Level: Level [-]

System evaluation: Millennium Bastard, Ten Thousand Years Turtle, this is a water arrow turtle that I don't know how many years it has lived, its strength is very powerful, almost beyond the limit of the race, this may be the most powerful water arrow turtle in the world !Maybe this water arrow turtle can live for tens of thousands of years!So host, are you excited? ?

Looking at the system review of the water arrow turtle, Kaguya's mouth twitched, system, you are getting skinnier!

Even the hidden characteristics of the power of the king were discovered by the system!

However, Hui Ye can be considered to know, the characteristics and hidden characteristics are not only the ones they usually know, but these characteristics are not very conspicuous, so that ordinary researchers do not notice these characteristics at all!

Thousands of years of lifespan, which is difficult to appear among many Pokémon, generally only divine beasts can achieve it, but this water arrow turtle did it!

I am afraid it is precisely because of the hidden characteristics of this arrogance that it can surpass the limit of the race and come to this place!Or maybe it has eaten something that gave it such a powerful potential and long lifespan!

Chapter 1 The Scary Water Arrow Turtle! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

I am afraid it is precisely because of the hidden characteristics of this arrogance that it can surpass the limit of the race and come to this place!Or maybe it has eaten something that gave it such a powerful potential and long lifespan!

Kaguya looked at other Pokémon such as Jenny Turtle and Kamui Turtle, and found that the level of these Pokémon is not very high. Perhaps there is such an ancestor, and they are not particularly eager for strength!

Or maybe those powerful jenny turtles, kami turtles and water arrow turtles have left this group to pick up the hills and become the bosses by themselves!

Of course, the talents of these Pokémon are quite good, and some even have the potential of the King of Heaven, which is extremely rare in the group of Jenny Turtles!

"Does anyone here know about Dr. Damu!?" Kaguya asked Xiao Mao.

Xiaomao nodded: "Grandpa knows, he also came to see it, just before you came to Zhenxin Town, but he told me to try not to come!"

"Yes, he reminded you correctly, this small island floating on the sea is actually a water arrow turtle! His level is very high..." Kaguya couldn't help but sighed, although Dr. Damu is Dr. Damu, He should have discovered the extraordinaryness of this water arrow turtle, but Dr. Damu still resisted the desire to subdue the water arrow turtle to observe and study it!I would rather let the water arrow turtles live a peaceful life than disturb them!

Perhaps, his spirit in this regard is not enough!

"Water Arrow Turtle!?" Xiao Mao couldn't help swallowing when he heard this. This is too exaggerated!

"I'm going to subdue them, do you want to subdue a few more jenny turtles?! Their talents are very good!" Hui Ye smiled lightly, with the level of these jerky turtles, if there is no water arrow turtles Protect them, they will also encounter danger in the wild, so Kaguya is a good person to do a good job!

Doesn't Ash also have a group of Kentaro? !It's not too much to get a group of jenny turtles by yourself!Anyway, they are also raised in the small world, and today's small world is expanding all the time!

"Hmm! (It's very strong!)" Ladias seemed to sense the "hell of the king" from the water arrow turtle and blocked in front of Kaguya, watching the water arrow turtle vigilantly!

Such a Pokémon is difficult to deal with even if it is a mega!

The only thing that is calm is the dream. Although it is only a war five scumbag now, it used to be a big boss with a level of a god!This level is nothing at all!

"Is it very strong?" Xiaomao couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Hui Ye's Pokémon level is not low. His grandfather, Dr. Damu once said that almost all of Hui Ye's main forces are above the level of the king!It's just that Kaguya couldn't bring out the maximum strength of these Pokémon!

Now this water arrow turtle is even said to be strong by Kaguya, how strong is that! ?

"I still can't, I have my own water arrow tortoise is enough!" Xiaomao hesitated and refused, he still has feelings for his water 1.3 water arrow tortoise, and that water arrow tortoise is also his current absolute trump card!

During this time, Xiaomao even found the mega evolution stone of Blastoise through the resources in his family. He believed that his Blastoise would become stronger and stronger!

