"Right now, Ritian, rescue Ladios!" Kaguya said directly to the fire-breathing dragon who didn't know when it had already flown in front of him, regardless of the thoughts of the others.

With Frog Flower attracting hatred for Charizard, and Kaguya's series of actions, Charizard X was almost the most inconspicuous existence just now.

The people of the water fleet just ignored it for a while, and the fire-breathing dragon is about to do something. It sneaked into the "backyard" of the water fleet by flying!Facing those instruments is a jet of flame.

As the faint blue flames swept away, those expensive instruments instantly began to emit thick smoke and burst into flames!

"Damn it!" Shui Wutong cursed inwardly, he didn't expect that there would be such 420 changes, so many people could not stop a newcomer who had just traveled for three months!

This is simply the person who lost the water fleet!

However, Shui Wutong also knows that this is no wonder Quan Mei, because they don't know enough about Kaguya, and it can even be said that they didn't expect Kaguya and Dawu to come here bored!

Even just now, Izumi did not directly attack Kaguya's body with a rocket launcher, but it was his order!

The problem is with him!

However, up to now, Shui Wutong had no choice but to retreat, and he quickly said to Quanmei in the distance: "Don't worry about the rest, bring the mega evolution stone and retreat!"

"Yes!" Quan Mei naturally knew that it was impossible, the research equipment had been destroyed by the fire-breathing dragon, and their operation this time was a failure!

As for this Ladios captured by them, there is no difference between taking it away and not taking it away. Whether it can survive or not is a problem, and there is not much research value and conquest value!

Like Ladios, the rest of the Hoenn area is not without it!

"Oh!" Hearing the words of these "bad guys", Ladias naturally wouldn't back down, and rushed in the direction of his brother! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Be careful!" Facing Rudias' reckless behavior, Kaguya hurriedly shouted.

Sure enough, the moment Rudias rushed out, a power grid rushed towards it, and Rudias plunged into it.

"Zizzizizi!" High-voltage electricity continued to emerge from the power grid, continuously shocking Ladias!

"Oh..." Although the level of Ladias is very high, under the electric shock of the power grid, it keeps making a sound, and it keeps pulling the power grid with its small claws, but unfortunately the power grid is pulling more The tighter it gets, the harder it is to break free!

Hui Ye sighed silently, what is this?Fortunately, its location is not very far from Charizard X. Although the people of the Water Fleet were a little moved by Ladias, they did not come up to retrieve the corpse, and the Charizard did not continue to attack those members of the Water Fleet at this moment. !

Before, it was possible to destroy the water fleet's equipment based on strength and surprise. Now the water fleet has reacted, and it is not easy to continue to destroy it, not to mention that the fire-breathing dragon knows that Kaguya is interested in this Ladias. , and even their main goal is to subdue this Ladias. In this case, it is natural to protect Ladias!

If Ladias was picked up by the people of the Water Fleet, wouldn't Kaguya be at a loss? !

As long as Ladios isn't taken away, the rest doesn't matter much to Charizard X.As for these people who want to catch themselves and hire Pokémon hunters, although Charizard X cares about it, it is unrealistic to just leave the water fleet here!

In other words, Kaguya never thought of destroying the water fleet!At least not for the time being. Even if there is no water fleet, other evil organizations will be born. With Kaguya's high-profile character, there will definitely be evil organizations constantly looking for trouble!

These troubles, although a little troublesome, are also experience value!

Now, the water fleet wants to leave, and Charizard X doesn't care either, as long as Ladios is not captured and Ladios is not taken away!

At the same time, Lucario also came to Ladias' side. It was a good kill just now. These people are all people from evil organizations and Pokémon. As a typical example of beasts who don't talk much, naturally Will be merciful, this feeling is even more comfortable than brushing the level in the wild reserve!

However, at this moment, it did not go after the people of the water fleet, but came to protect Ladias silently, and at the same time watched Ladios to prevent it from being taken away!

Perhaps there was a similar experience, and Lucario looked at the two siblings Ladios and Ladias with such a different kind of emotion in their eyes!

If possible, Lucario would also like to go up and help Ladias to open the power grid covering his body, but he knows that he can't do it by himself. Going in, the electric shock power of this grid seems to be no weaker than the [-] volts of an ordinary King-level Electric Pokémon!

Kaguya walked forward silently, watching Ladias who couldn't help crying out to him for help, and sighed silently, this girl is too impatient, right? !

It's understandable that you want to save your brother, but isn't that causing trouble! ?

However, Kaguya didn't say much, and took out a Pokémon ball in his hand and took out his Yukira!

Chapter 1 Yukira who made meritorious service-->>(page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

However, Kaguya didn't say much, and took out a Pokémon ball in his hand and took out his Yukira!

Kaguya's Yukira has already reached level [-], a level that can evolve into Shakira, but it has been reluctant to evolve. It seems that it feels that it can eat more ore and store more energy. It is good for it to evolve, not only can reduce the time in the state of Shakira, evolve into Bangira faster, but also can better exert its strength after evolving into Bangira!

Kaguya didn't force Kira to evolve quickly. It was just a child in itself. It only took two months to hatch from a Pokémon egg. It evolved too quickly, and it really didn't do much good. Anyway, Kaguya Not in a rush!He still has a lot of Pokemon, and there is no shortage of such a Pokemon for the time being!

"Yuki' '!" Yukila never thought that he would have the chance to play, usually the bosses would charge in front, and this cute newcomer was shouting behind him!

However, Kaguya is not very keen on ground-type Pokémon, and there is only one ground-type Pokémon that he currently owns.

Ground-type Pokémon are immune to most electrical skills, although they are not completely immune in the real world.If a Pokémon like Zekrom uses Thunder on a ground-based Pokémon, most of the Pokémon will also be killed in seconds!

However, at the moment, that's enough!

".~Yukira, help Ladias tear off the power grid on its body!" Kaguya didn't care about the water fleet members who were already arranging people to walk towards a flying machine not far ahead, but instead Then Kira ordered.

At this moment, even if he wants to keep these people, it is of no use. As long as Shui Wutong and Quanmei are not killed, in fact, it is only a loss for the water fleet!

Can't reach the level of injury, it's better to brush goodwill in front of Ladias!

However, the equipment of these evil organizations is really very good!

This kind of grid can make Ladias pull tighter and tighter, and it can also be energized. This material is not ordinary!

Moreover, the strength of this electricity made Kaguya a little afraid!The skill names of Pokémon are often just names, such as one hundred thousand volts. No Pokémon’s power is just one hundred thousand volts. This power intensity is related to Pokémon, (okay) it is related to the level of Pokémon, It is also related to the proficiency of skills, and the strength of this electricity is already stronger than most electric Pokémon!

You have to be careful in the future as well!

After Yu Kira heard Kaguya's command, he stretched out his little claws and "swiped" and tore off the net wrapped around Ladias, and the electricity reached Yu Kira. The side has no effect at all!

"Yuki Yuki!" Yukira saw that she had fulfilled Kaguya's request, and hurriedly asked Kaguya for credit like a child!

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