However, this also gave him a lot of confidence, maybe this way, he can really save his brother!

"Radias, let's save Ladias!" Kaguya said to Rudias, not knowing when a gorgeous sword and a shield appeared in his hands, although there was a sense of disobedience, But this is the best!

Captain America's shield cannot be broken even by the skills of the third-level divine beast!Coupled with Ling Xujian and Kaguya's superb swordsmanship, he is already invincible among humans!

Chapter 1 Without weapons, is it still an evil organization? ! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Captain America's shield cannot be broken even by the skills of the third-level divine beast!Coupled with Ling Xujian and Kaguya's superb swordsmanship, he is already invincible among humans!

"Hmm!" After hearing Kaguya's words, Ladias didn't hesitate, and rushed forward with Kaguya.At the same time, Lucario and the dragon spirit had protected him at some point!

Kaguya followed closely behind it. On the way, he encountered troubles from members of the water fleet who did not have long eyes to find him. The Pokémon was easily defeated by Lucario and the Dragon Spirit, and Ling Xu of Kaguya was defeated. The sword also took the lives of several members of the water fleet!Like a wolf entering a flock, no one can stop it!

Quan Mei, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn't help her eyelids twitching. Their water fleet usually did a lot of murder. After all, they were truly evil organizations!In order to create a better world, it is inevitable to make sacrifices!

However, Kaguya is too ferocious, isn't it? !And this action doesn't look like a novice!How do you feel that Kaguya is the real big devil!

"Big Wolf Dog, Megalodon stop him!" As a senior cadre of the Water Fleet, Izumi's Pokémon is not bad, but it seems that there is still a little gap with Apollo and the others...

"This doctor in your alliance doesn't look like a doctor at all!" Shui Wutong looked at Kaguya's behavior and felt distressed for a while. These people are the main force of the water fleet. This is a big deal for him and the water fleet. The loss, Shui Wutong will naturally try to sow discord in front of Dawu, the league champion!

Dawu was naturally unmoved: "Every one of your subordinates has committed a lot of crimes. Even if they don't die, they have to sit in prison. What's there to say!"

He's not stupid, what happened to Kaguya's murder?He didn't kill innocent people, but the people of the water fleet!And when they are usually on a mission, it's not that they can't kill people!

What's more, Kaguya is not a real elf doctor, but a helpful and enthusiastic public, how can you criticize him! ?

"Don't move! Otherwise, you're all dead!" Izumi saw that her Pokémon was gradually losing ground in front of the dragon elf and Lucario at 5.8, so she quickly got a cannon aimed at Kaguya!

Even though Shui Wutong said before that he wanted to capture Hui Ye alive, but now Hui Ye is about to kill them, what is there to hesitate? !

Quan Mei knew that even if Kaguya was killed, Shui Wutong would not blame herself!Being able to become the officer of the water fleet, she is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Don't use hot weapons, just use Pokémon to fight, so are they still an evil organization! ?How is it different from a normal trainer? !

"Hmm!" Ladias saw the pitch-black barrel, and hurriedly came to Kaguya, trying to block these attacks with his body!

These cannons made it and Ladios suffer a lot before! .

Chapter 282 The Water Fleet Is Retreating

Although he was very afraid of artillery fire and was not very courageous, in order to protect Kaguya, Ladias resolutely chose to block the gun for Kaguya!

Kaguya was brought in to help. If there was any problem with Kaguya, it would be all its fault. Ladias didn't want to hurt Kaguya, and it liked Kaguya very much in his heart, and I don't want Kaguya to get hurt or even die!

Facing Ladias' behavior, Kaguya smiled slightly, feeling a little moved in her heart. Obviously, Ladias's behavior made him extremely happy, what a well-behaved and kind Pokémon!

He patted Ladias on the body and said, "Don't worry about me!"

Ladias was even more moved when he heard the words. He thought that Kaguya wanted to save his brother and chose to face danger because of it!

It is not only women who like to think wildly, but also female Pokémon. In this instant, countless thoughts flashed in Ladias' mind, and he was even more determined to follow Kaguya in the future.

Ladias shook its cute little head stubbornly. It was hit by such a 14 cannon and suffered a lot of injuries at that time, but it would not die after bearing it, but Kaguya was different. In terms of physical strength, can humans compare with Pokémon? !

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Hui Ye smiled faintly, and then said to Quan Mei in a very indifferent tone: "You can try it!"

Hearing Kaguya's almost threatening words, Quan Mei frowned slightly. She hadn't met anyone who dared to threaten her like this for a long time. Is this guy crazy? !Are you really not afraid of death or do you think you are afraid to shoot! ?

Or, does he still have trump cards? !

Izumi naturally doesn't know how hard Kaguya's Captain America's shield is!

Nazi, Xiaolan, and Xiaohuang, who were watching the battle from a distance, were no longer in such a hurry when faced with such a situation!

They are naturally aware of Hui Ye's means, especially when Xiao Huang knew that he blocked Hui Ye's gun last time, and almost had a major accident!Sometimes care is messy!But the number of times is more, the heart will naturally let go!

No longer worry about this and that like before!

Quan Mei hesitated for a moment, but when she saw Kaguya getting closer, a trace of unease flashed in her heart!Although this distance is still relatively safe, Kaguya can no longer be allowed to move forward!

She decided to give Kaguya a warning first, and Izumi aimed the rocket launcher at the fiery red shield in Kaguya's hand and fired the rocket!

That's right, it's a fiery red shield. As a transmigrator from the Great Celestial Dynasty, how can he tolerate that his shield is an old beauty's style! ?

As early as when he returned to the Hezhong area, Kaguya changed the shape of the shield, that is, a red and beautiful piece with a yellow five-pointed star in the middle!

With a bang, a rocket shot out from the pitch-black barrel. Kaguya originally wanted to use a shield to block this attack, but after observing with a shackle, he was surprised to find the rocket's impact. The trajectory of the movement is astonishingly the shield in his hand!Of course he no longer acts!

No one understands the magic of the shield in his hand better than him. It is made of Edman metal!

Some time ago, Kaguya also let Coco Dora try to eat this shield, but Coco Dora almost clenched her teeth!

I only heard a bang, and the rocket hit the shield in Kaguya's hand, causing countless sparks, but miraculously, it didn't cause an explosion!

Chapter 282 The water fleet is about to retreat-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

I only heard a bang, and the rocket hit the shield in Kaguya's hand, causing countless sparks, but miraculously, it didn't cause an explosion!

Kaguya only felt a huge force coming from the tiger's mouth in his hand, causing his left hand to go numb, but that's all!The shield in his hand was not damaged in the slightest, and the rocket attack could not cause any scratches!

All the people who are paying attention to the situation here have been dumbfounded, especially the people from the water fleet, they know about the rockets that Izumi fired just now!Although it will not produce a huge explosion, its penetration is extremely strong, which is enough to penetrate a steel plate with a thickness of tens of centimeters!

It is specially designed to penetrate steel armor!

As a result, it was launched on the shield less than a centimeter behind Kaguya's hand, but the pattern was not even scratched!What kind of international joke is this? !

"Huh?!" Ladias was a little surprised at first, and then looked at the shield in Kaguya's hand with joy. What is this? !It's so sturdy!

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