"Kamei!" The water arrow turtles who were sleeping over there seemed to be aware of the existence of Kaguya and others, with an angry look on their faces. They don't like being disturbed!The more powerful the Pokémon, the more concerned about the territory, and they don't like others to enter their territory. Last time, it was fortunate that Xiao Mao had such a water arrow turtle. If he took out other Pokémon, he would probably be disabled!

"Blazka, fight me! I want to subdue you!" Kaguya took out a Pokémon ball in his hand, and the most important thing to do in the face of such a Pokémon is to subdue it! . . .

Chapter 333 Battle of the Water Arrow Turtle

"Kamei!" The water arrow turtle looked suspiciously at Ladias who was blocking Kaguya. The transformation of Ladias is not as seamless as a dream. As long as you look carefully, many people can Recognize it for itself!

"Ladias, get out of the way!" Kaguya urged to Ladias, and with the current level of Ladias, she is really not the opponent of this water arrow turtle!

Kaguya's main Pokémon: Gyarados level [-], Charizard X[-], Dragon Elf level [-], Frog Flower normal state level [-], Lucario normal state level [-], Ladias level [-], this counts as Hui The five most powerful Pokémon so far.

Others such as Menus have also reached level [-], and Snorlax is level [-], which are very high levels! (List the grade, under normal circumstances this kind of data is not listed!)

Even the next-level fossil pterosaurs and Pokémon like Hackosaurus are the absolute main candidates for many people!

It can be said that the Pokémon talents under Kaguya are full of talents!However, to fight this water arrow turtle, I am afraid it will be a little difficult!

"Come out! Frog Flower!" Kaguya threw 14 balls of Frog Flower's Pokémon. In the end, Kaguya decided to rely on the advantage of attributes to fight!

The three imperial families in the Kanto region can be said to be old enemies. Whenever a competition sees two of the water arrow turtles, fire-breathing dragons and wonderful frog flowers fighting, it always attracts the attention of many people.

When the wonderful frog flower appeared, the water arrow turtle glanced at the wonderful frog flower and glanced at Kaguya, and the contemptuous little eyes seemed to say, this is it! ?Obviously, the level of Frog Flower can be pushed all the way outside, but it seems to be a little worse in front of the water arrow turtle!

Hui Ye pouted helplessly, this water arrow turtle is really proud!

"Wonderful Frog Flower, mega evolution!" Hui Ye ordered to Brilliant Frog Flower immediately!

In this way, the wonderful frog flower radiated a dazzling white light in front of the water arrow turtle, which shocked the water arrow turtle.

After living for so many years, it has also fought with other wonderful frog flowers many times, but it clearly knows that the wonderful frog flower is actually the same as itself is the final evolution type, and there is no possibility of continuing to evolve, otherwise, with its strength It should have evolved a long time ago!

It's just, unfortunately, the wonderful frog flower has really evolved in front of his eyes!This is simply incredible!

Looking at the stunned look on the water arrow turtle, Kaguya's face showed a slight smile: "How?! If you want to become my Pokémon, I can also make you evolve like this, and your strength can be improved one step further. !"

It's not that Kaguya is fooling Blastoise, although Kaguya has never met Blastoise's mega evolution stone, but with his resources and asking Dawu and the others to help, it may not be impossible to find Blastoise's mega evolution stone!

He believes that there will be many people who are willing to sell their favor!

"Kamei (beat me!)" The Water Arrow Turtle did not refuse directly. In fact, it also longed to become stronger. Even at the earliest time, it had its own Pokémon trainer, and it understood an excellent Pokémon training. The benefits that home can bring to oneself, but that trainer died of old age early!

Well, with its lifespan, even the longest-lived human being can't survive him!

If Kaguya can really get its approval and make it stronger, the water arrow turtle doesn't mind becoming Kaguya's Pokémon, anyway, it's only a few decades at most, and it's just a blink of an eye. Just blink!

When it reaches its age, it has already looked down on many things, but when faced with the temptation of strength, it still cannot calm down!

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