi's heart tighten. They grew up in Luzi Town. At most, they followed their parents to the city next door, and they didn't travel far. Met a bad guy? !

To a certain extent, the performance of the two women may not be comparable to that of Xiao Huang when they first went out.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, isn't it just a plot of pretending to slap the face!?" Hui Ye smiled lightly. He didn't like trouble, but he wasn't afraid of trouble. If he was in the Hezhong area, he really wasn't afraid of anyone or his family. Come on, others provoke themselves, it is their own death.

"That's right!" Na Zi smiled slightly, she and Kaguya are the kind that you know my depth and I know your length.She feels that her man will change the existence of the entire alliance in the future. Kaguya, who has so many secrets, is destined to not be able to coexist peacefully with the alliance. Once his secrets are exposed, it is estimated that the alliance will not allow Kaguya to exist.

Chapter 236 Someone Follows-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"That's right!" Na Zi smiled slightly, she and Kaguya are the kind that you know my depth and I know your length.She feels that her man will change the existence of the entire alliance in the future. Kaguya, who has so many secrets, is destined to not be able to coexist peacefully with the alliance. Once his secrets are exposed, it is estimated that the alliance will not allow Kaguya to exist.

Nazi also wants to work hard to become Kaguya's good wife, at least for his career.

"Master Ito, what should we do now?! Do you want to keep following up!? Those people seem to have noticed us!" A man in a suit said respectfully to the boy beside him.

"Go and investigate their identities! They can't escape!" The man known as Master Ito snorted coldly.

This young master Ito is the eldest son of the Ito family, a big family in the Hezhong area. He has a sinful name called Makoto Ito. He did not meet his own Gui Yanye, but Yew.

As a big family in the Hezhong area, the Ito family naturally wants to expand their influence and hope that their family can become the largest family in the Hezhong area. Marriage is the best way...

Yew is the first choice for Ito Makoto's marriage. As the Elf Doctor in the United States, Yew's status is not inferior to that of the current United States champion, not to mention that she is a beautiful girl who is only [-] years old. The best candidate for marriage.

As a result, they were rejected as soon as they went to propose a marriage, saying that Yew was already married, and when they left, there was a problem with the car, so he had to take the train back, where he saw Kaguya surrounded by a large group of girls He was upset for a while.

Sister, he has played a lot, and even formed a strengthening company, but with such high-quality and pure girls together, this young master Ito can't calm down.

I, the eldest young master of the Ito family, didn't have this kind of treatment. How could this little brat who came from out of nowhere be treated like this? !He needs to give himself a good vent!

"Yes!" said the bodyguard beside him respectfully.


Kaguya naturally doesn't care who the opponent is. With his current strength and identity, even facing champions will not be false. According to the gossip, it seems that the Hezhong region intends to train himself to become a new player in the Hezhong region. One-time champion.

4.6 After all, the current champion Adek is not young anymore, and Kaguya's performance is so outstanding!

However, Kaguya would not be the champion, even if the champion would be constrained by the council!It's not bad for the champion to play, and as for working for others, who else will go!

It seems that the champion behind the Hezhong area is the little black girl, the female protagonist with the lowest value in the Pokémon series, which also caused Kaguya to not watch much of the cartoons of this part of the Yixiu Alliance at that time.

At the gate of the nature reserve, Kaguya showed the pass to the staff.

"It turned out to be Dr. Kaguya. You came just in time. Mr. Adek is also in the protected area now! If you are lucky, you may be able to meet!" The staff said respectfully. .

Text Chapter 237 Wild Sanctuary

"Is that Mr. Adek!?" Tou Zi, who was on the side, became uneasy when he heard Adek's name. Most of the people in the United States couldn't calm down about the three words Adek.

Adek is currently the oldest champion in the league and the longest reigning champion. Adek has become synonymous with champions in the United States.

Mei and Touko naturally knew about Adek's existence, and even worshipped him!

Kaguya glanced at Tou Zi speechlessly, is this necessary! ?He admitted that Adek's Pokémon level is very high, but perhaps due to the increase in age, Adek and the champions of various regions can't get any advantage now.

As early as a few years ago, there were rumors that Adek wanted someone to take his place as the champion, but he had never been able to find a suitable candidate.

"I see, thank you!" Hui Ye smiled faintly at the staff. It would be great if he could meet Adek, and if he didn't, there would be no problem, although he also wanted to meet Adek. Deck asked for advice.

After Kaguya asked the staff for a guide, he walked into the wild reserve, and what he saw was the endless forest.

"Looking at this introduction, it seems that your Hezhong protected area is much bigger than ours in Kanto!" Xiaolan looked at the guide and the forest, and couldn't help but sigh.

Kaguya smiled faintly: "Almost all common Pokémon in the Hezhong area can be encountered here. The wild area in the Kanto area is a grassland, but it is more like a virgin forest! Of course, this is the same as the Viking Forest. Nothing compares!"

Xiao Huang nodded knowingly when he heard the words. She is the owner of the power of Vibrant Pan. Even if this place is not Vibrant Selin, she still feels a lot of things.

But recently, she even felt a familiar power in Kaguya, but she couldn't confirm it.

"This is the hometown of Rattan Snake and Nuannuan Pig! So is Xiaolan's Water Otter~"!" Mei said proudly, taking out her Pokémon Ball.

The Yusan families in the Hezhong area have a large group here. People from the alliance will come here every once in a while to get the eggs of Pokémon, and then hand them over to the research institute for incubation and training for a period of time, and then hand them over to the novice trainers.

"Come out! Lucario!" Kaguya thought about it and took out Lucario's Pokémon ball. There are quite a few wild Pokémon here, and some even take the initiative to attack humans. Baby life is important.

"Oh!" Lucario's expression became solemn the moment he came out. Judging from the waveguide, there are a lot of high-level Pokémon here...


When Kaguya and the others entered the wild reserve, the bodyguards who had observed Kaguya and his party before told the so-called Master Ito.

"Anyone who can enter the wild reserve!? It seems that they still have some details!" Although Ito Makoto said so, he was even more upset. After all, this wild reserve is even the elder of the Ito family. Master can't go in.

If you want to enter the wild reserve, you must get the approval of the regional doctor or the official alliance. It is still a little difficult for people from big families to enter, and there are many dangerous areas in it. Even if there are many powerful Pokémon in it, the children of ordinary families are really not Dare to go in.

Chapter 237 Wild Sanctuary-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

If you want to enter the wild reserve, you must get the approval of the regional doctor or the official alliance. It is still a little difficult for people from big families to enter, and there are many dangerous areas in it. Even if there are many powerful Pokémon in it, the children of ordinary families are really not Dare to go in.

"They should have a relationship with Dr. Yew, we can investigate from here!" The bodyguard said respectfully.

"Then why don't you hurry up!?!" Ito Makoto snorted coldly. Now that she heard the word yew, she felt unhappy for a while. That stinky bitch dared to reject her, and he vowed to let yew know the rejection. own fate.

Kaguya naturally didn't know that someone was coveting her elder sister, otherwise Kaguya would have killed Makoto Ito directly just now.

Yew didn't even take Makoto Ito seriously, isn't it reasonable to refuse such a thing! ?

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